Welcome to NGB and our guide for the Starfield Two Tales Two Cities mission! In this guide, we’ll cover how you can start this mission along with the steps you’ll need to take to complete it. If you’re here looking for help with a particular mission objective, be sure to check out our quick links section which should point you in the right direction!
Starfield Two Tales Two Cities Quick Links
How to Start the Starfield Two Tales Two Cities Mission
To start the Two Tales Two Cities mission, you’ll need to speak with Sergeant Yumi in the UCSEC building just past the New Atlantis launch pad on Jemison in the Alpha Centauri System and ask him if he has any work for you. To get this specific quest, you’ll need to have completed all of Yumi’s quests up to this point. After that’s done, he should ask you to look into an attempted vandalization that occurred in the Embassy District.
When we did this quest, we had also completed the United Colonies Faction questline already. If this quest isn’t triggering for you, then try coming back after you finish the questline.
Starfield Two Tales Two Cities Mission Guide
Investigate the Incident at Embassy District

Head over to the NAT and use it to travel to the MAST District. Once you arrive at the NAT station there, take a left and head over to the wall where the officers are trying to clean up the graffiti.
Speak to Officer Markkanen
Wait for Officer Markkanen to finish speaking with the witness then talk with her yourself. She’ll give you the 411 on what’s happening and then ask for your assistance.
Speak to Functionary Gershon
Make your way over to the nearby elevator and use it to reach the Cabinet Chambers / Interstellar Affairs offices. After reaching the floor, enter the UC Office of Interstellar Affairs and speak with Functionary Gershon who can be found wandering around the office. He’ll say that he can’t speak not because he’s heading off to a meeting but permit you to check out his written statement on his computer.
Check the Computer for Evidence on the Vandal
After Gershon leaves, head over to his computer terminal and then interact with it to access the device. Make sure to check the Tahir Vala, The Well, and A Tale of Two Cities folders.
Speak with Officer Markkanen
Talk with the officer who will ask if you think the Functionary’s account is correct. After, reading all of the files on his computer, it’s clear something else is going on here. Tell her that the kid isn’t the culprit then choose “Functionary Gersohon” when prompted.
Arrest Functionary Gershon at UC Security
Return to the UCSEC building and speak with Yumi who is wrapping up taking the Fucntionary’s testimony. When asked by the Sergeant who the culprit is, arrest Gershon. Yumi will then ask for you to present the evidence in a Persuasion-like event.
Once you succeed, Officer Markkanen will take Gershon away. Sergeant Yumi will then begin talking to you about the great work you’ve done and then mention that they aren’t short on staff anymore so our help in no longer required. You’ll then receive a reward and the mission will be completed.
Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs
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