Rescue the Trapped Man Quest Guide | Baldur’s Gate III

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Welcome to NGB and our Baldur’s Gate III walkthrough for the Rescue the Trapped Man quest! This guide will cover everything you need to know so you can easily complete the quest.

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How to Begin the Rescue the Trapped Man Quest

You’ll start the Rescue the Trapped Man quest by visiting the burning town in the northern part of the area west of The Risen Road.

Rescue the Trapped Man Baldur's Gate III burning building

Rescue the Trapped Man Walkthrough

Free the trapped man

Head to the courtyard and climb up the ladder against the left building. From there, jump over to the walkway and break the wooden door leading to the main building.

Next, you’ll want to jump inside the room and interact with Benryn, who is trapped under a piece of 2×4. You’ll need to pass a skill check to lift the board off of him.

Speak with Benryn

Follow him to the building at the other end of the walkway. Speak with him there to ask why he and Mirieth were fighting. He’ll then mention a dowry.

Find the dowry

To find the dowry, head to the west side of the area, where a couple of barns and a storage building exist. You’ll want to enter the barn on the right of the building and interact with the stack of hay.

Passing a perception check will reveal a gilded chest. Open it to collect the dowry ring.

Return to Benryn

Return to Benryn during the Rescue the Trapped Man Baldur's Gate III

Now that you have the dowry ring, return to Benryn. You can hand it over or tell him you are keeping it. Either option will complete the Rescue the Trapped Man quest.

Additional Baldur’s Gate III Guides and Walkthroughs

For more content on Baldur’s Gate III, be sure to check out our Baldur’s Gate III Guides and Walkthroughs page.

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