Below are our guides and walkthroughs for Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.
Below are the documents that can be found at Camp while playing Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes!
You’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below are guides on the correct dialog choices for your conversations during these expeditions!
- Annette
- Ashe
- Balthus
- Bernadetta
- Byleth
- Caspar
- Catherine
- Claude
- Constance
- Dedue
- Dimitri
- Dorothea
- Edelgard
- Felix
- Ferdinand
- Flayn
- Gatekeeper
- Hapi
- Hilda
- Holst
- Hubert
- Ignatz
- Ingrid
- Jeralt
- Jeritza
- Leonie
- Linhardt
- Lorenz
- Lysithea
- Manuela
- Marianne
- Mercedes
- Monica
- Petra
- Raphael
- Rodrigue
- Seteth
- Shamir
- Sylvain
- Yuri
In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you can give gifts to increase a unit’s charm and support points.
Below are guides on the gifts that each unit loves, likes and dislikes!
- Annette
- Ashe
- Balthus
- Bernadetta
- Byleth
- Caspar
- Catherine
- Claude
- Constance
- Dedue
- Dimitri
- Dorothea
- Edelgard
- Felix
- Ferdinand
- Flayn
- Gatekeeper
- Hapi
- Hilda
- Holst
- Hubert
- Ignatz
- Ingrid
- Jeralt
- Jeritza
- Leonie
- Linhardt
- Lorenz
- Lysithea
- Manuela
- Marianne
- Mercedes
- Monica
- Petra
- Raphael
- Rodrigue
- Seteth
- Shamir
- Sylvain
- Yuri
Paralogues are special side stories involving certain units in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. Below are guides on the correct dialog choices for your conversations during these paralogues.
- A Grand Day for the Opera Company
- A Night of Wonder
- A Noble Among Nobles
- A Reason to Fight
- An Incurable Shut-In
- Coming Clean
- Cycles of Nostalgia
- Eagles, Lions, and Deer
- Enshrouded Memories
- Like Cats and Dogs
- Love and Hate in Wartime
- Mercenary Complications
- Raiders from the North
- Right Where They’re Wanted
- The Ashen Wolves’ Reunion
- The Saints’ Forge
- The Seiros Snare
- Under the Protection of the Golden Deer
- Unsettling Truths
- What Lies Within
- Wildflowers for the Future
Support Points
Guides on which dialog choices grant support points during the main story. These support points signify the strength of a bond between two units. Units gain support points by giving appropriate answers in conversations, performing actions that make the other happy, or heading into battle together. Please note the guides are split apart depending upon the house you choose in Prologue: Chapter 2 – Three Houses.
- Black Eagles
- Prologue
- Scarlet Blaze
- Part I
- Part II
- Blue Lions
- Prologue
- Azure Gleam
- Part I
- Part II
- Golden Deer
- Prologue
- Golden Wildfire
- Part I
- Part II