As you explore the Fractured Peaks in Diablo IV, you’ll come across side quests. Select the below Fractured Peaks side quests to reach their walkthroughs.
- A Cold Faith
- Bound by Blood
- Chain of Possession
- Cries of Innocence
- Depths of Despair
- Exorcist’s Cache
- Faith in Blood
- Frostbloom
- Gold Well Spent
- Hammer of the Champion
- Hungering Bone Cache
- Legacies of Light’s Watch
- Legacy Unmade
- Maladay of the Soul
- Menestad Coffers
- Raising Spirits
- Ravenous Dead
- Secret of the Spring
- Shattered Tribute
- Sight to Madness
- The Beast’s Challenge
- The Cleansing Flame
- The Dread Martyr
- The Sealed Door
- The Woodsman of Nevesk
- Traveler’s Prayer
- Unyielding Flesh
A Cold Faith
Location: Frigid Expanse – Eastern Plain
To begin the “A Cold Faith” side quest, examine the Pilgrim’s Journal on the ground next to a corpse just past the eastern exit of Kyovashad. This quest will task you with speaking to Priest Matvey in Margrave. To reach Margrave, head south of Kyovashad. Once there, speak with Priest Matvey just west of the Waypoint to complete the A Cold Faith side quest.
Bound by Blood
Location: Dobrev Taiga – Margrave
To begin the Bound by Blood side quest, speak with Lacthan on the western side of Margrave. For this quest, you’ll need to speak with Priest Matvey, Meridian and Guard Cvetko. All 3 of these individuals can be found in Margrave. After speaking with them, head east of Margrave.

Once there, interact with the Bandit Corpse next to the healing well, Empty Barrels east of the campfire and Slain Merchant near the campfire. You’ll then need to help Lacthan find the bandit hideout in Sinner’s Chase. To reach this area, head slightly north to enter the Western Tunnels. Once there, head south to find the Cutthroats Escape dungeon.

Head inside then work your way through this area to reach a chained set of wooden doors. You’ll then need to find the Smuggler’s Key. Take the northern path and follow it to the end to find a Smuggler’s Pack. Interact with this pack then grab the Smuggler’s Key!
Return to the wooden door and unlock the chain. Afterwards, proceed inside and continue working your way through the dungeon. At the end of the dungeon, you’ll face off against the Outlaw Sharpshooter. Take him down then speak with Perithan to complete the quest.
Call of the Ancients
Location: Seat of the Heavens – Bear Tribe Refuge
Complete the Hammer of the Champion side quest then speak with the Chieftain to begin the Call of the Ancients side quest. You’ll then need to enter The Hallowed Glacier dungeon in the village. Work your way through this dungeon to the far northeastern corner where you’ll find the Fleshless. Take down this enemy then loot the Bloodstone that it guarded. Bring this Bloodstone to the northwestern side of the dungeon near the healing well. Afterwards, head through the unsealed door. In the Chamber of Misery, you’ll witness a brief scene then speak with Kravett who is laying on the ground to begin the boss fight. Take the boss down then speak with Kravett again to complete the quest.
Chain of Possession
Location: Sarkova Pass – Menestad
To begin the Chain of Possession side quest, speak with Parin near The Red Cellar dungeon. For this quest you’ll need to enter the Red Cellar. Head inside then take out the boss in the northern corner. Afterwards, speak with Parin to complete the quest.
Cries of Innocence
Location: Frigid Expanse – Olyam Tundra
To obtain the Cries of Innocence side quest, speak with Vendral Trost on a bridge next to a waterfall near the Eastern Gatehouse. Afterwards, enter the Black Asylum dungeon, which can be found up the road northeast of Vendral Trost. Work your way through the dungeon, to the north where you’ll find Vendral’s son by a gate winch.

Take him down then report back to Vendral Trost to complete the Cries of the Innocence side quest.
Depths of Despair
Location: Desolate Highlands – Kyovashad
To begin the Depths of Despair side quest, speak with Sister Octavia in the alley with Lizveth after completing Maladay of the Soul. You’ll have to leave town and come back. After speaking with her, head inside the house she’s standing in front of then enter the Ominous Cellar. Clear out the cellar then exit it. Head outside and interact with Kvera. Chase her husband to the southwestern side of the search area to find the Syovashad Sewers. Enter the sewers then work your way to the end of the area. Once there, speak with Sister Octavia then place the chalice where indicated. Take down the boss that spawns then exit the dungeon and speak with Sister Octavia again to complete the quest.
Exorcist’s Cache
Location: Frigid Expanse – Olyam Tundra
To begin the Exorcist’s Cache side quest, loot the cache randomly dropped by an enemy. For this quest, you’ll need to gather spirit anima from the undead. To do this, defeat the Bone Warriors, Wraiths and Wrathful Phantoms in the objective’s area. Once you defeat these enemies, walk through the blue orbs to gather the spirit anima. Once the bar is full, the Exorcist’s Cache side quest will complete.
Faith in Blood
Location: Desolate Highlands – Kyovashad
This quest becomes available after you’ve completed Sister Octavia’s previous side quests. Speak with Petr near the waypoint in Kyovashad to receive a letter from Sister Octavia. Head over to the Ominous Cellar dungeon in a house down the road from Lizveth in the eastern alleyway. Speak with the sister inside who will ask you to perform the blood rites ritual. She’ll then hand over her prayer book and send you to Margve in search of the holy chalice. Locate Priest Matvey west of the Margrave waypoint asking him to borrow his chalice. After some fun dialog, the priest will hand over the cup. Take it east of Margrave to the Western Tunnels. There you’ll want to whoop some bandits to fill the chalice up with their blood. Once that’s done, return to the priest and use the pyre to purify it.
You can now head back to the Omnious Cellar to perform the ritual. Speak with Petr outside the house then follow him to the cellar. Interact with the chalice on the floor to begin the exorcism. You’ll have to fight a couple of waves of enemies before Priest Matvey intrudes on the ritual. Interact with the chalice again to finish the ritual where the demon Demotah will finally grace you with its presence allowing. Defeat the demon then speak with the sister in the cellar and once more outside to complete the quest.
Location: The Pallid Glade
To begin the Frostbloom side quest, you’ll need to randomly harvest a Frostbloom plant in The Pallid Glade…
Gold Well Spent
Location: Sarkova Pass – Menestad
To begin the Gold Well Spent side quest, speak with Mero in Menestad near the Waypoint. For this quest, follow the main road northwest out of town to reach the area marked on the map for this objective.

Once there, speak with Luskas by the campfire. He won’t be too happy to see us and will start a fight. Defeat him then collect the item he drops. Return to Meros in Menestad to complete the Gold Well Spent side quest!
Hammer of the Champion
Location: Seat of the Heavens – Bear Tribe Refuge
To begin the Hammer of the Champion side quest, speak with Greganoch just west of the waypoint. You’ll then need to head south to the Rimescar Cavern dungeon in Malnok. Work your way through this dungeon to the north. When you drop down into the Uncharted Depths. Head north a short way then loot the statue. Pick up the Grizzly’s Maul then exit the dungeon and return to Greganoch to complete the quest.
Hungering Bone Cache
Location: The Pallid Glade
To begin the Hungering Bone Cache, you’ll need to loot a cache randomly dropped by a werewolf in the Pallid Galde north of Nevesk. Once you have the cache, you’ll need to defeat werewolves to harvest their anima. One enough is collected the quest will complete and you’ll be able to open the cache.
Legacies of Light’s Watch
Location: Dobrev Taiga – Margrave
To begin the Legacies of Light’s Watch side quest, speak with Zalan Coste just north of the Waypoint…
Legacy Unmade
Location: Sarkova Pass – Menestad
You’ll begin this quest after completing the Chain of Possession side quest. You’ll need to then meet him in the Crags of Ill Wind. Make your way over there to find Parin outside of the Sanctified Study dungeon.

Head inside then interact with The Woodsman’s Axe on the table. Next, place it in the Holy Water in the center of the room. Defeat Magdalena and The Woodsman then interact with The Woodsman’s Axe. Speak with Parin to complete the quest.
Maladay of the Soul
Location: Desolate Highlands – Kyovashad
To begin the Maladay of the Soul side quest, talk to Sister Octavia in the alley near the Blacksmith. For this quest, you’ll need to head into the building that Sister Octavia is standing in front of then enter the Frigid Cellar.
Once inside, speak with Sister Octavia then place the holy chalice near the bed. Speak with Sister Octavia again to begin the exorcism. A fight with a group of Carvers will begin. Once you take them all out, the boss will spawn. Take it down then speak with Sister Octavia outside to complete the quest.
Menestad Coffers
Location: Desolate Highlands – Kyovashad
To begin the Menestad Coffers side quest, speak with Kudomyla just northwester of the waypoint after completing the Missing Pieces main story quest. For this quest, exit Kyovashad via the northwestern map transition. You’ll find the Monk Bozan at the spot shown on the map below.

Upon finding the monk, speak with him then loot the chest to the right of the monk. Pick up the Tithing Demands then head west towards the objective to reach the town of Menestad. Once there, speak with Talgun to complete the Menestad Coffers side quest!
Raising Spirits
Location: Desolate Highlands – Kyovashad
To begin the Raising Spirits side quest, speak with Guard Boza in the northern part of Kyovashad after first arriving there. For this quest, you’ll need to head just northeast of Guard Boza to the area where the new recruits have been training. Stand near the recruits then use the “Cheer” emote. If you’re playing on Playstation, push up on the D-pad to reach this menu then press L1 to reach the wheel with “Cheer”. After using the emote, return to Guard Boza to complete the Raising Spirits side quest.
Ravenous Dead
Location: Gale Valley – Yelesna
To begin the Ravenous Dead side quest, speak with Olesia just west of the Waypoint. For this quest, you’ll need to collect 15 Ghoul Hearts. Exit the town to the east and defeat Ghouls. Once you’ve collected enough Ghoul Hearts, return to Olesia to complete the quest.
Secret of the Spring
Location: Frigid Expanse – Kylsik Plateau
To begin the Secret of the Spring side quest, examine the Discarded Note near the Forsake Quarry Dungeon. This quest will task you with solving the note’s riddle. Make your way to the Frigid Expanse to the Trough of Orobas spring at the spot shown on the map below.

Once there, you’ll need to use the “Wait” emote. If you’re playing on Playstation, push up on the D-pad to reach this menu then select “Customize”. Assign the “Wait” emote to a slot on the wheel then use it! A buried chest will appear just north of the spring. Open it to complete the Secret of the Spring side quest!
Shattered Tribute
Location: Seat of the Heavens – Bear Tribe Refuge
To begin the Shattered Tribute side quest, speak with Sena just south of the Waypoint. For this quest, you’ll need to collect 25 Ice Clan Bones. Head north of the village to reach the Hoarfrost Demise dungeon.
Once inside, work your way through the dungeon grabbing the Ice Clan Bones as you defeat the enemies. When you’ve collected enough bones, return to Sena to hand them over and complete the quest.
Sight to Madness
Location: Desolate Highlands – Kyovashad
This quest becomes available after you take down the Nostarva stronghold. To start it, speak with Vilek on the northwestern side of town in the stockade. He’ll need you to slay Theya and retrieve her Necklace of Eyes. She can be found in the Cutlist Refuge dungeon located at Nostrava.

Enter the dungeon and wander around until you find Theya. Take her out then loot the Necklace of Eyes off of her. Deliver it to Vilek in Kyovashad to complete the quest. If this is your first time at the Cultist Refuge, you may want to finish the dungeon before leaving.
The Beast’s Challenge
Location: Seat of the Heavens – Bear Tribe Refuge
To begin The Beast’s Challenge side quest, speak with Greganoch just west of the Waypoint. For this quest, you’ll need to claim the Head of Kauller the Collector who can be found to the northwest of the Hoarfrost Demise dungeon.

Once you take him down, return to Greganoch then mount the Head of Kauller behind him on the display to complete the quest.
The Cleansing Flame
Location: Dobrev Taiga – Margrave
To begin The Cleansing Flame side quest, speak with Priest Matvey just west of the Waypoint. To light the ritual brazier, head northeast of Margrave to Ashen Hollow. Once there, interact with the brazier. This will cause a horde to spawn. Defeat the waves of enemies then return to Priest Matvey in Margrave. Speak with him to complete the quest.
The Dread Martyr
Location: Frigid Expanse – Olyam Tundra
To begin The Dread Martyr side quest, speak with the dying Sir Cromwell on the side of the road east of the Black Asylum dungeon. For this quest, enter the Hollowed Ossuary which can be found east of Kyovashad…
The Sealed Door
Location: Desolate Highlands – Kyovashad
To begin The Sealed Door side quest, talk to the Strange Beggar in the alley east of Zivek the Blacksmith. To locate the sealed door, head to the spot shown on the map below.

Once there, you’ll need to defeat the enemy that spawn. Afterwards, The Sealed Door side quest will complete!
The Woodsman of Nevesk
Location: Desolate Highlands – Nevesk
To begin The Woodsman of Nevesk, talk with Madalena near the entrance to the church ruins. This quest will task you with finding the Woodsman’s Axe east of town. You’ll find this axe at the spot shown below.

There you’ll find an axe sticking out of a tree stump. Grab it to cause the Woodsman to spawn. Take down this big guy then return to Magdalena in Nevesk. Speak with her to complete The Woodsman of Nevesk side quest.
Traveler’s Prayer
Location: Gale Valley – Yelesna
To begin the Traveler’s Prayer side quest, interact with the Pilgrim’s Letter at The Hog’s Head. For this quest, you’ll need to give thanks at the shrine. Make your way north to the objective to find a small shrine.

Use your Emotes and select “Thanks”. Doing this will cause a Pilgrim’s Supplies chest to spawn right next to the shrine. Open it to complete the quest!
Unyielding Flesh
Location: Gale Valley – Yelesna
To begin the Unyielding Flesh side quest, speak with Krystyna. You’ll then need to help her find her husband, Feodor. You can find him chained up at the spot shown on the map below.

Once you’ve found him, head east and listen to the mysterious woman. She’ll turn into a boss. Take her out then return to Krystyna and speak with her. Interact with the Fine Dagger in Feodor to complete the quest.
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