Welcome to our walkthrough for the Deliver a TerraBrew Cappuccino to Donna Rain activity in Starfield! This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the information needed.
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How to Start the Deliver a TerraBrew Cappuccino to Donna Rain Mission
This activity is one of the many you can pick up on New Atlantis. To start it, make your way to the MAST District via NAT. After exiting the NAT, you’ll find Donna Rain sweeping. Speak with her and tell her that she looks tired then offer to deliver her a coffee.
Deliver a TerraBrew Cappuccino to Donna Rain Walkthrough
To retrieve the coffee, hop back on the NAT and take it to the Spaceport. On the right side of this area you’ll find Terrabrew Coffee.

Head inside and speak with an employee behind the counter to purchase a Terrabrew Cappuccino for 71 credits.
Now that you have the coffee, return to the NAT and ride it to the MAST District. Speak with Donna and say “Here’s that TerraCino you wanted.” As a reward, you’ll receive 400 Credits.
Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs
Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield, such as additional guides to assist you during your adventures in the Settled Systems!