MMBN2 – Paying in Advance Request Walkthrough

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Welcome to NGB and our Mega Man Battle Network 2 guide for the Paying in Advance request. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this request like where to start it and how to complete it. Completing this request will also give you the Fall of the Phisher trophy (or achievement).

How to Start the Paying in Advance Request

In Mega Man Battle Network 2, you can accept the Paying in Advance request from the request board in Marine Harbor after obtaining your ALicense and visiting YumLand for the first time.

Paying in Advance Request Walkthrough

For this request, you’ll need to travel to Yumland 1 in search of a black Navi (this obviously isn’t a trap right?). Once you reach YumLand, head for the pink/yellow sign in the back right of the area.

Paying in Advance Request in MMBN2 The Phisher

Speak with the purple/black Navi there to receive a GateKeyB… then be thrown into a fight against a Sparky and 2 Flamey2 viruses. Delete them to complete the request. You’ll also receive the Fall of the Phisher trophy/achievement.

Mega Man Battle Network Guides and Walkthroughs

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