MMBN – A Disgusting Disaster Trophy Guide

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Welcome to NGB and our Mega Man Battle Network guide on how to get the A Disgusting Disaster trophy. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to obtain the A Disgusting Diaster trophy.

How to Obtain the A Disgusting Disaster Trophy

In order to get the A Disgusting Disaster trophy/achievement in Mega Man Battle Network, you’ll need to repair a defunct vending machine which you won’t be able to reach until you gain access to the Goverment Complex.

To find this vending machine, travel to the Government Complex then head inside the building and make your way to the Waterworks section. Make your way over to the Sewer Construction Information Desk then look to the right of the two people behind the counter. There will be a man standing in front of a vending machine there. Speak with him to learn that there is an issue with this machine.

When you’re ready, jack in to the vending machine then head to the center to find an evil Navi. Speak with it to begin a battle against 3 enemies. After you defeat them, jack out of the machine and speak with the man to receive the A Disgusting Disaster trophy/achievement!

A Disgusting Disaster Trophy MMBN The Broken Vending Machine

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