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Welcome to NGB and our guide for the Starfield Operation Starseed mission! In this guide, we’ll cover how you can start the Operation Starseed mission along with the steps you’ll need to take to complete it. If you’re here looking for help with a specific mission objective, be sure to check out our quick links section which should point you in the right direction!

How to Start the Starfield Operation Starseed Mission

Where to start the Starfield Operation Starseed mission

You should get an activity to check out the Crucible simply by flying around near the Charybdis System. Regardless, to start this mission, travel to Charybdis III in the Charybdis System and land at the Crucible.

Starfield Operation Starseed Mission Guide

Talk with Tobias

Upon landing at Crucible, head northwest from your ship towards a grouping of buildings. As you get close, you’ll spot Tobias (a robot) standing near the entrance. Speak with it and tell the bot you received a distress call. This will continue the conversation where Ada will show up and start talking with you. Exhaust her dialog options to find out what’s going on then set out to find Franklin.

Talk to Franklin

Starfield Operation Starseed mission H2 building

Travel straight down the road past Ada entering the building at the end with an H2 on it. You’ll find Franklin standing inside wearing a suit. Speak with the man to learn a bit more about what’s going on. He’ll then recommend you speak with the other leaders before he tells you about his ideals.

Talk to Genghis Khan

Genghis can be found outside of The Crucible on the southwest side. As you approach him, he’ll tell you to draw your weapons. Do so and help him defeat the insect that spawns. Once they have all been defeated, talk with him. He’ll say he leads the Renegades and is trying to find a way off this rock. He’ll then tell you to travel to the Facility and put a stop to it so they can be free!

Talk to Amanirenas

Travel to the east side of The Crucible to find Amanirenas. Speak with her to learn how she leads the Believers and what they want to do. She’ll then ask for your help to fix the facility so that it can do its thing. She’ll also say that it’s located in the Far East and that none of them can travel there.

Talk to Franklin

Return to Franklin and speak with him to get his plan. He’ll want to remove the machines from the picture and learn to think for themselves.

Secret Lives mission

Exit the building Franklin is in to hear a call out from Wyatt Earp. This will trigger the Secret Lives mission that you’ll want to do before heading to the Facility.

Go to the Facility

Starfield Operation Starseed mission the Facility map location

To reach the Facility, you’ll need to return to orbit and choose to land there as it’s on the other side of Charybdis III. You can easily do this by opening your starmap and just selecting it as your travel destination. When you get there, head south to reach the building and head inside through the yellow door.

Find Clues About the Facility

Now that you’re in the Facility, it’s time to do some investigating. Follow the main path down a set of stairs bringing you to a room filled with bugs and a fleshy material covering the room. On the right side you’ll find the DAIRY PAGE – DISCOVERING GALATHEA on top of a multi-person chair. Grab it then head into the cafeteria on the southeastern side of the room past the diary page. You’ll find the DAIRY PAGE – ESCAPE on the table there that you’ll want to collect.

Starfield Operation Starseed mission Diary Page - Escape location

Leave the cafeteria traveling deeper into the Facility. This will bring you to a crew quarters room filled with a couple of beds and some lockers. The next diary page, DAIRY PAGE – REBORN can be found on the nightstand next to the bed. Take in then proceed on through the hole in the wall.

Starfield Operation Starseed mission Diary Page - Reborn location

When you reach the other side, you’ll be in a bathroom with the DAIRY PAGE – GENGHIS EXPLOSION on the floor next to the open stall. Exit the bathroom and follow the hallway down a ramp. Enter the next room which is filled with more bugs and take a left to spot the ANONYMOUS LAST WORDS message on a cushion.

Starfield Operation Starseed mission anonymous last words diary location

Once you’ve read it, cross the room heading into another hallway then go into the room on the right. Look at the desk there to find the DAIRY PAGE – ADA’S QUESTIONS. Now that you have 6 clues, return to the previous room with the bugs and descend down the hole in the middle of the room. After emerging in another section of the ship, you’ll have to defeat a large group of the Hunting species with one of them being a Level 85 boss with multiple health bars. Take them out then head into the room they were guarding. Go left to spot a terminal with the ADA’S DAIRY – HEART OF THE FACILITY on it.

Starfield Operation Starseed mission Ada's Dairy - Heart of the Facility location

Choose Which Society to Give Facility Information

Exit the Facility by climbing up the stairs behind the terminal and going through the door at the top. You’ll then need to use the terminal in the next area on the left to open the door. This will bring you back outside allowing you to travel back to The Crucible. When you arrive it’s time to decide who you will side with. Travel to that leader and give them the notes. They will then send you to Ada for help tracking down the Security Override Code. The choice here doesn’t matter too much as you’ll have another chance later to change who you back if you wish.

Talk to Ada Lovelace

Head to Ada at the east side of the Crucible near Amanireans to speak with her. She’ll tell you that the Beagle isn’t in this system but then remembers that a telescope resets its coordinates every morning thus giving us our heading.

Investigate Bel V

Starfield Operation Starseed mission starmap to Bel System

Return to your ship and plot a course for the BEL System. When you arrive, you’ll spot a Navigation Beacon. Use the prompt to scan is freqency which will tell you that the Beagle was planned to stop in Zelzany I after visiting Bel V.

Follow the Beagle’s Trail to Zelazny I

Starfield Operation Starseed mission starmap to Zelazny System

Purse the Beagle by traveling to the Zelazny System where you’ll find the Beagle in the orbit of Zelazny I. If you are not in orbit and off in space, then the quest is a bit bugged for you. This can be fixed by landing on Zelazny I then heading back up to space. You can also try traveling to another system and back. After doing this, you should be able to reach, dock and board the Beagle.

Find the Facility’s Security Override Code

Now that you’re on the Beagle, work your way through it to reach the command center. To get there, you’ll have to defeat a couple of robots and turrets. When you arrive, interact with the terminal in the center of the room then use it to download the Security Override Code.

See If Ada Lovelace Can Decrypt Security Override Code

Now that we have the override code, travel back to The Crucible. Upon landing, you’ll receive a message from whoever you sided with asking you to check in with them. The game will make you check in with the leader before you can speak with Ada about the code.

See Leader About an Emergency

Tie in with whatever leader you choose to learn that the meeting has been called. During the meeting, you’ll have the opportunity to switch who you support.

Attend Meeting with Crucible Leaders

Exit the building then speak with the leader who challenged the one you sided with in the center of the Crucible. Once the talks begin, you’ll have a final chance to choose who you want to support. The way it works is that of the three leaders, the other two will always side against the one you picked. Additionally, Amanirenas and Genghis will never see eye to eye. If you side with Amanirenas, you can persuade Franklin to abstain from the fight. Same deal if you sided with Genghis. If you pick to back Franklin, you can persuade either Genghis by allowing his people to go free or Amanirenas by Frankin agree to administer a test where they both have equal power to stand down, but you cannot persuade both of them. The other will be who you fight in the next step.

Kill Amanirenas / Franklin / Genghis

Once the fighting starts, you’ll need to take out the other faction’s leaders to stop it. If you sided with Genghis and agreed to allow Franklin to stay in The Crucible, then you’ll only have to deal with Amanirenas. If you instead sided with her, then you’ll only need to take out Genghis.

Speak with Leader

Following the battle, speak with whichever leader you sided with to receive their praise. You’ll then finally be able to check in with Ada.

See If Ada Lovelace Can Decrypt Security Override Code

Now that things have been settled, track down Ada and speak with her about decrypting the Security Override Code. She’ll be able to figure it out relatively quickly.

Deal with the Facility

Return to the Facility and head back to the terminal from the last time to use the Security Override Code to open up the other half. Procced through the rest of the Facility heading for the datacore at the deepest part. Along the way, you’ll need to deal with some robots, turrets, and clones. When you reach the Datacore, interact with the terminal there to be presented with a couple of options. You can see what happens with them below. Also, make sure to grab the Facility Key near the terminal.

If you pick any choice but the “Initiate Full Project Cleanse” option, then you’ll be able to recruit Amelia Earnhardt as a crew member after completing the mission.

Reboot and Restore Current Mission Parameters

If you choose to reboot and restore current mission parameters, then the Facility will be fixed and things will return to the way they were changing nothing. Once the choice is made, then the quest will be completed rewarding you with 3000 credits. If you head back to the Crucible, no one will be happy with this choice.

Reboot and Choose a New Super-Admin

Going into this option, you’ll learn that the last scientist added Amanirenas, Franklin, and Genghis as targets to be the Super-Admin. You’ll then be able to select one of them from the list assuming they are alive.


If you choose to make Amanirenas the admin, return to the Crucible and speak with her. She’ll be overjoyed that you sided with her and thank you for helping her. This will complete the mission and you’ll be rewarded with 6000 credits. In talking with Franklin, he’ll admit that he’s bummed you didn’t side with him but he understands and believes that they will at least finally have peace.

Franklin Roosevelt

If you choose to make Franklin the admin, return to the Crucible and speak with him. He’ll thank you for giving them a chance to live like true humans thus completing the mission and rewarding you with 6000 credits. If Amanirenas is alive, she’ll tell you that she’s at peace with the choice and looks forward to working with Franklin. Likewise, if Genghis is alive, he’ll thank you for giving the Renegades the chance to explore (and most likely try to conquer) the stars.

Genghis Kahn

If you choose to make Genghis the admin, return the Crucible then speak with him and he’ll thank you for your help. If you negotiated to let Franklin stay at the Crucible, Genghis will honor that but also allow anyone who wants to leave to do so. This mission will then be completed and you’ll receive 6,000 credits. In speaking with Franklin, he’ll be happy with your choice as they’ll still be able to live the way he wanted them to, as people.

Initiate Full Project Cleanse

Going this route will see all of the clones wiped out by the machines and all traces of the mission will be removed. Choosing this route will reward you with some credits. If you return to the Crucible, all that will be waiting for you is the corpses of the clones ripe for the looting!

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield!

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