Welcome to NGB and our Dragon’s Dogma 2 walkthrough on the A Case of Sculptor’s quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.
How to obtain the A Case of Sculptor’s quest

To begin the A Case of Sculptor’s quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you must pass by the Klark’s Estate in the Noble Quarter. Klark will begin talking to you about speaking with a sculpture in Bakbattahl. Agree to help him to begin the quest.
A Case of Sculptor’s Objectives
Visit Fulvio in Battahl

Fulvio can be found in Fulvio’s Workshop, which is located just south of the Residential Ward. He’ll request that you get a Medusa head to freeze a griffin in place long enough so he can draw it.
Find Medusa
Before heading for the meeting place, you’ll need to track down Medusa. In Dragon’s Dogma 2, Medusa can be found southwest of Bakbattahl at the Nera’Battahl Windrift.

To decapitate her, you’ll need to focus your attention on her head. We were of the thief vocation to accomplish this! While fighting her, she will throw you off so quickly climb back on and deal more damage to her head until it finally comes off.
Make for the meeting place

Now that you have Medusa’s head, travel northwest of Bakbattahl and east of the Enoa Battahl Forest near the Riftstone of the Summit. There you’ll find Fulvio.
Accompany Fulvio
Follow Fulvio up the path to reach the griffin.Equip Medusa’s head by going into the items menu then going to the implements tag (where your lantern is). There you can equip it. Once that’s done, use the head on the griffen to turn it to stone. You can do this by pushing the same button combination to activate the lantern. Once the griffen is turned to stone, Fulvio will make a comment on how awesome you were and can now finish the sculpture.
Wait a few days
You’ll need to wait a few days then check on Fulvio’s progress. After a few day’s have passed, return to Fulvio’s workshop and speak with him. He’ll tell you that it’s complete and will extend and invitation for you at Klark’s Estate in Vernworth.
Attend Unveiling
Travel to the Noble Quarter in Vernworth and enter Klark’s Estate. Head up to the second level and enter the room to trigger a cutscene. As a reward, you’ll receive, 18,500G.
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