Welcome to NGB and our Cyberpunk 2077 walkthrough for the Rite of Passage gig! This guide will cover everything you will need to know to easily complete this quest, including how to start the gig and the steps you will need to take to finish it.
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How to Start the Rite of Passage Gig

To begin the Rite of Passage gig from Cyberpunk 2077, approach the gig location at the Ebunike Docks fast travel point in the Northside district of Watson.
Rite of Passage Walkthrough
Go to the Maelstrom Ripperdoc Clinic

Head into the Maelstrom ripperdoc clinic and make your way to the second level. You can sneak in through the garage, walk through the front door, or climb in through the window in the alley on the building’s south side.
Go to the Server Room
The stairs are in the back right side of the clinic, past all of the operating tables. Please note that a couple of optional rooms/shortcuts require either a Technical Ability value of 5 or a Body value of 9 to open.
Once you reach the second level, head through the open doorway on the left to enter a locker room. Head through the other door here and proceed through the right side of the next room to reach the server room. If you have a Body value of 7, you can force open the sealed door at the top of the stairs to reach the server room. Several enemies are wandering around, so make sure to keep an eye out for them.

Search the area for a paper laying on top a container near a DANGER Electrical Hazard sign. It will mention a surgery recording that is saved on a nearby PC, so head to the terminal to steal the data.
Once you take the data, Regina will message V, saying she got it and to get out now. Open the nearby window on the right side of the desk and jump out. This will complete the gig, rewarding you with EXP, Street Cred, and eddies.
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