Freedom of the Press Gig Guide | Cyberpunk 2077

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Welcome to NGB and our Cyberpunk 2077 walkthrough for the Freedom of the Press gig! This guide will cover everything you will need to know to easily complete this quest, including how to start the gig and the steps you will need to take to finish it.

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How to Start the Freedom of the Press Gig

To begin the Freedom of the Press gig in Cyberpunk 2077, approach the gig location west of Pershing St fast travel point in Northside. You’ll need to complete a few gigs for Regina before it will appear on the map.

Freedom of the Press Walkthrough

Enter the TV Studio Building

To enter the building through the front door you’ll need a good amount of points in Technical Ability. Alternatively, jump up onto the dumpster near the front door to reach the roof then jump down through the ceiling.

Find Max

Once inside, head through the lobby to enter a hallway. Crouch under the laser in the hallway. Once you turn the corner, take an immediate right to avoid the turret at the other side of the room.

From here, follow the path then head up the ladder and drop down into the cluster of mannequins. Be careful of the turret in the room to the right of you. You’ll need to sprint into this room towards the left side to avoid its fire! Jump over the laser (or disarm it if you have Technical Ability 5) then run straight ahead.

Convince Max to Meet with Regina

Head up the stairs then enter through the door at the end of the walkway. Head through the next door on the right to encounter Max. Select “Nope, I’m not.” so he doesn’t shoot himself.

Next, select the following options to convince him to speak with Regina: “Regina was your mentor?”, “You dying wouldn’t change a thing.” and “She deserves a chance. Just talk to her.” When he agrees, Regina will text you that the car is waiting outside.

Escort Max Outside

Head through the door across the way and follow the path down a flight of yellow stairs to the car. Max will automatically follow you. Once he gets in the car, leave the area then head to the nearby drop box to collect your reward and complete the gig.

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