Welcome to our guide on the “A Quest for Ono Michio” request in Like a Dragon Gaiden! A Quest for Ono Michio is an Akame Network Stroll n’ Patrol request that you can obtain by speaking with the man standing outside of Revenge Books on E Shofukucho just west of CourStar.

For A Quest for Ono Michio request, you’ll need to acquire Ono Michio! To find Ono Michio, head on over to Club SEGA and look inside the UFO Catcher machines. Ono Michio can be found inside the blue hexagonal containers.

Once you obtain the Ono Michio toy, return to the man to hand it over and complete A Quest for Ono Michio request. As a reward, you’ll receive 15,000 yen and 650 points.
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