Welcome to NGB and our guide on all the Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 The Flame missions! In this guide, you’ll be able to find information on how to complete The Flame missions, along with their rewards.
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Everything Burns
Available: At the start of the Hunt to Live, Live to Hunt main story mission
Location: Chinatown

Once at the objective, head to the rooftop and interact with the fire symbol on the door. This will trigger an event starting the mission. You can kick things off by initiating a double takedown with Wraith. Head into the next room and zip into the vent in the wall. In the next room, take out all of the enemies. Attempt to pass through the door with the flame symbol to discover that it’s locked. Scan the following items:
- White Board
- Board with 4 posters of flame symbols
- Mural
After scanning the tattoo murals, interact with the Cultist until you find the symbol that you need. Carry his body to the door to unlock it. Drop into the elevator shaft for another cutscene. When it concludes, speak with the Cult Deserters in the cell rooms. To enter the next room, head through the hole in the wall. Inside you’ll find more enemies to take out. Do so then scan the door controls on the stage. Next, interact with them to open the prison cells.
After learning who the Flame is, you’ll need to fight some more enemies. Once you take them down, head into the Quarantine Wing and continue fighting your way through the building until you finally reach the exit. When you emerge outside, the Everything Burns mission will complete!
Rewards: XP x1200, Hero Tokens x4, Tech Parts x250
Where Have You Been?
Location: Financial District

Follow the objective to reach the building about ready to be demolished. Speak with the fire chief who will ask for your help getting the 4 people trapped inside out. For the first part of the mission, you’ll control Spider-Bot. Work your way through the collapsing building to mark the locations of the 4 people still trapped inside.
When you reach the last guy, he’ll mention that he heard voices signaling that someone else might be trapped. Proceed forward to run across a group of Flame Cultists. Take all the waves out to meet an old friend and complete the Where Have You Been? mission.
Rewards: XP x1000, Hero Tokens x2, Tech Parts x200
I Knew You Had It In You
Available: During the Stay Positive main story mission
Location: Astoria

Once you arrive at the objective, interact with the “Hurry Up” etched into the wall on the roof. Next, head to the northeastern corner of the building to find a hole in the side of the wall. It will be guarded by some enemies. Take them out then follow the linear path in the building.
When you reach the room with the guy talking on the phone, take him out then scan the whiteboard in the corner and listen to the recording on a nearby table. You’ll also need to scan a blueprint to the right of the billboard, a map above the table from where the guy was talking and the open book on a pedestal. Afterwards, jump through the hole in the wall and continue.
When you reach the big room filled with Cultists, take them all out then clear the rubble from the wall. Climb through the hole to find Yuri! You’ll then have a two phase boss fight. Once you take down the enemy, the mission will complete.
Rewards: Hero Tokens x6, Tech Parts x300
It Was Meant For Me
Available: After completing Trouble with Harry main story mission
Location: Little Odessa

Once at the objective, interact with the map on the table. Next, you’ll need to disarm the bombs. When you’ve accomplished this, you’ll need to fend off the waves of enemies. After the cutscene, the mission will complete!
Rewards: XP x3000, Saving Lives Suit, Hero Tokens x8, Tech Parts x400
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