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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide on how to beat the Metaphor ReFantazio Fire Dragon in the prologue. Here, we’ll cover everything you need to know about defeating the fire dragon so that you can claim the awesome treasure that he is guarding!

Metaphor ReFantazio Fire Dragon Party Setup


If you’re playing a strength-based Progtaonist, then you can leave him a Seeker and make Grius your mage. He won’t do as much damage as the magic-based Protagonist, but it will be enough to get the job done.

To take on the fire dragon, you’ll want to make sure you’re prepared. We’d recommend making your protagonist a Mage and putting most of your skill points from leveling up into the magic stat and a couple into endurance. You’ll also want to rank up the Mage until it learns Blizz, as the fire dragon is weak to ice attacks. As for the rest of the party, we made Grius a Seeker and left Strohl as a Warrior. We also had both the Seeker and Warrior at Rank 5. Our protagonist was also level 9, Grius was level 9, and Strohl was level 8, but them being all being level 8 will probably work just fine. One last thing you’ll want to do is set your protagonist in the back row while leaving Grius and Strohl in the front.


Before taking on the fire dragon, also stock up on some items. Specifically, you’ll want some Ice Chunks, preferably between 3 -5. We’d also recommend bringing a couple of Revival Medicines and Medicine as well. All three items can be purchased from the peddler near the safe room. Ice Chunks run 270 money per one, Revival Medicine is 900 money per one, and Medicine is 125 money per one, but you’ll most likely have a ton of those on you already.

Metaphor ReFantazio Fire Dragon Fight

Now that you’re fully prepared, it’s time to take on the fire dragon! As mentioned above, the fire dragon is weak to ice, so ice will be one of the keys to winning the fight. The dragon will attack the party with 3 main attacks: Scratch, Fireball, and Tail Swipe. Scratch is a physical attack that targets one party member and deals some moderate damage around the high 50s. Fireball is a magic-based skill that deals fire-type damage.

Since Grius is a Seeker, he will be weak to fire attacks. This means that on turns when the dragon uses Fireball, it will get 3 attacks that turn. To offset this a bit, Strohl resists fire. The other attack, Tail Swipe, will hit all party members in a row for some moderate damage. The pattern for this fight is that the dragon will use the same attack for each round of attacks. So, if it starts using Scratch, its second attack will also be Scratch. This is the same for both Fireball and Tail Swipe.

During our fight with the beast, it tended to target the party members in the front row most of the time, with an occasional attack on the back row. Also, it only seemed to use Tail Swipe on the front row. Now that we’ve covered what the dragon does, it’s time to examine each party member’s role.

If you are playing a strength-based protagonist and made Grius your mage, apply the Protagonist section below to Grius and the Grius section to the protagonist.


The protagonist will be your main damage dealer, who will attack from the back row using Blizz. The fire dragon is weak to ice, so when you hit it with Blizz, you’ll get an extra attack that turn. If you’ve been putting most of your points from leveling up in the magic stat, it should be dealing 200+ damage to the dragon with each hit.


Grius has the important job of being the main supporter. We started out by using Tarukaja on Strohl to temporarily boost his attack, then mainly used him to support the team by keeping everyone’s HP full. The bigger heal would be casting Dei, which typically heals most of a character’s health. You can also supplement medicine to cut back on his MP usage. If you get a turn or two to attack, casting Cyc will deal more damage than a basic attack, but at the cost of some additional MP. You’ll also want to pay attention to who’s attacking when. If Grius attacks at the end of the turn and the protagonist would have gone next, use one of your Ice Chunks to hit the dragon with weak damage. This will allow your protagonist to attack again and deal some extra damage with Blizz.


Strohl will focus mainly on damage, occasionally helping out with the healing through items as needed. We had him using his Diagonal Slash skill the entire fight so that he was constantly damaging the dragon. Occasionally, he would have to use a medicine to help Grius heal, but thanks to his fire resistance, he can take quite a beating. Same as with Grius, if you run into a situation where the protagonist would move next, but the turn ends with Strohl, use an Ice Chunk so the protagonist can get an extra attack in.

Final Thoughts

Following the above strategy, we were able to easily take down the dragon and claim its treasure. During the fight, the dragon’s RGN had him target one of our party members ruthlessly, which resulted in them being knocked out. If that happens to you, that’s what the Revival Medicine is for. It will revive that party member with 50% of their heal back. That should be enough to help them survive until they can be healed.

Metaphor ReFantazio Fire Dragon Rewards

Dragon's Indignation in the chest protected by the Metaphor ReFantazio Fire Dragon

For defeating the red dragon, you’ll be rewarded with 263 EXP, 210 A-EXP, 1,000 MAG, 1,000 Money, and an Amethyst you can sell for extra money. You’ll also be able to loot the chest the dragon was guarding. It contains the Dragon’s Indignation, a great sword for the Warrior class. It has 111 Attack and 95 Hit with the inscription “Slash can be purified at a church”. This weapon is a massive upgrade for any Warrior such as Strohl and can give you an edge in the early game.

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