Below is a guide on the collectibles found in the Larcette Village of Star Ocean: The Divine Force. These collectibles consist of Es’owa opponents, treasure chests and gatherable materials!
Side Stories
- Sleepless Attendant – Speak with Albaird outside the Inn
- Midnight Promise – Speak with Laeticia at the town square
- Basic Swordsmanship – Speak with Laeticia at the town square after unlocking fast travel
- Anyone Would Do the Same – Approach J.J. and Midas during the Showdown main quest
Treasure Chests

- Opera – Southwestern side of town behind tents
- Tenacity Charm – Southeastern side of town at the top of the watchtower
- Panacea Leaf
- Scruffy Rag
- SP Seed
Quests become available after unlocking fast travel as part of the story!
Es’owa Opponents
- Undefeated Old Master (Grand Champion) – Village square on the western side of town
- Conscientious Elder Sister (Apprentice) – Standing next to the fireplace in the inn
- Anxious Man (Beginner) – He’ll become available after unlocking fast travel
Click here for the next walkthrough for the Del’vyr Region in Star Ocean: The Divine Force!