Below is a guide on the collectibles found in the Integration Plant of Star Ocean: The Divine Force. These collectibles could consist of mini-bunnies, treasure chests, gatherable materials and enemies!
Authentication Levels
In order to progress through the Integration Plant, you’ll need to acquire different authentication levels. They can be found on the following floors:
- Green – Floor 1
- Blue – Floor 3
- Yellow – Floor 5
- Red – Floor 12
Treasure Chests
Floor 1

- Blueberry Potion x3
- Aquaberry Potion x3
- Fresh Sage x2
- Mental Stimulant x2 (Must hack the nearby terminal then defeat the enemies. After defeating the enemies, quickly interact with the terminal next to the one you just hacked to actually unlock the door.)
Floor 2

- Miraculous Device
- Bowman (To reach this chest, head to Floor 1 then make your way to the inner “nub” in the middle of the floor. You’ll then need to use D.U.M.A. to fly to the northern hump. There will be a platform containing the chest here.)
- 10000 Fol (To reach this chest, head to Floor 1 then make your way to the inner “nub” in the middle of the floor. You’ll then need to use D.U.M.A. to fly to the northern hump. There will be a platform containing the chest here.)
Floor 3

- Physical Stimulant x2 (Green Access – Authentication Level on Floor 1)
- Healing Device + x2 (Green Access – Authentication Level on Floor 1)
- SP Seed (Yellow Access – Authentication Level on Floor 5)
Floor 4

- Blueberry Potion x3
- Mixed Berries x2
Floor 5

- Resurrection Elixir x2
Floor 6

- Ascetic Bangle
Floor 7

- Wind God Talisman
Floor 8

- Physical Stimulant x2
Floor 12

- Resurrection Unit
Gatherable Materials
- Freezing Bomb
- Cylinder
- Parchment Paper
- Centralist Federation Soldier
- Avenger
- Fused Fellpool
- Centralist Federation Officer
- Highway Thunder
- Exousiai
Click here for the next guide on the collectibles at Paladurnia in Star Ocean: The Divine Force!