This is a guide on the collectibles found in The Southern Wilds in God of War Ragnarök (GOWR) for 100% area completion. In this area, the following collectibles can be found:
- Nornir Chest x1
- Legendary Chest x1
- Artifacts x1
- Odin’s Ravens x1
Odin’s Raven

This raven can be found flying around the river. Hug the left side of the area to reach it.

Artifact – Upon Pursuing a Place Not Marked on Maps

This artifact is located in the pit of the old market area just below the Southern Wilds text on the map. To reach it, you’ll need to slam down into the slab from a nearby structure.

Legendary Chest

This chest can be found in an area below the tree roots on the northern side of the market area. Open it to receive the Wrath of the Frost Ancient light rune attack.

Nornir Chest

This chest can be found along the main path on the northern side of the area. There will be three dials you have to spin. One can be found on a cliff to the left of the chest. With your back to the chest, look to the left to find another one. Use your Blades of Chaos to burn off the vines. The third one can be found southeast down the path you came. Head up on a rock then burn the vines on the tree to the left of it to access it. Open it to receive an Idunn Apple.