Welcome to our walkthrough for the Background Checks mission in Starfield! This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the information needed.
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How to Start the Background Checks Mission
Background Checks is one of the faction missions for Ryujin Industries. You’ll automatically begin this mission after completing the Top Secrets mission.
Background Checks Walkthrough
Talk to Dalton Fiennes
Head to the middle floor of the Executive Offices then speak with Dalton.
Meet Nyx at Madame Sauvage’s Place
Exit the building and take the door to EBBSIDE that is located to the left of Mining League. From there enter Madame Sauvage’s Place and speak with Nyx. He’ll only give you the program for a price or a favor. Thankfully, the price is only 2500 credits and you can persuade him to lower it to 1000. If you don’t want to pay, you can select to do that favor. He’ll want you to put the program on Camden Cho’s computer, too. We chose to just cough up the 1,000 credits as this would be going against Ryujin.
Find a Way into Ryujin Tower
Make sure to equip the Novablast Disruptor you received to prevent deaths as the guards will become hostile if they catch you sneaking around like Dalton warned. When you’re ready, exit Madame Sauvage’s Place then take a left. At the end of the path, take the really long staircase to the top where you’ll find a button. Activate it to turn the structure around. Hop on the new path and follow it to enter Ryujin Industries HQ!
Run Nyx’s Program on Ularu’s Computer
Follow the vent to emerge in an empty room. Head towards the Out of Order door to find some crates you can jump on to enter the vents.

Once in the vents, head forward and interact with the Panel Door on the wall just after a window. You’ll then be able to power down the floor lights. With the lights turned off, continue through the vents and drop down the hole at the end to reach an empty supply closet. Open the door then sneak your way past the guards to another door that has a set of stairs behind it. Take these stairs all the way up to the top. At the top, sneak across to a supply closet where you’ll find a hatch in the ceiling.

Open it then jump up into the vents. Right next to the hatch, you’ll find the box to power down the floor lights. Activate it then hug the left wall. Take the hatch on the left side to reach a cafeteria. Drop down into this area then head straight through the hallway. At the end, you’ll need to be extremely mindful of the guard on the right side. (For us the game glitched and the lights did not go off. We were able to make it past the guard by sprinting without a companion!)

When you’re able, take a right turn and open (then shut) the door. This will lead to another vent. Head up into the vent and follow the linear path. Head through the door then be careful in this area as there are A LOT of guards!! Head straight then hug the left side.

You’ll emerge into a big open room with a giant tree in the middle. Head left!

In the next room, head up the stairs and take a right to find another vent. Be mindful of the guard on the left side of the stairs!! (We sprinted up the stairs, took a right and jumped up to the vent without being caught after several tries of being sneaky!) Once in the vent, follow it to reach the rafters. Head to the right and follow the rafters to reach the vent in the center of the room on the other side.

At the end of this vent, you’ll find a locked panel door. Use a digipick to unlock it so you can turn off the lights. When you jump down into the next room, there will be a guard behind you so quickly make your way straight ahead to the stairs leading up (we hugged the right side a bit to get out of the guard’s line of sight)! Once at the top of the stairs, hug the left side to find Ularu’s office. Interact with her computer and select the bottom file to run Nyx’s program on Ularu’s computer.
Exit Ryujin Tower
We just peaced out by teleporting to our ship, however, you can also use the ceiling vent in her office to exit the building.
Meet Nyx at his Apartment
When looking at Madame Sauvage’s Place, take a left and curve around the alley. When you see the red wall in front of you with Strikers written on it, take a right followed by an immediate right.

Head down the hallway. Just before the set of stairs leading up, look to your right to find another set of stairs. Take them up to reach Nyx’s apartment. Head inside and speak with Nyx. You’ll then need to wait for him to do his thing! When he finishes, speak with him again to retrieve the slate.
Return to Dalton at Ryujin Tower
Make your way back to Ryujin Tower (this time via the front door!) and head up to the Executive Offices. Head up the stairs and speak with Dalton Fiennes in the security office then wait for him to peruse the files. Speak with him when he’s through to learn who the culprit is. Afterwards, the mission will complete!
Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs
Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield, such as additional guides to assist you during your adventures in the Settled Systems!