Keep History Alive Side Quest Walkthrough | Avowed

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Welcome to NGB and our Avowed walkthrough for the Keep History Alive quest! This guide will cover everything you need to know to easily complete this quest, including how to start the mission and the steps you will need to take to finish it.

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How to Start the Keep History Alive Quest

To begin the Keep History Alive side quest in Avowed, speak with Novice Bojan at Soreena’s Mercy.

Keep History Alive Walkthrough

Something terrible has happened to the monks at the Living Archives in Galawain’s Tusks. Investigate the situation.

Speak to Elder Grigore

Avowed Keep History Alive

Travel to The Living Archives just northeast of the Ash Forest.

Speak to Elder Grigore

As you approach the Living Archives, a cutscene will trigger.

Eliminate Every Dreamthrall at the Monastery (Optional)

While you’re recovering the books, eliminate all the enemies inside!

Retrieve the Book of Oaths

From the main entrance, head up the scaffolding on the left, and then break the wards to enter the building.

Retrieve the Book of Oaths

Once inside, eliminate all the enemies then head up to the third floor. Loot the Living Archives Courtyard Key on the dining table.

Living Archives Courtyard Key

Next, head through the door to reach the outdoors area. After taking out the enemies, loot the Book of Oaths from the altar. Also loot Eilara’s Grimoire from the nearby chest.

Book of Oaths

Recover the Book of the Before

Head down to the first floor of the building and use the key to enter the Living Archives Courtyard. Eliminate the Dreamthralls in the courtyard, enter the room in the courtyard, and speak with Novice Dolna. She’ll ask if you’ve seen the Book of the Before and want you to bring it to her instead of the Elder.

Open the door then head straight and go up the stairs on the right. At the top, fight the enemies then take a left. On the right you’ll spot the Burned Bounty List on the floor in front of the fireplace.

Recover the Book of the Before

You’ll learn from it that Novice Dolna is up to no good.

Recover the Book of the Before

Head to the bottom level and finish off the enemies there. Afterward, you’ll find the Book of the Before on a table. Grab it!

The Book of the Before

Bring Book of Before to Novice Dolna

Return to Dolna. If you give her the Burned Bounty List, you’ll receive 1,800 gold. If you hand over the book, she’ll tell you to find her in Solace when this all blows over and she’ll reward you.

Exit the monastery and speak with Elder Grigore. Tell him you gave the Book of the Before to Dolna and you’ll receive 2,100 gold. If you lie to him, you’ll still receive the same amount.

Travel to Solace Keep and speak with Dolna near the Quartermaster. She’ll give you 1,800 gold.

Bring Book of Before to Elder Grigore

Return to Elder Grigore. Give him the Burned Bounty List, which he’ll pass along to the guards, and the book. You’ll receive 2,100 gold.

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