Welcome to NGB and our guide for the Starfield Mantis mission! This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the most relevant information for you.
Starfield Mantis Mission Quick Links
How to Start the Starfield Mantis Mission
Mantis is one of the misc missions you can pick up on planet Jemison. To start it, you’ll need to read the Secret Outpost! note on a dead Spacer. We found ours during the Security Concerns mission at the Abandoned Deimos Scrapyard.
Starfield Mantis Mission Guide
Read the Secret Outpost Slate
Open your Inventory screen and select the Secret Outpost! text log in your Notes section. This will update the objective and give you the coordinates of where you need to go: Denebola I-b.
Go to the Secret Outpost at Denebola I-B
When you’re ready, travel to the Secret Outpost on Denebola I-b, which is the moon of Denebola I in the Denebola System. Be prepared to fight as soon as you land. The area has a handful of Spacers that will attack you if you get close. Head southwest from your ship to find the entrance to the Lair of the Mantis. Make your way inside if you dare!
Explore the Lair of the Mantis
Exploring the Lair of the Mantis is pretty straightforward, you’ll just need to follow the only path forward while dealing with the Spacers and looting things to your heart’s content. When you find Leon, you’ll get an optional objective to speak with Livvey who can be found nearby. He’ll say that he knows how to disarm the traps and asks to go along with you (for only a small fraction of the treasure). You can also kill him if you want.
If this is a NG+ run, then you’ll have a special dialog option which results in you fighting Livvery.

Just past Livvey, you’ll reach a room of floor plates with letters transcribed on them and turrets on the other end. If you step on the wrong plate, you’ll be gunned down. Luckily we have the word you need to spell out: T-Y-R-A-N-N-I-S. Step on the tiles in that order and you’ll make it to the other side safely. Alternatively, you can shoot and take out the turrets then walk across.

Continuing on, you’ll head up a flight of stairs past the floor puzzle and take a left through a doorway. This will bring you into a hallway with a turret and leads to a room with two robots. There will be an automated message you can listen to by interacting with the intercom on the left side of the doorway in this room which will satisfy the Learn More About the Lair optional objective.

Head through through the doorway following along another hallway to the room at the end. There you’ll have to fight one last robot. If you brought Livvey with you, he’ll seal you in the room with the robot claiming to take all of the treasure for himself (a decision that blows up in his face). After you defeat it, head through the door near the computers to reach the hanger (which also has a few death robots).

After heading down the ramp in the hanger, take a left to head through the Mantis’ room. You’ll be able to find her suit in a case in a connecting room along with some chests.

Head to the other end of the hangar, to find the Mantis Ship. Interact with the Starship Lift Controls to claim it as your own. You’ll then need to exit the hangar and take the elevator in the command room up to reach the entrance of the building.

Exit the building and approach the ship to complete the mission.
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