Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Rider Reports 2 subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!
Rider Reports 2 Subquest Details
The Rider Reports 2 subquest can be started by speaking with the Protective Rider across from the Hall of Rites in Hakum Village. He’ll tell you about a Blue Yian Kut-Ku called the Wily Bird that has been seen nearby and injured a couple of villagers. You’ll then be asked to slay the beast before it can cause any more harm. For this subquest to show up, you’ll need to have completed the Rider Reports 1 subquest and the A Catavan Quandary story quest first.

How to Complete the Rider Reports 2 Subquest
To complete this subquest, you’ll need to exit Hakum Village to reach Pondry Hills. Once you are there, you should see a blue objective marker on the map. Follow that to reach a Subquest Den with a silver color. This is where the Wily Bird calls home. Head inside then make your way to the deepest part of the den where the nest can be found to locate the monster. Run into him to engage the bird in glorious combat!

For this fight, the Wily Bird will alternate between shooting fireballs at you and using technical attacks. After knocking it down or winning a head-to-head battle, it will switch to use its peak speed skill so make sure to use a technical attack to counter this. We used the Arzuros at the start of the fight then rode on him when the Wily Bird started using its speed attacks. After winning three bouts, we finished it off with our Kinship skills. Once you defeat the monster, return to the Protective Rider in the village to turn in the subquest and receive your reward!

Upon completing the Rider Reports 2 subquest, you’ll be rewarded with S&S: Bash and 1500 Zenny.
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