Welcome to NGB and our Stellar Blade guide for the Looking for My Brother Request! Here we’ll cover where you can pick up the request, how to complete it and what rewards you’ll receive at the end.
How to Start the Looking for My Brother Request
You can start this request by accepting it at the Bulletin Board in Xion. It will appear there after you’ve completed a few of the other requests.

How to Complete the Looking for My Brother Request
This request will be submitted to the Bulletin Board by Melina who is looking for her little brother, Aaron. According to her, the Sentinels have placed her brother under investigation and are refusing to look for him. To begin your search, travel to the Wasteland then make your way to the Junkyard Supply Camp in the Junk Plains in the southeastern part of the Wasteland.

From there you’ll want to follow the path northeast a ways to reach a dead end on a cliff filled with crates. As you approach the crates, a few Creeper Naytiba will shoot out of the ground that you’ll need to deal with. Once they are taken care of, climb up to the top of the crates to find a bunker on the other side.

Press the button on the metal column next to the bunker to open it. Three targets will fly out that you’ll need to shoot. Do this two more times to finally open the bunker. Drop down inside and investigate the boy to receive Aaron’s Memory and the passcode to his locker.

Take it back to the Bulleting Board to complete the request and receive your reward. Please note, if you drop down the cliff behind the bunker, there will be a shack with a Bulletin Board inside you can use to complete the request.
Request Rewards
Once you have completed the request, you’ll be rewarded with the items listed below!
- 3,500 Gold
- Vitcoin x2
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