Mega Man Battle Network – Complete List of Addresses

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Welcome to NGB and our Mega Man Battle Network List of Addresses guide. If you’re trying to earn the “With a Little Help From My Friends” trophy in MMBN, then you’ll need to acquire all addresses. Check out the table below for more details!

List of Addresses

The table below has all of the addresses listed that you’ll need for the “With a Little Help From My Friends” trophy in addition to where they can be found. The trophy will pop once you’ve collected them all!

@DadJack into the monitor used for jack in tests in the science lab at the Government Complex then pick up the address from the ground
@DexJack into Dex’s computer at his house
@MasaJack into Masa’s cash register outside the Government Complex then pick it up from the ground
@MaylJack into the piano at Mayl’s house
@MiyuJack into Miyu’s jack in port on her counter in the antique shop in Dentown
@SalJack into Sal’s cash register outside the Government Complex then pick it up from the ground
@WWWIn the Underground near the end of the game during the main story
@YaiSpeak with Glide in the area after Lan’s address

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