Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the Goodwill Ambassador Zareh subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the Goodwill Ambassador Zareh subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn. This quest is also a reconstruction quest that will have an effect on the region’s city and add more items to the general store. Happy Questing!
How to Start the Goodwill Ambassador Zareh Subquest

To start the Goodwill Ambassador Zareh subquest, you must reach the Disappearance and Distress main quest. Once you’ve done that, travel to Viscint in Menancia and speak with Lagill near the Training Grounds.
Goodwill Ambassador Zareh Objectives
- Speak to Lagill
- Search for Zareh
- Search more for Zareh
- Search even more for Zareh
- Search for the child
- Report back to Lagill
Speak to Lagill
Speak with Lagill near the Training Grounds to learn that her cat Zareh is missing. Since she is so busy, agree to help her look for it.
Search for Zareh

Follow the sidewalk west through town to trigger a cutscene with Zareh.
Search More for Zareh

Chase after Zareh by heading down the sidewalk leading south from the Inn. When you reach the most southern point, another cutscene will trigger.
Search Even More for Zareh

Again, follow the cat this time it will lead you to the front of the Inn. Head there for another cutscene.
Search for the Child
Exit the city heading to Traslida Highway. Once you’re there, make your way to the center of the area near the campfire.

As you approach, you’ll find the little girl surrounded by zeugles. Charge at them to initiate a battle against 2 level 69 Forest Ropers and 3 level 68 Boomys.
Report Back to Lagill
Now that the girl is safe, return to Lagill and speak with her to complete the subquest.
Goodwill Ambassador Zareh Rewards
- 2500 Gald
- 480 SP