Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Back in the Water subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!
Back in the Water Subquest Details
The Back in the Water subquest can be started by speaking with the Achy Hunter relaxing in the hot spring at the Darj Rock Baths. He’ll tell your Rider that the real reason he’s here is to hunt a Zamtrios known as the Shapeshifter but is feeling lightheaded due to staying in the hot spring for an extended period. Thus it now falls to you and your Monsties to stop the Shapeshifter before it can hurt anyone! (Please note that you’ll need to complete the Vicious Vultures subquest in order to start this one.)

How to Complete the Back in the Water Subquest
To find the Shapeshifter, return to the Dark Snowfields then follow the path south of the cabins to spot the monster.

Just like any Zamtrios it uses technical-typed moves, so counter with power attacks. It often uses its Ice Armor skill, covering itself in ice spikes to boost its defense. It can also use Spread Frost Breath, which targets both your Rider and Monstie, with a chance to seal their skills for a few turns. We also noticed in this fight that it would also throw in a random speed-type attack here and there. Once you take the monster down, return to the Achy Hunter at the Dark Rock Baths to turn in the subquest and receive your rewards.
Upon completing the Back in the Water subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a Grt Sword: Focus skill and 2500 Zenny.
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