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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Star Wars Outlaws guide on the Mehdo’s Table intel chain. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can obtain the intel and the steps needed to finish it successfully.

How to Start the Mehdo’s Table Intel

To begin the Mehdo’s Table intel chain, speak with the pair just outside of Selik Mynnabah’s shop in Kijimi City.

Mehdo’s Table Walkthrough

Kijimi High-rollers

Travel to the Domak Refectory in the northwestern corner of Kijimi City. Once inside, speak with the bartender.

Broke Sabacc Player

Star Wars Outlaws Mehdo's Table

Head on over to the Kijimi Spaceport and speak with the guy sitting down near the bridge leading to the spaceport.

Broke Sabacc Player Star Wars Outlaws

He’ll give you a choice: Purchase the access card for 100 credits or don’t buy it. Buy it!

Secret Sabacc Parlor

Return to the Domak Refectory. On the western side, use the keycard to open the green door then head inside.

Star Wars Outlaws Secret Sabacc Parlor

In the back of the room, sit down at the table to play. After you win, you’ll receive the Nightfall Finish for the Trailblazer and the Mehdo’s Table intel will resolve!

Additional Star Wars Outlaws Guides

Make sure to check out our Star Wars Outlaws Guides and Walkthroughs main page for a complete listing of all our guides and walkthroughs!

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