Welcome to NGB and our Star Wars Outlaws guide on the Fathier Scam intel chain. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can start the intel and the steps needed to finish it successfully. If you need help with a particular part, be sure to check out our Quick Links section which will direct you to the right spot!
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How to Start the Fathier Scam Intel

To begin the Fathier Scam intel chain, speak with the lady in the Canto Fathier Racing betting station on the eastern side of Mos Eisley on Tatooine.

Fathier Scam Walkthrough
Fixed Race
Head into the Hutt Cartel District in Mos Eisley then head to the westernmost building. After entering the building, head west into the backroom with Clemah Mudoo, contract broker. On the north side of this room, crawl through the vent.
When you emerge, go right towards the table. Be careful of the camera there! Go through the red door and head down the stairs. Take out the guy at the bottom then head down the hall. Take a left and take out the guy there, too.
Afterwards, return to the first room and look through the bars on the window. Have Nix hold the switch next to the red barrier then had back to where the second guy was and pass through the red barrier.

Inside this room behind the red barrier, interact with the device.
While you’re here, splice the computer in the southeastern corner of the room near the other red barrier to get the Hutt Carte Vault intel.
Listening Device
Return to the Canto Fathier Racing betting station in the Ubrikkian Trade Tower and speak with our client leaning against the outside wall to complete the intel.
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