As you explore Hell-A in Dead Island 2, you’ll come across collectible journals. This guide covers where to find the Life in Hell-A journals. There are a total of 4 journals for Urban Blight, 9 for Surviving & Thriving and 12 for The New Normal.
Urban Blight
#1 Urban Blight
Location: Beverly Hills – On the wall in the water treatment facility where you get Phil’s key, which you’ll come to during the Justifiable Zombicide story quest
#2 Engineers on Edge
Location: Beverly Hills – At a dead end on the east side of the area

#3 Workplace Incident Report
Location: Brentwood Sewers – Northwestern corner of the Main Septic Tank. You’ll be tasked of running through this area during The Heart of Darkness story quest. Just before the end when you’re on the metal walkway, turn away from the main path leading to safety to find it.

#4 Do Not Enter
Location: Ocean Avenue – In the basement of the Lotusville on a sticky note next to the door that needs a fuse to open

Surviving & Thriving
#1 Guided Mindlessness
Location: Beverly Hills – On nightstand in the second level bedroom of the white house in the northern part of town

#2 Death Spiral
Location: Halperin Hotel – On the phone behind the counter in the lobby

#3 So Dumb
Location: Ocean Avenue – On the 3rd floor of the apartment building on Venture Walk next to Beancup Coffee.

#4 Gratitude Journal
Location: Ocean Avenue – In a storage room accessible via the outside of the Louisville building on the western side of the map

#5 Prized Fighter
Location: Ocean Avenue – On a cement seat near the Venice Beach map transition

#6 Everything Must Go!
Location: Ocean Avenue – In Epaules et Pieds in the Serling Hotel

#7 Trash Poetry
Location: Ocean Avenue – In the Serling Hotel’s trash room in the basement. This area is accessible during the Lending a Hand side quest.

#8 Zombie Outbreak Society Rules
Location: Santa Monica – Between the stairs leading up the the pier there will be an open door. Head inside underneath the pier to find a room filled with storage boxes. Follow the path to find this collectible.

#9 Family Ties
Location: Santa Monica – In the Hot Dog Shack on the far northeastern side of the area

The New Normal
#1 To My Followers
Location: Bel-Air – In the Goat Pen house on the desk in the bedroom with the double beds

#2 I’ll Be Waiting
Location: Halperin Hotel – Between the elevators on the second floor

#3 End-of-the-World Bucket List
Location: Halperin Hotel – In Room 306

#4 Diary Entry: Thursday
Location: Brentwood Sewers – In the Automated Hydrostatics Monitoring room, which is accessible during The Heart of Darkness during the objective to wade through the filth to reach the storm tank

#5 Out of Time
Location: Venice Beach – On a spinner at the park just south of the police station on the beach in the southern part of the area

#6 People-Watching
Location: Venice Beach – On the roof of a building overlooking the muscle competition in the southern part of the map

#7 Feeding Frenzy
Location: Venice Beach – On a shipping container in the water accessible during the Cremains of the Day side quest

#8 Reed’s Doubters
Location: Ocean Avenue – In the hotel room you wake up in during the Plumbing the Depths story quest.

#9 Chore Rota
Location: Ocean Avenue – In the Lotusville in the sitting area near the piano

#12 The Case of Lacey Dubois
Location: Metro – In the northeastern part of the area in the flooded room where you had to carry a circuit breaker through without getting electrocuted. After installing the circuit breaker, you’ll be able to traverse the flooded room.

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