Welcome to NGB and our Stellar Blade walkthrough for the An Unknown Present mission! Here we’ll cover everything you’ll need to easily breeze through this mission!
How to Start the An Unknown Present Mission
First, you’ll need to start the Light of Hope main mission. Afterwards, this request will become available in Xion so travel to the alley behind Gwen’s Hair Salon to trigger a cutscene where a sentinel will bade EVE to follow him.

How to Complete the An Unknown Present Mission
For this request, you’ll need to head southwest of the Gwen’s Hair Salon to find Inn heading towards Sisters’ Junk. Across from the Sisters’ Junk there will be a gate that you can head through to reach Inn.

Speak with them and they will hand you a terminal prompting you to input a passcode. As you don’t know what it is, back out of it which will cause EVE to question Inn about the device. They’ll respond saying that he was only told to deliver it to you in secret and the An Unknown Present will then complete.
Mission Rewards
Once you have completed the request, you’ll be rewarded with the items listed below!
- SP
- Damaged Device
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