Welcome to NGB and our guide on the Starfield Shattered Space The Scaled Citadel mission. This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to find the most relevant information easily.
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How to Start the Scaled Citadel Mission
You will automatically start the Scaled Citadel mission after completing the Aligning the Houses mission.
The Scaled Citadel Mission Guide
Assist Ekris
After completing the Aligning the Houses mission, Ekris will request your help firing the Mourning Device. You’ll need to power, aim, and fire the device to puncture the bubble surrounding the Scaled Citadel.
Talk to Malibor Dul’kehf
Head down to the statue near the Mourning Device to spot Malibor. Speak with him (and the others) who will voluntell you to enter the Scaled Citadel to save the Speaker. All Must Serve!
Enter the Scaled Citadel
Head to the southern side of the citadel to find a path filled with non-hostile phantoms. Follow along it to finally reach the Scaled Citadel. Just outside, a few Vortex Phantoms and Horrors will spawn and attack you. Deal with them as you approach the entrance and head inside when you get there.
Talk to Anasko Va’runn
Once you are inside, Anasko will appear. Speak with him to get your bearing, and then press on.
Reach the Reactor Level
Proceed into the giant area where more phantoms attack you. You’ll want to head to the Speaker’s Hall and then behind the stage, grabbing the Jinan Va’ruun – From the Scriptures log on the podium along the way.

Keep heading down until you reach the Research Level.

End the Security Lockdown
On the Research Level, a security lockdown is in effect. You’ll need to end it by heading left past the secure access doors and cutting down the cuttable wall there.

Enter the machine room, and the vents from there follow along the vent shaft. You’ll need to pick an expert lock to bring you to a hallway. Go straight and take a left into the Facilities room, mindful of the turrets and robots.

Interact with the Facilities Computer, then go to Security Control System and select Override Lockdown. It will fail, requiring you to destroy the modulator.

You can do this by flipping the Modulator Containment Release. When it pops out, shoot it. Go back to the computer and do the same thing to end the lockdown.
Reach the Reactor Level
Exit Facilities, then take a left, and follow that path to reach the entrance to the Reactor Level. As you approach the door, it will be sealed, and several robots and turrets will attack you. Defeat them all to make the door accessible again and head through.
Replace the Vortex Interlock
When you reach the reactor, swap out the Vortex Interlock and wait for the citadel to stabilize.
Talk to Anasko Va’ruun
Follow Anasko to the monitoring center and speak with him there to learn more about what’s going on. When he finishes talking, you’ll have a choice to make. You can also speak with him first to get some more information by pressing the intercom switch.

Release the Phantoms

If you want to release the phantoms, press the switch to activate the Vortex Crusade Protocol. While they are being created, zealots will breach the citadel. Anasko will tell you to meet him in the pinnacle before disappearing.
Terminate Pod Life Support

If you want to terminate the pod life support, interact with the life support station and initiate the emergency shutdown. This will anger Anasko who will then threaten the Setteled Systems. Zealots will then begin attacking the citadel, to which he responds by telling you all to try and stop him in the pinnacle.
Reach the Pinnacle

To reach it, keep heading up. As you move throughout the citadel, zealots and phantoms will be everywhere, and both will be hostile. When you reach the Speaker’s Hall, proceed to the Crusader’s Hall. In the Crusader’s Hall you’ll find a door next to a large helmet display that you’ll need to go through to reach the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, enter the High Council Wing. Next, enter the High Council Chamber to the left. Head through the doors on the north side of this room then keep going north. Eventually, at the top just before a balcony overlooking a large tree, head to Anasko’s office on the right.

You’ll need Anasko’s ID Card, which is on his desk. While you’re there, you can access his computer and pick up all the logs on his desk. Afterwards, head to the door across the way to find an elevator inside and use it to reach the pinnacle.
Kill Anasko
Speak with Anasko when you arrive. He’ll tell you that they must shift the citadel back into the vortex to take out all the zealots but that it will also kill you. You’ll have the option to either attack him or submit.
If you submit, you’ll kneel down, accepting your fate. The game will then reload, allowing you to stop Anasko.
This next part is going to be intense and highly stressful! Take a deep breath now and read through the rest of this description before you begin!! When you attack Anasko, you must kill him several times until the objective updates to overload the gate. You can do this by flipping 4 switches around the area and destroying the power source they reveal.

While doing this, enemies will continually respawn along with Anasko.
Escape the Scaled Citadel
Once you have overloaded the gate, you’ll have to escape the citadel before it’s pulled into the vortex so RUN!!! You’ll have to face tons of enemies all the way to the exit, including Anasko (he won’t stop). Just ignore them! At points along your escape, you’ll need to drop through the floor, so watch out for those thin blue spots.

Once you get outside, a cutscene triggers with you regaining control of your character with the council. You’ll get to decide who shall lead everyone now. You’re options are between House Veth’aal, House Dul’kehf or House Ka’dic. If you say that you don’t think any of them are fit to lead, they will allow you to leave but mark you as an enemy of Hose Va’ruun. This also means that Andreja will leave the party permanently. The 3 houses will also not allow you to select yourself.
After that, you’ll also have to determine whether the house will start the Great Crusade again. After you make your choices, the mission will finally be completed, and you’ll get 350 EXP, some credits, and a house in the city.
Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs
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