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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Star Wars Outlaws guide on the Underworld Mail Service intel chain. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can obtain the intel and the steps needed to finish it successfully.

How to Start the Underworld Mail Service Intel Chain

Star Wars Outlaws The Underworld Mail Service

To begin the Underworld Mail Service intel chain, speak with the guy across from the speeder mechanic in Sashin on Akiva.

Underworld Mail Service Star Wars Outlaws

Underworld Mail Service Walkthrough

A bala-bala mechanic needs help discreetly delivering packages around Akiva to the below people!


Star Wars outlaws Maynora

After completing The Scavenger expert quest, head to Kazu (below) first. From Mozampa Farm, follow the river west to find Maynora.



Star Wars Outlaws Kazu

After completing The Scavenger expert quest, travel just north of Salea’s Hand on Akiva. To reach this area, head to Mozampa Farm in Myrra Valley then hop in the water and follow it north to the objective. When you arrive at the search area, you’ll find Kazu leaning against a fence near a dock.

Kazu Star Wars Outlaws


Underworld Mail Service Tripp

Travel to a small camp along the main road between Salea’s Hand and Myrra Outskirts. Once there, you’ll need to locate the drop-off point. Speak with the guy leaning against the building to the left of the main door.


Successful Delivery

Return to the speeder mechanic in Sashin to complete the intel and receive 500 credits.

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