Tales of Arise
by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the In Pursuit of the Traveling Book subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn. This subquest is also a character subquest for Rinwell. Happy Questing!

How to Start the In Pursuit of the Traveling Book Subquest

In Pursuit of the Traveling Book Subquest Map Location

To start the In Pursuit of the Traveling Book subquest, you must begin the One’s Own Master main quest and proceed to the Go to Niez objective. Once you’ve done that, travel to the Library at Autelina Palce in Menancia and speak with the librarian on the north side of the room.

In Pursuit of the Traveling Book Subquest Objectives

  • Speak to the librarian
  • Visit the street vendor in Viscint
  • Search for the street vendor in Cysloden
  • Search for the Ulzebek peddler
  • Search for the book in Rudhir Forest
  • Return the book to the librarian

Speak to the Librarian

Speak to the librarian to learn that she has misplaced a book. As a way to pay back the Library, Rinwell volunteers to help her look for it.

Visit the Street Vendor in Viscint

In Pursuit of the Traveling Book Subquest Viscint Street Vendor Map Location

Exit the palace to Viscint then speak with the vendor between the Fast Travel point and the Inn. He’ll tell the group that he sold the book to another street vendor heading for Cysloden.

Search for the Street Vendor in Cysloden

In Pursuit of the Traveling Book Subquest Cysloden Street Vendor Map Location

Travel to Cysloden in Cyslodia. After you arrive, head for the Central Plaza then make your way to the southwestern side. You’ll find the street vendor in the back there next to a pair of wagons. Speak with him to get an update on the book sending you to Ulzebek.

Search for the Ulzebek Peddler

In Pursuit of the Traveling Book Subquest Ulzebek Peddler Map Location

Once more! Set out for Ulzebek in Calaglia. Speak with the peddler who can be found next to the Inn who will tell you that he dropped the book in a zeugle attack when passing through Rudhir Forest. Onward!

Search for the Book in Rudhir Forest

In Pursuit of the Traveling Book Subquest Book Map Location

Make your way to the Rudhir Forest in Cyslodia (from the Nevira Snowplains) the follow the path south. When you reach the bridge, take a left heading east down a side path. This will bring you to a group of zeugles you’ll have to fight consisting of 2 level 76 Manhunt Hawks, a level 75 Roper, a level 75 Alpha Ice Wolf and a level 73 Ice Wolf. After defeating them a cutscene will trigger and you’ll finally collect the book!

Return the Book to the Librarian

Head back to the Autelina Palace Library in Menancia. Speak with the librarian to hand over the book completing the subquest (YAY!).

In Pursuit of the Traveling Book Subquest Rewards

  • 3400 Gald
  • 780 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

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