Welcome to NGB and our Dragon’s Dogma 2 walkthrough on the A Game of Wits quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.
How to obtain the A Game of Wits quest

To begin the A Game of Wits quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll need to find the sphinx in the Mountain Shrine. To reach this shrine, you’ll need to find the Ancient Battleground, which is northeast of Checkpoint Rest Town. Follow the road to the northwest of the Ancient Battleground to the structure. Once in the structure, work your way to the top and locate the Worldsend Cavern to the north of the structure. Follow the path through the mountain to reach the Shrine Corridor. Keep following the path to reach the Mountain Shrine. Approach the sphinx who will challenge you to a set of riddles.

A Game of Wits Objectives
Answer the sphinx’s riddles at the Mountain Shrine
Stand on the pedestal in front of the sphinx to select a riddle.
Riddle of Eyes
Answer: Sealing Phial

Head through the newly opened door then turn around and look up to spot a chest. Loot this chest above the door to receive a Sealing Phial, which is what you want to give the sphinx to correctly answer the Riddle of Eyes. As a reward for answering correctly, loot the newly unlocked chest behind the sphinx to receive a Wakestone.
Riddle of Madness
Answer: A character you’ve romanced
For the Riddle of Madness, you’ll need to bring the sphinx a character you have romanced. Our choice was Ulrika! You have several different ways to bring your romanced character back to the sphinx. We dropped a Portcrystal at the sphinx then used a Ferrystone while we were carrying our romanced character. Put her down next to you then speak with the sphinx to select “yes”.

As a reward for solving the Riddle of Madness, you’ll be able to open the chest containing a Portcrystal.
Riddle of Wisdom
Answer: “SphynxMother” or “SphynxFather” Pawn that is from CAPCOM
For the Riddle of Wisdom DD2, you’ll need to head to the Riftstone of Fellowship at Harve Village. Interact with it then view the Pawns it has. You’re looking for the “SphynxMother” or “SphynxFather” Pawn from CAPCOM. Please make sure it is from CAPCOM before you recruit them!

Once you have the Pawn, return to the sphinx. You’ll need to carry the Pawn close the the sphinx then speak with her. As a reward for completing the Riddle of Wisdom, you’ll receive 1200 RC.
Riddle of Conviction
Answer: Any item you’d like duplicated
For the Riddle of Conviction, you’ll need to deliver a prized possession. You can choose whatever item you’d like duplicated. As a reward for solving this riddle, you’ll be able to open the chest containing whatever item you gave her hence it was duplicated as she doesn’t actually take the item you give her.
Riddle of Rumination
Answer: Your first Seeker’s Token location
For the Riddle of Rumination in DD2, you’ll need to remember the location of the first Seeker’s Token you collected! In the location of your first token, you’ll find a Finder’s Token. Bring this token back to the sphinx to complete the Riddle of Rumination. As a reward, you’ll be able to loot the chest containing Ferrystone x3.
Answer the sphinx’s riddles at the Frontier Shrine
Stand on the pedestal in front of the sphinx to select a riddle.
Riddle of Reunion

For this riddle, you just have to locate the sphinx at the Frontier Shrine, which is southwest of Checkpoint Rest Town. As a reward for solving this riddle, you’ll be able to open the chest containing 100,000G.
Riddle of Recollection
Answer: 6
For the Riddle of Recollection, you’ll need to know how many riddles you’ve solved. As an easy way of finding out, just count the chests you’ve opened at both shrines! As a reward for solving this riddle, the chest containing an Unmaking Arrow will unlock.
Riddle of Futility

For the Riddle of Futility in DD2, you’ll need to bring the amphora (aka pot) all the way to Ser Maurits, who can be found on the north side of Bakbattahl at the Mural Byway, without breaking it.

Alternatively, you can save yourself a lot of time by just teleporting Ser Maurits to the amphora via a Ferrystone or Sealing Phial. As a reward for solving this riddle, you can open the chest containing an Eternal Bond.
Riddle of Differentiation
For the Riddle of Differentiation, you’ll need to find the man the sphinx shows you. When you’re shown the man, pay close attention to the man’s hair as this will dictate whether you need to find Vergil or Dante. Vergil has wavy hair and Dante has straight hair. Both men can be found in Checkpoint Rest Town. Vergil can be found wandering around the south side of town near the South Border Checkpoint Oxcart Station, whereas, Dante will be found on the north side of town near The Sword & Staff. Collect your person then bring him to the sphinx. As a reward for solving this riddle, you can open the chest containing the Whimsical Daydream.
Riddle of Contest

For the Riddle of Contest in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll need to fight a man wielding a sword and shield that the sphinx spawns while wearing a Ring of Derision that the sphinx automatically equips on you. This ring makes all your attacks as weak as possible. We were able to knock him out of the shrine and our Pawns joined in the fight. Additionally, we were able to push him off the cliff where he fell to his death which ended the battle. As a reward for solving this riddle, you can open the chest containing a Ring of Ambition.
Defeat Sphinx
After solving all the riddles, approach the platform and an event will trigger during which she’ll attempt to fly away. Quickly run around behind her and equip the Unmaking Arrow. Shoot her in the back causing her to die instantly. Make sure to pick up the Key of Sagacity and use it to open the giant gold chest to receive an Eternal Wakestone.
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