Welcome to NGB and our walkthrough for days 06/22 through 07/16 in Metaphor ReFantazio! This guide will cover everything we choose to do on those days and any story events. We prioritized bonding events, quests, and bounties with leveling Royal Attributes sprinkled in when needed.
Days 06/22 Trough 07/16 Quick Links
Daily Calendar from 06/22 Through 07/16
Our Daily Calendar section will focus on completing side quests, bonding events, and miscellaneous things required for achievements/trophies. We’ll fit in some activities to raise the Virtue Stats. We also wanted to note that depending on what you’ve done so far, the available events/activities could differ from what we have listed below on the dates we did them.
For most of this cycle (06/22 through 07/16), you’ll be in Martira. Check out our Martira Old Castle Town walkthrough covering all available activities.
06/22 and 06/23
When the 22nd rolls around, the Sanctifex Forden will finally make his big announcement, recognizing everything going on as the will of His Royal Majesty and “accepting” that whoever gained the trust by decision day would be the new king. While our trio discusses the news, Fabienne barges into the room, saying Maria is missing. The group will then decide to help look for her.
Outside the Hushed Honeybee, speak with the Curt Man standing nearby. He’ll say he saw Maria by the stairs north of Sunshade Row. Follow the lead by heading to the area just outside of Comfort Concotions. Speak with the Activist Woman standing by the light pole who will say she saw Maria go through the alley. Keep following the path to reach the Grand Cathedral. Once there, head over to Coronation Rock and approach the cutscene to trigger an event with a soldier. He’ll say that Maria passed by and let you go in after her. They will go in after her. Feel free to choose any options, as they don’t matter. Afterward, they will return to the end, where another scene will play, ending the day.

Another announcement introduces the Tournament for the Throne. Those interested will visit three allied nations to partake in trials to test their mettle. The first one is called the Exhibition of the Bravery, where contestants are tasked with slaying a monster. The winner will be whoever brings back the head of the biggest one. After that, it transitions to the party, where Strohl comes up with a plan to break the curse without killing Louis. They will review everything and then decide to enter the Exhibition of Bravery.
The day of the ceremony arrives and triggers a cutscene. When you regain control of the protagonist, you’ll be on the Gauntlet Runner. Head down to the engine room to trigger an event with Neuras. Afterward, you’ll be able to start partaking in activities. If you want to know what you can do on the Gauntlet Runner, check out our Gauntlet Runner guide!
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner | Louge – Read Pread and Persuasion book for 4 points to Eloquence
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner | Spend time with Strohl for 4 points to Imagination
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner | Use the toilet for +1 to Luck
- Gauntlet Runner | Sharpen Weapons with Strohl for 4 points to Courage
- Strohl Q and A
- How about you?
- I’d like to help you. or I want to travel
- Question 2
- We’ll fight for change
- I envy you sometimes, you know.
- I waver sometimes.
- How about you?
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner | Spend time with Hulkenberg for 4 points to Imagination
- Hulkenberg Q and A
- What do you think of that?
- It’s cool. / It’s kind of scary. (2)
- What do you think of that?
As the Gauntlet Runner continues to its destination, they’ll run into Gideaux fighting Glodell. When prompted, you’ll want to pick the option to help out Glodell and try to get into Louis’ good graces. This will lead to a battle with Gideaux and two of his henchmen. Per the rules set by the king, you should not damage Gideaux at all but instead focus on his two goons. The Mage Monk is Level 17 and weak to Piercing attacks, while the Spearmonk is Level 17 and weak to ice magic. After dealing significant damage to his underlings, Gideaux heals them and starts attacking the party using light magic. He’ll either target a single member or the whole party. If you’re quick about it, you can take his allies down before he gets off an attack. This will trigger a cutscene where we finally meet up with Louis. While speaking with him, choose the options related to wanting to support him. The game will prevent you from revealing anything other than that.
After the day’s events, you’ll hear a commotion coming from the engine room. Heading there, the protagonist and Gallica will find Neuras, who seems quite frustrated. Speak with him to learn that he lost his spark. This leads to some background on the inventor, where we’ll learn about his past. He’ll then mention a relic that started his curiosity. This will start the Providing a Spark side quest.

On 06/27, the party will finally reach their destination. They will then seek out Bardon, who will take them to the inn for a meal and discuss the details of the bounty.
- Sleep at the tavern
When you awake the next day, climb the steps in the north part of Thoroughfare Square and head west through Stairstone Market to reach Kriegante Gate. Speak with your party, and then Bardon will enter the castle for your audience with Lady Joanna. She will say that if we can bring Heismay to justice, she will convince her people to support us as candidates for the throne.
After the meeting with Lady Joanna, the party will start gathering intel. Start in Krigante Gate, then head to Stairstone Market, ending in Thoroughfare Square. You can find a list of the people you’ll need to talk to below and where they can be found. Make sure to follow the order in which they are listed. After speaking with the Hungover Man, the group will review everything they’ve heard. Morris will then show up and tell the group to wait for the sandflash to get past the sandworms.
- Kriegante Gate
- Austere Man
- Stairstone Market
- Hardy Butcher – near MesmerEyes Apothecary
- Tired Man – in front of Ekaran Armours
- Thoroughfare Square
- Informed Man – near the tavern (pay 150 reeve)
- Hungover Man – near the fountain
*On 6/29, shops in Gran Trad and Martira will have discounts!
- Morning
- Story event on the Gauntlet Runner
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner | Travel to Komero Village for the Hatching a Plan and Providing a Spark side quests.
- Gauntlet Runner | Spend time with Hulkenberg for bond level Rank 3
- Night
- Akademia | Completed More’s Task Chapter One: Ordeal quest
- Martira | Spend time with the Chatty Elder for points in Imagination
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner | Use the toilet for +1 to Luck
- Complete the New King of the Imps bounty quest
- Gauntlet Runner | Speak with Strohl for his next bond rank
- Night
- The party will rest after returning from the dungeon
- Afternoon
- Martira | Turn in the New King of the Imps bounty
- Grand Tran | Complete both the A Haunted Heirloom and Skullduggery quests
- Night
- The party will rest after returning from the dungeon
- Afternoon
- Story Events
- Gauntlet Runner | Spend time with Strohl for 4 points in Courage
- Choose “The sharpness of the point“
- Story Event | Midnight Sands – will receive the Midnight Sundsands Drawing
- Story Event | Gauntlet Runner Attacked – check out Rank 2 of this bond guide if you want to know more
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner | Spent time with Neuras for some points in Wisdom
- Afternoon
- Story Events – See the below walkthroughs
- Night
- Martira | Go to bed at the tavern
- Early Morning / Afternoon
- Story Event
- Night
- Story Event | See our Kriegante Castle walkthrough for more details
- Will unlock the Thief Archetype
- Story Event | See our Kriegante Castle walkthrough for more details
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner | Use the toilet for +1 to Luck
- Martira | Travel to Abandoned Tomb for the A Dagger, a Ring, and A Rake quest
- Gauntlet Runner | Spent time with Strohl for points in Courage
- Story Event | Attacked by a fellow candidate (weak to electric). See the Dagger quest guide for more info
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner | Spent time with Heismay for points in Courage
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner | Read Pride and Persuasion in the Louge for points in Eloquence
- Abandoned Tomb | You’ll arrive at the tomb for the A Dagger, a Ring, and A Rake quest
- Night
- The party will rest after returning from the dungeon
- Afternoon
- Martira | Turn in the A Dagger, a Ring, and A Rake quest (uses afternoon action)
- Night
- Martira | Stairstone Street – Martira Podium Event w/ Lina to increase both Eloquence and Imagination
- Podium Q and A
- Lina seems to have a following…
- What are your policies? (4E/1I)
- Lina seems to have a following…
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad |The Hushed Honeybee -Spend time with Maria to increase her bond to Rank 2
- Night
- Martira | Thoroughfare Square – Take the plunge to increase your Courage
- Afternoon
- Martira | Thoroughfare Square – Head to the Recruitment Centre and pick up the Alpha Rockworm Valmo bounty
- Gauntlet Runner | Set out for … to complete the Man-Eater in the Mine quest
- Gauntlet Runner | Spend time with Strol to put some points in Courage
- Man-Eater Grotto
- Night
- The party will rest after returning from the dungeon
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner | Use the toilet for +1 to Luck
- Martira | Turn in the Man-Eater in the Mine bounty
- Grand Trad | The Hushed Honeybee – Maria’s Rank 3 Bonding Event
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner | Engine Room – Neuras’ Rank 2 Bonding Event
On this day, we will travel to Kriegante Castle and complete it in one shot. It is raining, so the enemies will be tougher. We won’t get extra attacks, but we will get more EXP and A-EXP. Feel free to move this to a different night if you don’t want to deal with the enhanced monsters.
- Afternoon
- Martira | Kriegante Castle
- Night
- The party will rest after returning from the dungeon
- Afternoon
- Martira | Thoroughfare Square – Spend time with Bardon to unlock his Rank 1 Bond and the Commander Archetype
- Night
- Gauntlet Runner | Spend time with Heismay to reach bone level Rank 2
- Afternoon
- Martira | Thoroughfare Square – Spent time with Strohl to increase his bond to Rank 5
- Night
- Grand Trad | Sunlumeo Street – Spent time with Brigitta to increase her bond to Rank 5
- Afternoon
- Martira | Visca Abla Tavern – Hulkenberg Rank 4 Bonding Event
- Night
- Martira | Stairstone Market – Interact with the Martira Podium to have a debate with Roger
- Debate Q and A
- Roger is playing to the crowd’s bottom line…
- Taxes benefit us all.
- Roger is playing to the crowd’s bottom line…
- Afternoon
- Gauntlet Runner | Use the toilet for +1 to Luck
- Gauntlet Runner | Heismay Rank 3 Bonding Event
- Night
- Grand Trad | Sunlumeo Street – Brigitta Rank 6 Bonding Event
- Afternoon
- Grand Trad | The Hushed Honeybee – Maria’s Rank 4 Bonding Event
- Night
- Martira | Stairstone Market – Interact with the Martira Podium to have a debate with
- Debate Q and A
- Loveless is playing to the crowd’s pleasures
- Alcohol won’t bring equality.
- Loveless is playing to the crowd’s pleasures
Additional Metaphor ReFantazio Guides and Walkthroughs
Be sure to check out our Metaphor ReFantazio Guides and Walkthroughs Main Page for more help!