Welcome to NGB and our guide for Finding Home Part 11 exploration quest in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. Here’ll we cover how to start the quest and what all you’ll need to do in order to complete it.
How to Start Finding Home Part 11
You’ll automatically begin this quest after completing all 10 of the Finding Home quests. For a guide on where to find and how to complete these 10 quests, click here!
Finding Home Part 11 Objectives
Look for Nathan Williams at Divergence Station

Travel to the eastern part of Waterway Valley domain in Kinglor Forest. Once at the objective, you’ll find the entrance stationed at the base of the cliffs. Head inside then go down the left hallway and shoot the red box by the door.

Make your way back around the hallway to reach that door and head on through. Loot the comic book from a table in the back corner of the room. After some dialog, the quest will complete and you’ll recieve the Father and Son in the Stars trophy.
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