Welcome to NGB and our Dragon’s Dogma 2 walkthrough on the A Veil of Gossamer Clouds quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.
How to obtain the A Veil of Gossamer Clouds quest
To begin the A Veil of Gossamer Clouds quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll first need to complete all of Captain Brant’s quests and attend the coronation. When you leave the Stardrop Inn, someone will approach you saying that Sven is awaiting your prescense in his chambers. Afterwards, head to the castle and make your way up to the second floor where you’ll find Sven’s Chambers on the northwestern side.

Upon entering, Sven will strike up a conversation with you and hand over an Unfinished Letter.
A Veil of Gossamer Clouds Objectives
Investigate the letter and report back to Sven
For this quest, you’ll first need to complete The Heel of History and The Caged Magistrate quests if you have not already done so. These quests will send Magistrate Waldhar to The Gracious Hand’s Vaults in Vernworth. When you’re ready for this objective, you’ll need to deliver the letter to Magistrate Waldhar in The Gracious Hand’s Vaults in Vernworth.

Next, travel to the Vernworth Castle Gaol Tower and speak with Lady Elena in the row on the left side. She’ll look it over and tell you more information about Lord Phaesus and direct you to the Forbidden Magick Research Lab in Battahl. When you speak with her, the guards might start to attack you. If this happens, quickly run out the back door to escape.

Travel to the Forbidden Magick Research Lab east of Bakbattahl. In order to go inside, you’ll need to have the Battahl Residence Permit. When you walk into the room with a dragon on a pedestal, you’ll witness a scene between Jerome and Yglie. Afterwards, head into the room they were in and loot the Letter to Lord Phaesus on the table.

Next, travel to Vernworth Castle and enter Sven’s Chambers on the second floor. Choose the see for yourself option and show him the Letter to Lord Phaesus. As a reward, you’ll receive a Ferrystone and 20,000G.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Guides and Walkthroughs
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