Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Blue Enemy of Love! subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!
Blue Enemy of Love! Subquest Details
The Blue Enemy of Love! subquest can be started by interacting with the Quest Board in Hakum Village, choosing Normal, and then selecting it from the list. The client will ask that the Rider slay a Velocidrome that rudely interrupted her date. Thanks to the power of love, she was able to escape. Now she wants vengeance!
How to Complete the Blue Enemy of Love! Subquest
As mentioned above, for this subquest you’re tasked with defeating a Velocidrome in the name of love! You can do this by exiting Hakum Village to reach the Pondry Hills. Once you are there, follow the white road north to reach the lake, You want to go north of the lake to the rocky area as it is there you’ll find a couple of Velocidromes wandering around. Make sure you pay attention to the fin on their head as the Velocidrome has a full red/orange fin while the Velociprey’s fin is blue with some red/orange on top.

Before engaging with the Velocidrome, make sure you have plenty of Herbs on you to heal when needed as this Monster can hit hard in the early stages of the game. Starting out, it will use speed attacks, so you’ll want to counter those by using some technical attacks. Pay special attention to when you knock down, win a head-to-head, or for the Velocidrome to show signs that it’s almost defeated. In these types of situations, its next attack will be a power one, so make sure to switch to speed so you’re not caught off guard. Once the Monster is slain, you’ll complete the objective for the subquest. Return to the Quest Board in the village and interact with it to turn in the subquest and receive your rewards.
Upon completing the Blue Enemy of Love! subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a Sonic Bomb and 500 Zenny.
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