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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Space Marine 2 guide on where to find all the main story Dataslates for the Data Mining Trophy! In order to achieve this Data Mining Trophy, you must collect all 35 Dataslates in Space Marine 2. We’ve broken apart the locations of the main story Dataslates based on missions. If you need help with a particular mission, be sure to check out our Quick Links section which will direct you to the right spot!

Main Story Space Marine 2 Dataslates

Mission: Skyfire

This mission takes place on planet Kadaku and there are 4 Dataslates total for this mission!

Stormtalon Crash, Kadaku

When you load in at the beginning of the Skyfire Mission, you’ll have a drop pod in front of you with some weapons in it. Head straight past it under the wooden archway. On the left you’ll see a light next to a crate, head left between the 2 plants with large “eyes” to find a supply camp.

Space Marine 2 Dataslates

The Dataslate will be resting on a crate in this camp.

Stormtalon Crash, Kadaku

Admission of Desertion

Press forward in the mission until you have to kick through a wall of rocks to continue forward. You’ll then reach a broken bridge that you fight a bunch of enemies over.

Skyfire Mission Dataslates

Follow the dirt road up to the other side of the bridge.

Admission of Desertion

Head straight past the metal tower and drop down the ledge to find this Dataslate on the ground next to a tree by the corpse of its previous owner.

Admission of Desertion

Anti-Tyranid Offensive, Kaduku

Continue with the story until you enter the base. Once inside, interact with the terminal to open the door allowing you to proceed further into the base. When you reach the hallway with the bright light on the other side of a fan on your right, head straight ahead and go up the stairs.

Anti-Tyranid Offensive, Kaduku

At the top, you’ll find the Dataslate.

Anti-Tyranid Offensive, Kaduku

Desired Purgation of Data

During the main objective to reach the targeting system, you’ll cross a bridge to reach the controls inside a building.

Desired Purgation of Data

Just after entering the building, take a right and head all the way around to the back of the elevator where you’ll find this Dataslate.

Desired Purgation of Data

Mission: Severence

This mission takes place on planet Kadaku and there are 4 Dataslates total for this mission!

Conflict, Adeptus Astartes/Tyranid, Kadaku

During the objective to reach the Adeptus Mechanicus Facility, press forward until you reach a metal bridge.

Conflict, Adeptus Astartes/Tyranid, Kadaku

Head under this bridge, then take a right and go up the dirt ramp. At the top, go left to find a destroyed tank. In front of this tank, you’ll find the Dataslate.

Conflict, Adeptus Astartes/Tyranid, Kadaku

Tyranid Attack, Designation: Rippers, Kadaku

During the objective to locate the transmitter, you’ll enter a building.

Tyranid Attack, Designation: Rippers, Kadaku

Head straight ahead, passing the objective. The Dataslate will be by the red light.

Tyranid Attack, Designation: Rippers, Kadaku

Lamentation for Sacred Machines

During the same objective as the above Dataslate, proceed until you come to a room where you can interact with a terminal on your left. This will open the door to the right of the terminal.

Lamentation for Sacred Machines

Head inside then take a right. You’ll find this Dataslate in front of a giant fan.

Lamentation for Sacred Machines

Summary, Tyranid Invasion, Kadaku

During the reach the crash site objective, proceed forward until you find the drop pod containing weapons. Jump the gap and enter the cave.

Summary, Tyranid Invasion, Kadaku

On the left side of this cave you’ll find an upper ledge that you can jump to.

Summary, Tyranid Invasion, Kadaku

Do so to find the Dataslate.

Mission: Machinus Divinitus

This mission takes place on planet Avarax and there are 3 Dataslates total for this mission!

Attempted Liturgy for Burnt Capacitor

Machinus Divinitus Mission Dataslates

During the proceed to the elevator control room objective, you’ll run up the roofs then interact with the bridge controls to extend the bridge. When able, cross the bridge then take a left. When you see a gap in the railing, head through it to reach an overhang where you’ll find the Dataslate.

Termination: 101010-S

During the proceed to the databanks objective, you’ll drop through a section of missing floor. Follow the main path forward until you reach the T intersection with the Sector 3-2 sign on the wall in front of you (it will be hard to read). Take a right (the story objective will try to send you left). Take the next left and follow the path around to find the Dataslate on the ground.

Machinus Divinitus Dataslates

Improper Command

After defeating the Carnifex, proceed further into the facility by dropping down through the hole in the floor of the next room and follow along the large metal walkway. Once you reach the end, you’ll follow a walkway lined with candles to a terminal. Interact with it then fend off the enemies that attack afterward. Once the door opens, head inside and go straight (the objective will want you to take the next left) following the hallway around to the right. You’ll spot the Dataslate at the end.

Machinus Divinitus Mission Dataslates

Mission: Servant of the Machine

This mission takes place on planet Avarax and there are 2 Dataslates total for this mission!

Cannon Maintenance, 1.002.81

During the advance to the Neurothrope’s Locus objective, proceed up the elevator as part of the main story. At the top, take a left followed by another left just before the drop pod filled with weapons.

Servant of the Machine Dataslates

The Dataslate will be located at the end of the walkway on the left side.

Tithe Collection, Avarax

During the advance to the Temple of Thassean objective, you’ll regroup with Chairon you’ll move into the dome.

Servant of the Machine Mission Dataslate

Head straight down the path to the dead end to find the Dataslate behind the short wall.

Servant of the Machine Mission Warhammer 40K Space Marine II Dataslates

Mission: Voidsong

This mission takes place on planet Avarax and there are 3 Dataslates total for this mission!

Potential Heresy, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, 2287.8

During the restore power to the door objective, look for the sealed door that you’ll need to restore power to.

Voidsong Mission Dataslates

Facing this door, head left and follow the path past a drop pod containing weapons to reach the Dataslate on a table underneath a golden skull on the wall.

Mission: Voidsong Dataslates

Potential Heresy, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, 2288.2

During the advance to the relay entrance objective, you’ll head through a giant door to reach a room with some flaming barrels in the center of it.

Space Marine 2 Voidsong

Follow the path to the left to reach a drop pod containing weapons. Facing the drop pod with the flaming barrels to you right, jump up to the ledge above that is behind the drop pod.

Mission: Voidsong

On this ledge you’ll find the Dataslate on a desk.

Potential Heresy, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, 2289.5

During the transmit a message to Lord Calgar objective, you’ll emerge from an elevator. Head straight towards a group of soldiers flame-torching some enemy carcasses.

Potential Heresy, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, 2289.5

At the base of the stairs in this room, turn right and walk towards the stack of crates. The Dataslate will be on the ground by the stairs.

Potential Heresy, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, 2289.5

Mission: Dawn’s Descent

This mission takes place on planet Demerium and there are 4 Dataslates total for this mission!

Effects of Noctilth Exposure

Dawn's Descent Mission Dataslates in Space Marine 2

During the advance to the cathedral objective, you’ll jump across floating platforms to reach the cathedral. In the cemetery on the left side of the cathedral’s entrance, you’ll find this Dataslate.

Dawn's Descent Dataslates

Tomb Excavation, Analog Backup Log 8.6

During the advance to the mechanicus factory objective, you’ll find yourself on a hill at the starting point for this objective. Stick to the left path, heading past the crypts.

Space Marine II Dataslates

Go down the hill to the dead end at a statue. To the right of this you’ll find the Dataslate.

Dawn's Descent Dataslate

Tomb Excavation, Analog Backup Log 8.7

During the explore the ruins objective, you’ll drop down into a blue lit room with bodies hanging from the ceiling. After leaving this room, head up the staircase.

Dawn's Descent

On your right, you’ll find a doorway. Head left across from this door to find a dark pathway.

Dataslates Space Marine 2

The Dataslate will be along this path.

Tomb Excavation, Analog Backup Log 9.9

During the advance to Aurora objective, you’ll come across a giant machine hooked up to wires.

Tomb Excavation, Analog Backup Log 9.9

You’ll find this Dataslate to the right of this machine.

Tomb Excavation, Analog Backup Log 9.9

Mission: Bellum Sempiternus

This mission takes place on planet Demerium and there are 3 Dataslates total for this mission!

Effects of Warp Exposure

During the regroup with Acheron objective, you’ll head through all the confused soldiers and will drop down through the floor. At the bottom, head straight and take the first left then the next right to find the Dataslate.

Bellum Sempiternus Dataslates

Burial, Adeptus Astartes, Salamander Chapter

During the advance to the second force objective, you’ll fight a lesser sorcerer in a giant open room. Follow the objective to the next room that has a gazebo in it.

Bellum Sempiternus Dataslates

Head past the gazebo and up the stairs to find this Dataslate on the left.

Bellum Sempiternus Space Marine 2

Amount of Deceased on Demerium

During the advance to the obelisk objective, travel along the main path.

Space Marine II Dataslates Bellum Sempiternus

After entering the ruined building, look for a brightly lit desk with a book on it.

Bellum Sempiternus

At this desk, turn right then follow the path to find this Dataslate.


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