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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide on where to find lost property. In Sand Land, lost property takes the form of miscellaneous trinkets that Belz will find while exploring the Sand Lands.

Tort Region

Child’s Letter

A map image of the Child's Letter for the Sand Land Lost Property

The Child’s Letter can be found on a table to the left of the entrance to Spino village.

Junker’s Lost Property

A map image of the Junker's Lost Property for the Sand Land Lost Property

Junker’s Lost Property can be found in Battleship Cave under the Lisab Battleship north of Junker Market: Lisab. To find it, enter the cave and follow along the main path. It will be at the end of the path on the left side by a pile of debris. Do not climb up the rock steps along the right of the path or you’ll miss it.

Tattered Old Toy

An area image of where to find the Tattered Old Toy at the Aro Village Ruins in Sand Land

The tattered old toy, aka a Rubber Ducky, can be found next to a tree at the Aro Village Ruins.

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