Welcome to NGB and our Metaphor: ReFantazio Maria bond guide. In Metaphor: ReFantazio, bonds with followers can be increased to unlock useful features such as Archetypes and upgrades to the Archetype abilities.
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Character Overview

Maria is the only daughter of Grius and is first met at the Hushed Honey Bee. Upon meeting her, the protagonist reads his book to her, and they develop a bond. With Maria, you’ll gain the Healer Archetype! Rank Maria’s bond up to gain new abilities for the Healer Archetype.
Maria Bond Abilities
- Rank 1
- Healer Archetype – The party can now study the Healer.
- Rank 2
- Healer Enlightenment – Reduces the MAG cost of studying the Healer Lineage.
- Rank 3
- Healer Archetype: Adept – The party can now study the Cleric
- Scion’s Skill – Increases skill inheritance slots for the Healer Linage to 2.
- Rank 4
- Purpose – Increases post-battle EXP.
- Speed Cooking – Time will not elapse while cooking in the runner’s kitchen.
- Rank 5
- Healer Veneration – Significantly reduces the MAG cost of studying the Healer Lineage.
- Rank 6
- Scion’s Merti – Increases skill inheritance slots for the Healer Lineage to 3.
- Rank 7
- Burning Purpose – Significantly increases post-battle EXP.
- Chef’s Chops – When cooking in the gauntlet runner’s kitchen, an additional dish will be made.
- Rank 8
- Healer Archetype: Elite – The party can no study the Saviour.
- Scion’s Essence – Increases skill inheritance slots for the Healer Lineage to 4.
Maria Bond Ranks
Rank 1
Maria’s Rank 1 bond will be unlocked automatically during the main story on 06/10. Once you’ve unlocked Rank 1, you can study the Healer Archetype at Akademeia.
Rank 2
Upon leaving the Royal Capital for Martira, you’ll start a quest called Promising Returns, where you’ll promise Maria you’ll return to visit her. From that point, progress through the story until 06/29. You can travel back to the capital from that day on to check in with Maria. Speak with Fabienne at the Hushed Honeybee to learn that Maria is still getting over everything that happened. Mention the picture you have (obtained through the story), and she’ll bring it to Maria so you can complete the Promising Returns quest. After that, you can speak with Fabienne about spending time with Maria. You’ll need to have leveled up your Tolerance Royal Virute to Rank 2 for her to agree.
Upon speaking with Fabienne, she’ll tell you that she told Maria to hide her relationship with Grius because she’s worried someone might hurt her. After that conversation, she’s been acting a little weird. To help her feel better, we’ll be asked to take her out for a bit, leading to a cutscene. Listed below are the questions that will come up with the best answers to receive the most MAG.
- ……
- Either Option (0)
- ……
- Either Option (0)
- Yeah, I hear my mum say…
- Any Option (0)
- Am I… weird…?
- You’re not weird. (2)
- I was so happy when you gave it to me…
- I wouldn’t break a promise. (3)
- Do they not tell me ’cause I’m a kid?
- Any Option (1)
- Um… if it’s not too much trouble, can you, um…
- Either option (3)
Rank 3
To do the Rank 3 bonding event, you’ll need to wait until after visiting the Midnight Sunsands on 07/02. After doing that, and some time has passed since the last visit, Gallica will inform you that Maira wants to see us. Travel to the Hushed Honeybee in Grand Trad to find her just outside. Speak with her to hand over the drawing, and then offer to go shopping with her to kick off the bonding event. Listed below are the questions that will come up with the best answers to receive the most MAG.
- Papa took me there once.
- Let’s go there too. (3)
- ……
- Either Option (1)
- Because… My family is all gone too.
- You have me. (3)
- You should take me along!
- Either Option (0)
- She’s the only one I can stay with…
- Either Option (3)
Rank 4
After some time passes, return to Maria at the Hushed Honeybee and speak with Fabienne. She’ll ask if you have a moment to talk about Maria kicking off the bonding event.
- Since your last visit..
- Any option (0)
- I’m sorry…
- Either Option (0)
- D-Do you think…
- Either Option (0)
- Now, you listen here.
- Any Option (4)
Rank 5
After some time passes, visit Maria just outside the Hushed Honeybee in Grand Trad. Speak with her, and she’ll ask if we can take her to the Grand Cathedral.
- I wonder if Papa heard me…
- Either Option (0)
- I told her about Papa …
- Either Option (3)
- Oh, but I don’t know how to fight…
- Either Option (2)
- I’ll make a new sign!
- It’s the whole family. (3)
- Oh, wait… Do you know how to make a sign…
- Either Option (3)
Rank 6
Several days later, you’ll be able to speak with Maria about creating that sign. She’ll then ask if you can take her to see Neuras, kicking off the bonding event.
- Oho! A present, you say?
- Either Option (0)
- Wow, Mr. Neuras is really helping us
- Either Option (3)
- You said the last sign was too old…
- Either Option (0)
- …I’m glad.
- Mission complete. (3)
- Am I just like Papa now?
- You did a great job. (3)
Rank 7
To begin the Rank 7 bonding event, you must raise your Tolerance to Rank 4. After doing so, speak with Maria to begin the event.
- Mister here gave it to me!
- Either Option (0)
- Mister, I made a new friend!
- Good job. (2)
- They don’t know anything about him…
- Let’s check on him. (3)
Rank 8
After some time passes following the Rank 7 bonding event, return to Maria and speak with her to begin the final bonding event!
- So maybe if we get everyone to eat…
- I want to help. (2)
- Miss Fabienne said she wanted to try doing that again…
- That’s great. (4)
- Me and Apus are friends now too.
- You have a lot of friends. (2)
- I like it when you’re here and sometimes…
- Either Option (0)
- You can’t die, okay?
- Any Option (4)
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