Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – Runebarrows Puzzles

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Welcome to NGB and our Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes guide the Runebarrows puzzles! Here you’ll find how to solve the puzzles to weaken the rune golem, Prometheus!

CJ’s Runebarrows side quest

After The Next Steps main mission in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, you’ll be able to explore the world, looking for new allies. Start by recruiting Isha in the southwestern corner of Eltisweiss. For a guide on how to recruit her, click here!

Once she’s joined the Alliance, head to the southern exit of your HQ to trigger a cutscene with CJ who is looking for Isha and Garoo. Afterwards, set Isha and Garoo in your party then set off for the Barrows east of Arenside. After the reunion, you’ll face the boss, Prometheus! During the fight, you’ll be told to flee so do that!

Afterwards, step on the right platform to open the door then follow the path to reach a device that will teleport you to a puzzle.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - Runebarrows Puzzles

Interact with the piece while facing north to push it onto the red circle. Continue following the path deeper into the Runebarrows to check for more. As you come across the devices, solve the Runebarrows puzzles using the solutions below to disengage all 4! Once all have been disengaged, you’ll automatically be put back into battle with the rune golem. Take it down and CJ will join you!

Northeastern Runebarrows Puzzle Solution

For the Runebarrows puzzle in the northeastern corner, you’ll need to solve 2 puzzles.

Puzzle 1

For the first Runebarrows puzzle that you’ll come across with is on the northeastern side of the Runebarrows, you’ll need to start by moving the western most piece to the east.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzle 1 Solution

Next, you’ll move the easternmost piece north then west then south.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzle 1 Solution

Move the southern piece north to solve the first puzzle!

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzle 1 Solution

Puzzle 2

For this puzzle, start with the easternmost piece and push it west.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Next, move that same piece north then west then north again.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Next, move the nearby piece west

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then south.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Take the last piece and move it east

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then north and west to its final resting place.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Southwestern Runebarrows Puzzle Solution

For the Runebarrows puzzle in the southwestern corner, you’ll solve the puzzle by pushing the piece in the following directions: north, east, south, west then south.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Northwestern Runebarrows Puzzle Solution

For the northwestern Runebarrows puzzle, you’ll need to solve 2 puzzles!

Puzzle 1

For this puzzle, start by pushing the northwestern piece south

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then east.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Push the northern piece south

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then east

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then south

then west

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

and lastly north to its resting place.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Puzzle 2

For this puzzle, start by moving the southern piece east.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Next, move the middle piece south

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then east.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Afterwards, move the northern piece east

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then south.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Head down to the southeastern piece and move it north into its resting place.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Move the last piece west

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then north and east to solve the puzzle.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes guides and walkthroughs, click here!