Below is a guide on the collectibles found in the Larcasse Region of Star Ocean: The Divine Force. These collectibles consist of mini-bunnies, treasure chests, gatherable materials and enemies!

- Simply Pink Mini-Bunny – This mini-bunny can be found in the southeastern part of the area along the map’s edge.
Treasure Chests

- Blueberry Potion – Northern part of area
- Ring Mail – Near Mudman
- Berserker – Near Larcette Village
- 100 Fol – Central part of the area next to a boulder
- Lucky Rabbit – Southern part of the area
Gatherable Materials
- Ancient Coin
- Iron
- Panacea Leaf
- Roly-Poly Bean
- Scrap Iron
- Scruffy Rag
- Shoddy Paper
- Chimera
- Lucky Fight Coin
- Forest Fleuret
- Fresh Sage
- Gerel Rafflesia
- Mudman
- Peryton
- Axe Beak’s Feather