Welcome to NGB and our guide on the First Contact Starfield mission! In this guide, we’ll cover how to start the quest and the steps you’ll need to take to complete it. If you’re here looking for help with a certain objective, then our quick links section should be able to point you in the right direction.
PLEASE NOTE: Some of the planets referenced in our guides and walkthroughs may not match up with yours due to how Starfield was created. In these situations, what you do and the places you visit on those planets should still be the same.
Starting First Contact Starfield Mission
First Contact is one of the misc. missions you can pick up in the Porrima System. To start this mission, travel to the Porrima System then head to Porrima II. You’ll then receive a distress call from Paradiso. Land at the resort and head inside the security building to find Chief Sugiyama.
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First Contact Walkthrough
Speak with Chief Sugiyama

For the First Contact Starfield mission, you’ll first need to enter the security building on the launch pad and then speak with Chief Sugiyama. He’ll make you swear not to disclose any details about what he is about to tell you.
Hail the Unidentified Ship
Return to orbit above Paradiso then hail the Unidentified Ship. When you’re attempts are unsuccessful, dock at the ship and then board it.
Speak with the Ship’s Captain
After speaking with the captain, follow her to the Command Bay then speak with her again.
Negotiate with Oliver Campbell
Return to the Welcome Paradiso building then take the elevator to the Executive Floor. Speak with Keavy behind the desk then enter the board room and talk to Oliver to begin the negotiations. Essentially, you’ll need to decide whether to convince the colonists to take the settlement deal in which they essentially become indentured servants, purchase a Grav Drive, and tell them to find a different planet to settle on or make the problem disappear by destroying their ship.
Settlement Deal
Return to the ECS Constant and speak with Captain Brackenridge. She’ll find the arrangement agreeable. You’ll then be able to persuade her for resources. If you choose to do so, speak with Daisuke in the Mess Hall. He’ll reduce the amount of materials you will need to gather to the following:
- Lithium (4/10)
- Iron (30/80)
- Sealant (8/20)
- Fiber (15/40)
If you are unable to persuade the Captain, you’ll need to gather the full amount of resources!
Once you’ve collected the necessary materials, report back to Captain Brackenridge. Now that they’re ready to visit the planet, ferry down some of the colonists to Paradiso. You’ll get to watch them experience fresh air for the first time ever. Once they stop, speak with the Captain again. She’s hopeful about their future stating that once they work off their debt they’ll be able to freely explore other planets. The mission will complete and you’ll receive 300 EXP, Antique Piggy Bank, Antique Earth Soccer Ball x2, Antique Earth Hockey Stick x3, Antique Earth Basketball, and Antique Earth Baseball x2.
If you speak with her again, you’ll learn that the ship has most likely been hauled away and turned into a museum. She’ll also state that she knows this wasn’t the perfect solution but she’s confident it was the right solution. She’ll also say how she could do without some terms of the agreement but that they will manage!
Purchase Grav Drive
For this option, travel to Hopetech in Hopetown on Polvo in the Valo System. Once there, speak with Bennu St. James. You can outright buy the Grav Drive for 40,000 credits or persuade him to drop the price down to 25,000 credits. When the Grav Drive is in your possession, return to the ECS Constant and speak with Amin in Engineering. You’ll then need to prepare the ship for the Grav Drive by interacting with the following:
- Engineering Control Computer Alpha = “Turbopump – Port” to “Cyrogenic Radiator – Auxiliary”
- Engineering Control Computer Beta = “Plasma Run-Off Inhibiter” to “5%
- Engineering Control Computer Gamma = “Magnetic Flange Pipe Enclosures” “Decouple””Auxiliary Module Assembly”
Once you’ve correctly prepared the ship, speak with Captain Brackenridge. She doesn’t seem to mind at all that Paradiso won’t been their home planet! They received a Starmap and new communication equipment. The Starfield First Contact mission will complete and you’ll receive 300 EXP, Antique Piggy Bank, Antique Earth Soccer Ball x2, Antique Earth Hockey Stick x3, Antique Earth Basketball, and Antique Earth Baseball x2.
If you speak with her again, you’ll get more dialog on how her crew is holding up and how she believes the best course of action is to find their own home instead of assimilating into modern society.
Destroy Ship
Return to the ECS Constant and make your way to Engineering. Once inside, take a left to find the Reactor Computer on the wall. This computer requires the ECS Constant Reactor Terminal Key to unlock it. This key can be found on Admin Kazemi! To pickpocket him, you must have the Theft skill, which can be found under the Social category.
Once you have the ECS Constant Reactor Terminal Key, use it on the Reactor Computer to unlock the computer then select “Reactor Computer”. Adjust the power level to “Emergency Reactor Overdrive”.
Next, head to the Captain’s Bridge Computer in the Command Bay control room. You’ll need to unlock it using advanced lockpicking. Select “Urgent Actions” then “Confirm Request”. Quickly escape to your ship then watch the destruction.
Next, report back to Oliver. The First Contact Starfield mission will complete and you’ll receive 300 EXP and 6500 credits.
Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs
Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield!