Kingdom Come Deliverance II – For Whom the Bell Tolls Walkthrough

Welcome to NGB and our Kingdom Come Deliverance II walkthrough for the For Whom the Bell Tolls quest! This guide will cover everything you need to know to easily complete this quest, including how to start the mission and the steps you will need to take to finish it.

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How to Start the For Whom the Bell Tolls Quest

The For Whom the Bell Tolls main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance II will automatically begin after the Wedding Crashers main quest ends.

For Whom the Bell Tolls Walkthrough

Haul the sacks to the charcoal shed (3) (optional)

The sacks will be found next to you on the wagon.

For Whom the Bell Tolls Kingdom Come Deliverance II KCD2

Pick one up then head through the doorway next to the guard. Once on the other side, follow the path to the right and head up the hill. At the top of the hill, continue straight, passing the doorway on the left with the guard, and enter the small room with logs piled up against it.

For Whom the Bell Tolls kingdom Come deliverance 2 where to carry the sacks

You’ll need to do this two more times!

Find work around the gallows (optional)

Find work around the gallows (optional)

From the wagon, head east and go down the hill to reach the gallows.

Find work around the gallows (optional)

Speak with Hired Hand Kolda. The shed will be to the west up a small flight of stairs.

Find work around the gallows (optional)

Grab the axe from inside then sharpen it using the nearby sharpening stone. Once Henry says it’s all good, speak with Kolda who is stripping a log next to the sharpening stone.

Talk to the blacksmith

Talk to the blacksmith

You’ll find the blacksmith leaning against a post near the charcoal shack. Head up to the forge and speak with Cook Fanka to learn that she needs help.

Cook Fanka

At the forge, you’ll find a chest on the southwest side. Open it to get your supplies and a recipe to make horseshoes. Make sure to grab the charcoal from the shelf as you’ll need it to make a potion later! Now that you have everything you need for a horseshoe, use the anvil to make one!

Return to the blacksmith and speak with him. You’ll then need to bring the horseshoe to Kabat at the horse stable.


Kabat will tell you that he lost his rosary to Father Nicodemus and will want you to get it back for him.

Find Kabot’s rosary (optional)

Find Kabot's rosary (optional)

Sneak up behind Father Nicodemus without anyone seeing you and knock him out. Grab the rosary then return to Kabat to hand it over. He’ll give you some lockpicks.

Help Cook Fanka

Once you’re ready to help, speak with Cook Fanka again then follow her into the castle and unlock her spice cabinet. After unlocking the spice cabinet, head upstairs and enter the kitchen. Speak with the Chamberlain then diagnose his illness.

Get hold of some stomach potion for the chamberlain (optional)

The Chamberlain needs a digestive potion. Return to the forge then head up the stairs on the west side of the courtyard. Keep taking the stairs all the way up to the top level of this building and enter the room to find Katherine inside.

Get hold of some stomach potion for the chamberlain (optional)

After speaking with her, loot the chest next to her. Make sure to read the Physician’s Journal on the shelf while you are here as you’ll need to learn a recipe for later. Use the alchemy table to make a digestive potion (for chamberlain) and a fever tonic (for Tomas that you’ll need later). For our guide on how to craft these potions, check out our Kingdom Come Deliverance II Crafting Potion Recipes guide.

Once you have the potion, return to the Chamberlain to hand it over. He’ll then give you permission to go to the chapel.

Get to Thomas

Head to the chapel, which is above the kitchen where the Chamberlain was. You’ll need to keep heading up to find and speak with Adela who is Thomas’ sister.

Get to Thomas

Persuade her to let us help him. She’ll mention her potion supplies are running low and that she needs more to save her brother.

Find out what medicine to give to Captain Thomas

Captain Thomas needs a fever tonic. Give her the one that you’ve previously crafted to trigger a cutscene.

Save Sir Hans from execution

After the cutscene, the objective will automatically complete. You’ll receive the A Bird in the Hand trophy for saving Capon from the gallows. If you wish to not piss off von Bergow, select the following options when speaking with him:

  • In truth, the welcome we got from your Master Chamberlain was somewhat…
    • There’s nothing else the chamberlain could have done.
  • I should say so! Attacking Brno and Jihlava…
    • We all have our share of the guilt.
  • In other words, whether I might betray Sigismund?
    • Betray is a strong word.

Once the lengthy cutscene finishes, For Whom the Bell Tolls will end and the Back in the Saddle main quest will begin.

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