Welcome to NGB and our The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough on the Recipes, Please side quest. Here you’ll learn everything you’ll need to breeze through this side quest, including how to complete it! If you need help with a specific part of the side quest, check the Quick Links section to find the most relevant information easily.
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How to Begin the Recipes, Please Quest

To begin the Recipes, Please side quest in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, speak with the Business Scrub at the Smoothie Shop in the Gerudo Desert Oasis. You’ll then need to make a smoothie.

Recipes, Please Walkthrough
For the Recipes, Please side quest, you’ll need to collect 10 new recipes. You can learn these recipes at the smoothie stand by mixing different ingredients together. Each time you concoct a smoothie, it will cost 10 rupees.
Once you’ve made 10 new recipes, you’ll receive the survey scope! This special spyglass makes smoothie ingredients and monster stones appear a little more often when you break objects or defeat monsters.
Business Shrub will then want you to gather 20 more recipes!
Recipe Smoothie Recipes
Recipe | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Apple Smoothie | Electro Apple | Electro Apple |
Bubble Smoothie | Bubble Kelp | Bubble Kelp |
Cactus Smoothie | Chilly Cactus | Chilly Cactus |
Climbing Smoothie | Rocktato | Rocktato |
Electro Potion | Electro Apple | Monster Guts |
Golden Smoothie | Golden Egg | Golden Egg |
Milky Smoothie | Fresh Milk | Fresh Milk |
Mixed Apple Smoothie | Electro Apple | Floral Nectar |
Mixed Climbing Smoothie | Chilly Cactus | Rocktato |
Radiant Smoothie | Radiant Butter | Radiant Butter |
Rapid Smoothie | Riverhorse | Riverhorse |
Refreshing Milky Smoothie | Refreshing Grapes | Fresh Milk |
Refreshing Mixed Smoothie | Refreshing Grapes | Rock Salt |
Refreshing Smoothie | Refreshing Grapes | Refreshing Grapes |
Salted Cactus Smoothie | Chilly Cactus | Rock Salt |
Sweet Smoothie | Floral Nectar | Floral Nectar |
Tough Smoothie | Tough Mango | Tough Mango |
Unfortunate Smoothie | Warm Pepper | Rock Salt |
Warm Mixed Smoothie | Warm Pepper | Chilly Cactus |
Warm Mixed Special | Warm Pepper | Fresh Milk |
Warm Smoothie | Warm Pepper | Warm Pepper |
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