Welcome to NGB and our Baldur’s Gate III walkthrough for the Find the Missing Shipment quest! This guide will cover everything you need to know so you can easily complete the quest.
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How to Begin Find the Missing Shipment

The quest can be found in the mountains northeast of Emerald Grove, to the west of the Risen Road. There is a cave there being attacked by a pack of Gnolls. Approaching the cave will throw you into combat.
Find the Missing Shipment Walkthrough
Help the trapped survivors
After the first turn, a dialog event with the Gnoll Warlord will trigger. Surprise! It, too, has a tadpole! Choose the first option to search further in its mind. This will add a new option to the list. You can now use your Illithid power to tell the gnoll to kill the people in the cave or feast on the rest of her pack. You can also withdraw from her mind and kill them all! (We chose to have her eat her pack!)
After the battle, you’ll have more dialog with the gnoll who is not satisfied. You’ll have the option to tell her to eat herself, leave, or sever the connection and attack her.
Talk to the survivors
After dealing with the gnoll, one of the men trapped in the cave will approach and thank you for saving them. You can ask him some questions like what he was doing and where they are going. As thanks, he’ll send you to meet some of his friends and give you a code word.
Take the shipment
Before he leaves, you can try to pass an intimidation check for the chest they are transporting instead.
Decide what to do with the chest
If you get it, the chest can be found in the cave and is tightly sealed. You’ll have to pass a 20 Sleight of Hand check to unlock it, or you can destroy it with your weapon. Inside, you’ll find the Iron Flask, which holds a dangerous creature, and the quest will be completed.
Alternatively, you can choose not to open the chest and instead use it as a bargaining chip. If you go this route, travel further west to reach the burning town of Waukeen’s Rest.

This is where the guy’s buddies from the cave are. On the area’s west side, you will find a couple of barns and a storage building.
Enter the storage building (blocked with wooden crates) to trigger an event with one of the Zhentarim. Use the password that the caveman gave you to gain entry.
Locate the hatch in the building and use it to access an underground area. Now, look for the locked wardrobe and use the key Salazon gave you to reveal a hidden door.
Take this new path to reach the Zhentarim Hideout. Speak with Zarys there, who will then task you to deliver the shipment to Baldur’s Gate and kill the man from the cave. If you refuse, then you’ll have to fight her and her goons.
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