As you explore the Fractured Peaks in Diablo IV, you’ll come across 3 strongholds which are needed for the Fractured Peaks area completion. Below are the locations of the Fractured Peaks strongholds and a walkthrough on how to complete them!

Kor Dragan
Location: Northeast of Menestad passing through the Western Ways
For this stronghold, you’ll need to purge the vampiric corruption. To do this, you’ll need to clear out all the smaller boils around a Vampiric Incubator then you’ll be able to destroy the incubator itself. There are a total of 3 incubators. Please note that when you take down an incubator an elite enemy will spawn. Once you’ve dealt with all 3 incubators, you’ll be able to take care of the Vampiric Aberration in the cathedral to reveal a hallway. Head on down to fight Nilcar, the Forgotten Bishop. In this room there will be 3 incubators with shields on them. As you drop his health to each of the different notches, he’ll activate the incubator to spawn a minion to a maximum of 3. He’ll also spawn Hellbinders that will chain you to them so make sure to destroy them to break free. We found that the best way to defeat this boss was to focus on him! Once you defeat Nilcar, head outside and activate the nearby Wanderer’s Shrine.
Location: East of Kyovashad and south of the Bear Tribe Refuge
After entering the Malnok stronghold, you’ll need to find and defeat 3 Ice Clan Stormcallers. Each one will be guarded by an elite Ritual Guardian accompanied by a group of enemies. Once you take them all out, return to the center of Malnok and eliminate the remaining enemies including the boss. Once you defeat them all, rekindle the Wanderer’s Shrine!
Location: North of Nevesk heading through The Pallid Glade
Once you enter Nostrava, follow the sound of the ringing bell to the eastern part of the fortress. Enter the chapel and speak with the Priestess kneeling before the Lilith altar. This causes the Priestess to stick the attending villagers to attack you and the chapel to erupt in fire. Make quick work of the villagers then leave the building as the fire will damage you.
For the next task, you’ll need to investigate the 5 villagers’ homes in search of the Priestess. In each house, destroy the Demonic Effigies and defeat the groups of enemies.
Once you’ve completed this task, return to the chapel where you’ll engage in a boss fight. Once you’ve defeated the 3 bosses, rekindle the Wanderer’s Shrine!
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