This is a guide on where to find all of the threats, side hustles and discoveries at East Providencia in Saints Row.
- Threats will not show up until you place a venture in the area. This will not be available until you progress far enough in the story. Please view the map to see where these threats are located!
- Threat: Panteros Muscle
- Defeat all the enemies at the location.
- Threat: Panteros Cars
- Destroy 4 gang cars
- Threat: Police Surveillance
- Destroy the police’s van in the search area
Side Hustles
- Riding Shotgun
- Speak with Davey to kick off the mission then fight off waves of enemies as he drives you to safety.
- Hidden History
- Location: Western edge of the area
- Interact with the following signs:
- On the southern side of the search radius next to a column
- In the center of the search radius between 2 buildings
- By the entrance to the church
- East side of the search radius between a building and the street
- In front of the Rancho Providencia Community Center
- After you find all the signs, return to the welcome sign to complete the discovery.
- Dumpster Diving
- Location: South central part of the area
- Dumpster Diving
- Location: Central part of the area
- Weather Station
- Location: Eastern part of area
- Photo Hunt
- Take a picture of the The Barbeque Barn in the eastern part of the area.
- Photo Hunt
- Take a picture of the Memorial Wall in the northern part of the area.