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Complete Guide for Baten Kaitos Detourne the Mystical Garden

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our complete guide for Baten Kaitos Detourne. Here we’ll cover the Baten Kaitos story section that takes place in Detourne, any items you can find in this area and the enemies that call it home along with their weaknesses and resistances.

Detourne Items

  • Jet Boots
  • Red Necklace
  • White Sword
  • Magnus: Whirlwind Hit
  • Magnus: Silver Barrette
  • Magna Essence of the Golden Pickaxe

Baten Kaitos Detourne Story

Once you arrive at Detourne, jump across the water on the right side using the red cube. Interact with the person to learn more information then head through the door to trigger a mini game.

As you make your way through this maze, make sure to fight all the green slimes as it will cause a chest to spawn in the southwestern corner.

In the maze, head through the north central set of stairs to reach the roof of the previous room. Jump east and speak with the Golden Hero to receive Jet Boots.

If you speak with him again and ask for help, he’ll give you a Red Necklace. Speak with him a third time to receive a White Sword. Next, head south to the middle stairwell.

There you’ll find a Magnus: Whirlwind Hit to the west of the scale and a Magnus: Silver Barrette to the southeast of the scale. Interact with the scale then make the blue dish heavier by placing Pristine Water (which you can gather from the water around the scale using a blank card) in it.

Afterwards, return to the north central stairwell and interact with the chain.

Select to break it then jump across to the red flower to save. Afterwards, head to the south central stairwell. Head to the west by jumping over the cube then head through the doorway.

Open the chest to receive a Magna Essence of the Golden Pickaxe. Make sure to put this in a blank card as you’ll need it to break the golden walls of the maze to reach the wooden door.

Next, return to the middle central stairwell where the scale is then place the Pristine Water into the red dish to make it heavier. It is now time to head to the southeastern stairwell. You’ll be able to jump across the red cube to reach the middle where the Golden Key rests on another red cube.

Return to the wooden door in the maze and open it! Heading inside will trigger a cutscene followed by a boss fight against Magnus Giganticus who uses Dark attacks. It resists water and dark. Defeat this card to trigger a cutscene.

Afterwards, return to Parnasse to trigger a cutscene. During the cutscene, select to save Melodia! To get out of the house, speak with everyone a couple of times and eventually Gibari will come up with a solution. Upon leaving the house, you’ll travel via world map to Reverence, the Picture Book Village!


EnemyWeakness / Resistance
Devilish Hands (tents with legs or hands)Weakness: Wind, Light & Water
Resists: Dark, Fire & Chronos
Slime (slime blob)Weakness: Fire
Resists: Water

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Complete Guide for Parnasse in Baten Kaitos

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our complete guide for Parnasse, the Confectionary Village, in Baten Kaitos. Here we’ll cover the story section of Baten Kaitos that takes place in Parnasse, the items you can purchase from the shops and the favors from townsfolk you can pick up. Please note that Quzman family members may be found in this area! Check out our guide here to find out where they are located!

Parnasse Items

  • Magnus: Frozen Tangerine
  • Mira Cream
  • Magnus: Chronos Armor
  • Magnus: Fresh Meat

Baten Kaitos Parnasse Story

Upon your arrival at Parnasse, a cutscene will trigger with Tisocco and Donella. When it ends, head forward a short way to trigger another cutscene. Afterwards, visit the nearby blue flower! The shop can be found west of the blue flower.

Next, speak with the Fat Man with a Bracelet who is sitting down southeast of the blue flower.

Parnasse Quzman Family Member Fat Man with a Bracelet

Tell him that Sabin’s there as he’ll see through your lie otherwise. To sign the family tree, he’ll want you to bring him a tasty snack…

Afterwards, enter the southern doorway on the right to find Trill. She’ll need some Mira Chocolate. In this room, make sure to gather a Magnus: Frozen Tangerine from the fridge and Mira Cream from the white pots to the left of the oven.

Exit the house and head up to the next building, which is Donella’s bakery. Inside, speak with the person in the southeastern corner then agree to watch the oven. You don’t actually have to stay so continue exploring. Speak with the guy next to the chocolate to hand over the Mira Cream. In return, you’ll need to interact with the vat of chocolate to receive Mira Chocolate.

Parnasse Mira Cream & Mira Chocolate

Now that you have the chocolate, return to Trill’s bakery and speak with her to hand over the chocolate which will trigger a cutscene.

Afterwards, exit the building and make your way to the northern doorway. Inside you’ll find a Magnus: Chronos Armor in the dresser in the southeastern corner and a Magnus: Fresh Meat in the northwestern corner.

Once you’ve fully explored the town, exit Parnasse and head to Detourne, the Mystical Garden.


Aqua Burst Lv. 3ATK 56 (Water 40)7000G
BaconATK 56580G
Brave Knight HelmDEF 347300G
Chestnut TruffleCures poison (only usable in camp)100G
Chunk of IceInflicts Status Ailment 10% / Resists Status Ailment +50100G
Flame SphereATK 50 (Fire 30) Inflicts Status Ailment 15%2400G
Fruity GelatinCures 1 party member of flames (only usable in camp)200G
Half PlateDEF 608500G
Moonlight CreelUseable by Gibari12000G
Plain PastryHP Max +2% / HP Max +2%2200G
Shish Kebab (Large)HP +60%250G
Shish Kebab (Medium)HP +40%75G
Wheat CrackersRevives incapacitated party members (only usable in camp)300G

For more Baten Kaitos guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Complete Guide to Baten Kaitos Trail of Souls

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our complete guide for Baten Kaitos Trail of Souls. Here we’ll cover the Baten Kaitos story section that takes place in the Trail of Souls, any items you can find in this area and the enemies that call it home along with their weaknesses and resistances.

Baten Kaitos Trail of Souls Story

Aboard the Mindeer, speak with Xelha, Lyude and Gibari. Once you’ve spoken with them, exit the room to speak with Savyna on the deck then return inside and speak with Gibari to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, speak with everyone again then exit the room to reach the deck where another cutscene will trigger. When you gain control, head back inside the ship and speak with everyone yet again. Before you select to leave for the Portal to an Outer Dimension, make sure to get your party and deck set up. The enemies along the way are all weak to magic but the boss at the end resists magic and takes not damage from dark attacks.

Once you’re ready, set off! During the cutscene, you’ll receive a tutorial on how to control the ship. Use this new information to follow behind the Great Mizuti, fighting enemies as you go!

When you catch up to him, a boss fight against Gnosis will trigger! This boss resists water, chronos, dark, light & wind. It will take no damage from dark attacks! As a reward for beating him, you’ll receive an Andromeda (Star Map Fragment).

After the boss fight, you’ll finally have arrived at Mira!


EnemyWeaknesses / Resistances
Ghost Claws (walrus fish)Weakness: Water, Light & Dark
Zelmer (faces)Weakness: Water, Dark, Fire, Light & Chronos

For more Baten Kaitos guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Baten Kaitos Walkthrough Part 3 – Anuenue

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Baten Kaitos Walkthrough Part 3 – Anuenue. In this walkthrough, we’ll cover all the areas on the third whale, called Anuenue, including the story, items, Quzman family members and favors! If you’d like a guide on each area, specifically what items can be found in the shops, enemy weaknesses and an overview of all items found there, click here then select the area you’re trying to find information on!

Anuenue Port

After docking, head up the ladder and enter the building to find a Magnus: Bamboo Grass Creel by the bed. Also inspect the northern bookshelf in this room to find a Magnus: Auriga (Star Map Fragment). Exit the building then head down the ladder then continue south down the climbable cliff to find a Magnus: Explosive Paddle.

Once you’ve collected the items, head east to the next area of Komo Mai, City of Flowers.

Komo Mai

When you arrive in Komo Mai, a cutscene will trigger. Once you gain control, head south through the festival. Examine the bin of bananas on the southern tip to find a Magnus: Bananas. When you swing around in the southern part of the area, head northeast to find a blue flower next to the shop. Take care of your business then head slightly southwest of the blue flower and head up the covered ramp to the next area.

In the second area, head straight towards the castle where the people are dancing with the portable shrine. Your party will decide to take a different path to leave them undisturbed. Take the western path to reach the School of Magic.

In the School of Magic, enter the first classroom then speak with the kid sitting at the middle table on the left. This kid will ask you to disrupt the person in front of them. Head up to the front row and speak with the person continually until they say “…”, meaning they are done. Return to the kid who asked you to distract the other student to receive a Magnus: Magical Piggy Bank.

Komo Mai Student Favor

In this same classroom, examine the locker on the east side of classroom to find a Magnus: Chronos Blow Lv. 2. Exit the above classroom and head west to the next door. Enter then speak with the Teacher to learn more about the ocean. In this room, interact with the 3 paintings on display in the front of the classroom to find a Magnus: Sweetheart Picture.

Next, head east and cross the path to reach the other side of the school. After entering through the door, enter the first classroom. Upon entering, a cutscene will trigger and you’ll learn about the Toxiclouds. In this room, investigate the northeastern bookshelf to find a Magnus: Secret Recipe 3. Afterwards, examine the lockers on the west side of the room to find a Magnus: Black Scepter.

Now that you’ve finished exploring the above classroom, head east to the next one! Examine the giant bottle filled with green liquid in the northeastern corner of the room. We chose to taste it cuz why not!

Turn around and speak with the person who approached you afterwards to receive a Magnus: Silkworm.

After leaving the school, you’ll notice that the crowd has moved and the way north is clear. Head up the stairs to reach Corellia’s Palace. Once inside the palace, head right and go through the door at the end of the hallway. In this room, interact with the fruit bowl on the table to find a Magnus: Strawberries.

Exit this room and head north to reach Corellia’s bedroom. Inspect the dressing table to the left of the bed to find a Magnus: Hair Dryer. Interact with her bed to receive Magnus: Mattress.

To proceed, exit this room and head up the stairs in the center of the area to trigger a cutscene. Following your audience with the queen, exit the palace to trigger another cutscene where the group will try to formulate a plan. When asked of your opinion, select “Let’s look for it.” Thanks to the help of a Court Lady, you’ll receive a new heading: the library! Once you’re ready to proceed, exit the village to trigger a cutscene then head east on the world map to the Ancient Library of Magic.

Ancient Library of Magic

Once in the Ancient Library of Magic, look to the north to find a Magnus: Zeit Robe. Afterwards, interact with the seal next to the item and the group will determine that they cannot go further and you decide to continue exploring the library!

Ancient Library of Magic Magnus Item

Next, head behind the counter to the right of the above seal and interact with the boxes to find a Geography Section Key. You can bring this to the first seal to unlock it!

Ancient Library of Magic Geography Section

Head inside then push the red bookshelf all the way to the left. Follow the path north then work your way to the next red bookshelf. Push it south (not all the way) then sneak in front of it to grab the Magnus: Sforzando.

Ancient Library of Magic Philosophy Section Key

In the southwestern corner of the room you’ll find the Philosophy Section Key. In the northwestern corner of this room, you’ll find a Magnus: Will-o’-Wisp Hat behind the bookshelves.

Ancient Library of Magic Will o wisp hat

Head to the middle of the room directly south of the red bookshelf you pushed to find Geography Book.

Ancient Library of Magic Geography Book

If this book is not there, you might first need to interact with the door near the red flower in the second area for this to become available.

Exit this room and head east side of the room. Go up the floor to reach the second level. Enter the first door to reach a foggy room. Head directly east and interact with a bookshelf to find the Magnus: Deluxe Shortcake.

Ancient Library of Magic Deluxe Shortcake

Head north and follow the path to the right of the red flower to find a Magnus: Falcon Statue.

Ancient Library of Magic Magnus Falcon Statue

While you’re there, interact with the nearby door to learn that you’ll need to gather the 4 books he wrote. Head to the west and push up the red bookshelf to find the Philosophy Section Seal and use the key to open it!

Ancient Library of Magic Philosophy Section

In the Philosophy Section, you’ll need to climb up the ladder on the southeastern bookshelf to reach the Magnus: Scarlet Shell. Head west and jump the gap to reach another ladder. Take it down to reach the Magnus: Deluxe Cookies and the Literature Section Key.

Ancient Library of Magic Literature Section Key

Follow the path on the ground level to reach the red bookshelf and push it all the way down. Make your way to the southeastern ladder and climb up. Head all the way west to reach the southwestern ladder. Head on down to grab the Magnus: Magnum Cornet.

Ancient Library of Magic Philosophy Book

Interact with the bookshelf to the left of the ladder to receive the Philosophy Book.

Ancient Library of Magic Philosophy Book

Now that you’ve gotten everything in here, exit the room to return to the foggy room with the red flower! Next, head to the southwestern seal to find the Literature Section.

Ancient Library of Magic Literature Section

In the middle of this room, you’ll find the Magnus: Silver Sword. Next, go to the north side of the room. Take a left and push the red bookshelf south (not all the way). Climb up the ladder and jump south. Climb on down and grab a Magnus: Ruby Earrings.

Ancient Library of Magic Magnus Ruby Earrings

Push the red bookcase up then climb up the ladder and jump north along the gap. Walk over your newly pushed bookshelf to find the Literature Book.

Ancient Library of Magic Literature Book

Exit the room and interact with the red bookshelf in the southwestern corner with a key on top to cause it to fall over.

Ancient Library of Magic Key on top of bookshelf

Head through the next path to find a Magnus: Kite Shield. Continue east and push the red bookshelf out of the way. Head south to reach a hallway. In this area head to the east to find a Magnus: Wave Blade. Continue west down the hallway and enter the room to the north to find the History Section Key that you previously knocked off the bookshelf. Next, backtrack to the first area and enter the History Section.

Ancient Library of Magic History Section

In the northwestern corner, you’ll find a Magnus: Taurus (Star Map Fragment) and Magnus: Fruity Gelatin. In the southwestern corner of this room, interact with the bookshelf to find the History Book.

Ancient Library of Magic History Book

In the northeastern corner of the room, interact with the bookshelf to find a Magnus: Deluxe Bonbon. Next, exit this room and return upstairs to the foggy red flower room and place the 4 books on the bookshelves.

Ancient Library of Magic Philosophy Book Placement
Ancient Library of Magic History Book Placement
Ancient Library of Magic Literature Book Placement
Ancient Library of Magic Geography Book Placement

Once all books have been placed, the northern door will unlock. Head inside to trigger a cutscene followed by a fight against Folon who is weak to light and water and resists fire and dark. During the fight, he can boost his attack at the start of a 4 combo attack that ends with his signature fireball move to deal massive damage. After you defeat him, a cutscene will trigger. When you reach the world map, return to the room you fought Folon to find a Magnus: Water Mirror Anklet.

When you’re ready to move on, return to the world map and head east to Holoholo Jungle.

Holoholo Jungle

Once you arrive in the Holoholo Jungle, you’ll find out that you can’t proceed until you get a landmark stone. Travel back to Komo Mai!

Komo Mai

After you visit Holoholo Jungle, you’ll find out that you need a Landmark Stone to continue through the area. In Komo Mai, make your way to the east side of the School of Magic. Once there, head to the eastern room and speak with the principal. She’ll give you a Landmark Stone.

Exit the room and head to the other classroom in this wing. Speak with the Woman with a Bracelet in the northwestern corner near a bookshelf.

She’ll tell you to talk with her brother in the library.

Ancient Library of Magic

Travel to the Ancient Library of Magic then make your way to the Philosophy Room on the second floor. The Philosophy Room is directly west of the red flower. Inside you’ll find a Man with a Bracelet.

Speak with him to gain his entry in the Quzman Family Book of Tufayr.

Komo Mai

Afterwards, return to his sister and speak with her to get her entry of Tulun. Now that you’ve done everything you can, set off for Holoholo Jungle!

Holoholo Jungle

When you return to the jungle after getting the Landmark Stone, you’ll be able to freely explore the area. In the second area on the northeastern side, you’ll find a ladder that you can climb down where a Magnus: Silver Earrings awaits at the bottom.

Holoholo Jungle Silver Earrings

From the previous magnus, follow the path left to return to the first area where you can find a Magnus: Ice Crystal Buckle at the end of the path.

Holoholo Jungle Ice Crystal Buckle

Return to the ladder in the second area, then head east to the third area. Immediately at the start of this area, head down the nearby ladder and follow the path to reach the following: Magnus: Brave Knight Helm, Magnus: Wind Yell Lv. 1, Magnus: Heat Paddle, Magnus: Fire Burst Lv. 3, Magnus: Smash Tackle, and Magnus: Equuleus (Star Map Fragment).

Holoholo Jungle Items on right side of area

Backtrack to the ladder then follow the path east to reach the exit and arrive at the World Map. Travel south to Opu, the Waterfall Village!


Once you arrive in Opu, enter the first doorway to reach the shop! Afterwards, head west down the bridge to trigger a cutscene. Next, enter the next doorway and inspect the tub to find a Magus: Uncooked Rice. In this room, inspect the northeastern corner to find a Magnus: Lupus (Star Map Fragment). The cooking pot on the northern wall contains a Boiled Egg essence.

Exit this house and follow the path down towards the blue flower. Speak with the little girl on the ground by the blue flower to receive a Magnus: Perseus (Star Map Fragment).

Enter the house next to the blue flower to find a Magnus: Ice Knuckles in the ceramic containers in the southwestern corner. You can also pick up the Magna essence of the Weak Flame from the candle in the center of the rug.

Now that you’ve explored, enter the western doorway to find Mayfee. Speak with Mayfee’s grandma on the bed to hear a story. You can interact with the stove to get a Magna essence of the Weak Flame. After Mayfee leaves, speak with the grandma again then exit the house and head next door. Speak with Mayfee and the other woman in this building then head to Komo Mai in search of cookies!

Komo Mai

Once in Komo Mai, head up the ramp to the entrance of the palace. On the east side speak with the white haired man.

In order to get the item he requires, head into the palace and head to the east side where you’ll find 2 rooms. Enter the northern room to find the queen’s bedroom. Interact with the bookshelf to the right of the bed to acquire the essence of Celestial Flower Seed. Once you’ve gotten the essence, return to the old man and give him the seed. In return you’ll get Komo Mai Cookies! Return to Mayfee to trigger a cutscene involving the waterwheel. Once the cutscene ends, make sure to grab the newly revealed Magnus: Flash Explosion.


Afterwards, return to Opu and enter the house next to the blue flower then speak with the woman to trigger a cutscene during which Savyna will join your party.

Opu Baten Kaitos Savyna

Follow her out of town to The Celestial Tree!

The Celestial Tree

Celestial Tree Magnus Crater Star Map Fragment

Next, climb up the left side of the tree to find a Magnus: Wild Cherry Bud! Head back down the tree then go up the right side.

Please note the Blood Leaf (flying scorpion creatures) drop the Ursa Major (Star Map Fragment)!

As you make your way up the right side, you’ll come across a red flower. Head down the far right path to find and speak with Mayfee. Afterwards, head back up to the red flower then take the right path up and enter the hollow to find the magna essence of the Gold Beetle Carapace.

Celestial Tree Gold Beetle Carapace

Head back down and save at the red flower then take the left path up where you’ll encounter a door. Up next is a back-to-back boss fight!!

When you’re ready, head on through to encounter a boss fight against 2 tentacles and a main body. Make sure to snap a picture of this creature called the Tree Guardian and its tentacles during the fight! The main piece of the body is weak to fire and dark and resists light and water. This creature attacks with both of its tentacles and shoots laser beams at you. It has a 5 combo attack and ends with its signature water move called Sparkling Water. Be mindful that the tentacles will also try to put your character to sleep!

Once you defeat the Tree Guardian and its tentacles, a cutscene will trigger followed by another boss fight against Savyna!! During this fight watch out for a 6 attack combo that ends with her fire arrow attack that can burn a party member. Also, make sure to snap her picture!

After the fight, a cutscene will trigger. When you regain control, return to Komo Mai.

Komo Mai

After taking down the bosses at The Celestial Tree, you’ll return to Komo Mai where you’ll need to enter the palace and speak with Queen Corellia to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, head to Corellia’s bedroom and speak with her to continue with another cutscene. After it ends, head to the port and take the ship to the Trail of Souls.

Trail of Souls

Aboard the Mindeer, speak with Xelha, Lyude and Gibari. Once you’ve spoken with them, exit the room to speak with Savyna on the deck then return inside and speak with Gibari to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, speak with everyone again then exit the room to reach the deck where another cutscene will trigger. When you gain control, head back inside the ship and speak with everyone yet again. Before you select to leave for the Portal to an Outer Dimension, make sure to get your party and deck set up. The enemies along the way are all weak to magic but the boss at the end resists magic and takes not damage from dark attacks.

Once you’re ready, set off! During the cutscene, you’ll receive a tutorial on how to control the ship. Use this new information to follow behind the Great Mizuti, fighting enemies as you go!

When you catch up to him, a boss fight against Gnosis will trigger! This boss resists water, chronos, dark, light & wind. It will take no damage from dark attacks! As a reward for beating him, you’ll receive an Andromeda (Star Map Fragment).

After the boss fight, you’ll finally have arrived at Mira!

For more Baten Kaitos guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Complete Guide for Baten Kaitos Komo Mai City of Flowers

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our complete guide for Komo Mai, City of Flowers, in Baten Kaitos. Here we’ll cover the story section of Baten Kaitos that takes place in Komo Mai, the items you can purchase from the shops and the favors from townsfolk you can pick up. Please note that Quzman family members may be found in this area! Check out our guide here to find out where they are located!

Komo Mai Items

  • Main Village
    • Magnus: Bananas
  • School of Magic
    • Magnus: Chronos Blow Lv. 2
    • Magnus: Secret Recipe 3
    • Magnus: Black Scepter
  • Corellia’s Palace
    • Magnus: Strawberries
    • Magnus: Sweetheart Picture
    • Magnus: Hair Dryer
    • Magnus: Mattress


  • House next to the entrance
    • Nameless Flower
    • Stagnant Water
  • Northern house with ducks
    • Fantail Duck Egg
    • Stagnant Water
  • Eastern School of Magic in eastern classroom
    • Weak Flame
  • Corellia’s Palace – Corellia’s bedroom
    • Celestial Flower Seed

Baten Kaitos Komo Mai Story

When you arrive in Komo Mai, a cutscene will trigger. Once you gain control, head south through the festival. Examine the bin of bananas on the southern tip to find a Magnus: Bananas. When you swing around in the southern part of the area, head northeast to find a blue flower next to the shop. Take care of your business then head slightly southwest of the blue flower and head up the covered ramp to the next area.

In the second area, head straight towards the castle where the people are dancing with the portable shrine. Your party will decide to take a different path to leave them undisturbed. Take the western path to reach the School of Magic.

In the School of Magic, enter the first classroom then speak with the kid sitting at the middle table on the left. This kid will ask you to disrupt the person in front of them. Head up to the front row and speak with the person continually until they say “…”, meaning they are done. Return to the kid who asked you to distract the other student to receive a Magnus: Magical Piggy Bank.

Komo Mai Student Favor

In this same classroom, examine the locker on the east side of classroom to find a Magnus: Chronos Blow Lv. 2. Exit the above classroom and head west to the next door. Enter then speak with the Teacher to learn more about the ocean. In this room, interact with the 3 paintings on display in the front of the classroom to find a Magnus: Sweetheart Picture.

Komo Mai Magnus

Next, head east and cross the path to reach the other side of the school. After entering through the door, enter the first classroom. Upon entering, a cutscene will trigger and you’ll learn about the Toxiclouds. In this room, investigate the northeastern bookshelf to find a Magnus: Secret Recipe 3. Afterwards, examine the lockers on the west side of the room to find a Magnus: Black Scepter.

Now that you’ve finished exploring the above classroom, head east to the next one! Examine the giant bottle filled with green liquid in the northeastern corner of the room. We chose to taste it cuz why not!

Komo Mai bottle filled with green liquid

Turn around and speak with the person who approached you afterwards to receive a Magnus: Silkworm.

After leaving the school, you’ll notice that the crowd has moved and the way north is clear. Head up the stairs to reach Corellia’s Palace. Once inside the palace, head right and go through the door at the end of the hallway. In this room, interact with the fruit bowl on the table to find a Magnus: Strawberries.

Exit this room and head north to reach Corellia’s bedroom. Inspect the dressing table to the left of the bed to find a Magnus: Hair Dryer. Interact with her bed to receive Magnus: Mattress.

To proceed, exit this room and head up the stairs in the center of the area to trigger a cutscene. Following your audience with the queen, exit the palace to trigger another cutscene where the group will try to formulate a plan. When asked of your opinion, select “Let’s look for it.” Thanks to the help of a Court Lady, you’ll receive a new heading: the library! Once you’re ready to proceed, exit the village to trigger a cutscene then head east on the world map to the Ancient Library of Magic.

After you visit Holoholo Jungle, you’ll find out that you need a Landmark Stone to continue through the area. In Komo Mai, make your way to the east side of the School of Magic. Once there, head to the eastern room and speak with the principal. She’ll give you a Landmark Stone.

Komo Mai Landmark Stone

Exit the room and head to the other classroom in this wing. Speak with the Woman with a Bracelet in the northwestern corner near a bookshelf.

Komo Mai Quzman Family Member

She’ll tell you to talk with her brother in the library. Travel to the Ancient Library of Magic then make your way to the Philosophy Room on the second floor. The Philosophy Room is directly west of the red flower. Inside you’ll find a Man with a Bracelet.

Komo Mai Quzman Family Member

Speak with him to gain his entry in the Quzman Family Book of Tufayr. Afterwards, return to his sister and speak with her to get her entry of Tulun.

After taking down the bosses at The Celestial Tree, you’ll return to Komo Mai where you’ll need to enter the palace and speak with Queen Corellia to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, head to Corellia’s bedroom and speak with her to continue with another cutscene. After it ends, head to the port and take the ship to the Trail of Souls.

Komo Mai Shop

Black ScepterATK 45 (Dark 27) Inflicts Status Ailment 10% / DEF 29 (Dark 27) 2+ Combo2300G
Chestnut TruffleCures poison (Only usable in camp)100G
Dark Flare Lv. 2ATK 36 (Dark 25)1050G
Dark SwordATK 55 (Dark 33) Inflicts Status Ailment 15% / DEF 36 (Dark 33) 2+ Combo2600G
Fruity GelatinCures one party member of flames. (Only usable in camp)200G
Light Flare Lv. 2ATK 36 (Light 25)1050G
Marvelous SwordATK 50 / DEF 29 2+ Combo4000G
PeachCures Status Ailment 80% / Cures Status Ailment 95%600G
Shadow CornetATK 45 (Dark 27)1600G
ShakoDEF 241250G
Shish Kebab (Medium)HP +40% (Only usable in camp)75G
Wheat CrackersRevives party members (Only usable in camp)300G

For more Baten Kaitos guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Complete Guide to Baten Kaitos The Celestial Tree

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our complete guide for Baten Kaitos The Celestial Tree. Here we’ll cover the Baten Kaitos story section that takes place in The Celestial Tree, any items you can find in this area and the enemies that call it home along with their weaknesses and resistances.

The Celestial Tree Items

  • 1st Area
    • Magnus: Crater (Star Map Fragment)
  • 2nd Area
    • Magnus: Wild Cherry Bud
    • Ursa Major (Star Map Fragment)


  • Magna essence of the Gold Beetle Carapace

Baten Kaitos The Celestial Tree Story

Upon entering this area, a cutscene will trigger. When you gain control, enter the right tent to find a Magnus: Crater (Star Map Fragment).

Celestial Tree Magnus Crater Star Map Fragment

Next, climb up the left side of the tree to find a Magnus: Wild Cherry Bud! Head back down the tree then go up the right side.

Please note the Blood Leaf (flying scorpion creatures) drop the Ursa Major (Star Map Fragment)!

As you make your way up the right side, you’ll come across a red flower. Head down the far right path to find and speak with Mayfee. Afterwards, head back up to the red flower then take the right path up and enter the hollow to find the magna essence of the Gold Beetle Carapace.

Celestial Tree Gold Beetle Carapace

Head back down and save at the red flower then take the left path up where you’ll encounter a door. Up next is a back-to-back boss fight!!

When you’re ready, head on through to encounter a boss fight against 2 tentacles and a main body. Make sure to snap a picture of this creature called the Tree Guardian and its tentacles during the fight! The main piece of the body is weak to fire and dark and resists light and water. This creature attacks with both of its tentacles and shoots laser beams at you. It has a 5 combo attack and ends with its signature water move called Sparkling Water. Be mindful that the tentacles will also try to put your character to sleep!

Once you defeat the Tree Guardian and its tentacles, a cutscene will trigger followed by another boss fight against Savyna!! During this fight watch out for a 6 attack combo that ends with her fire arrow attack that can burn a party member. Also, make sure to snap her picture!

After the fight, a cutscene will trigger. When you regain control, return to Komo Mai.


EnemyWeakness / Resistance
Blood Leaf (flying scorpion creature)Resist: Wind
Weakness: Chronos
Devil Claws (walrus fish creature)Resist: Fire & Wind
Weakness: Water & Chronos
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Complete Guide for Baten Kaitos Opu the Waterfall Village

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our complete guide for Opu, the Waterfall Village, in Baten Kaitos. Here we’ll cover the story section of Baten Kaitos that takes place in Opu, the items you can purchase from the shops and the favors from townsfolk you can pick up. Please note that Quzman family members may be found in this area! Check out our guide here to find out where they are located!

Opu Items

  • 1st Area
    • Magnus: Uncooked Rice
    • Magnus: Lupus (Star Map Fragment)
    • Magnus: Perseus (Star Map Fragment)
    • Magnus: Ice Knuckles
    • Magnus: Flash Explosion


  • 1st Area
    • Boiled Egg
    • Magna essence of the Weak Flame

Baten Kaitos Opu Story

Once you arrive in Opu, enter the first doorway to reach the shop! Afterwards, head west down the bridge to trigger a cutscene. Next, enter the next doorway and inspect the tub to find a Magus: Uncooked Rice. In this room, inspect the northeastern corner to find a Magnus: Lupus (Star Map Fragment). The cooking pot on the northern wall contains a Boiled Egg essence.

Exit this house and follow the path down towards the blue flower. Speak with the little girl on the ground by the blue flower to receive a Magnus: Perseus (Star Map Fragment).

Enter the house next to the blue flower to find a Magnus: Ice Knuckles in the ceramic containers in the southwestern corner. You can also pick up the Magna essence of the Weak Flame from the candle in the center of the rug.

Now that you’ve explored, enter the western doorway to find Mayfee. Speak with Mayfee’s grandma on the bed to hear a story. You can interact with the stove to get a Magna essence of the Weak Flame. After Mayfee leaves, speak with the grandma again then exit the house and head next door. Speak with Mayfee and the other woman in this building then head to Komo Mai in search of cookies! Once in Komo Mai, head up the ramp to the entrance of the palace. On the east side speak with the white haired man.

In order to get the item he requires, head into the palace and head to the east side where you’ll find 2 rooms. Enter the northern room to find the queen’s bedroom. Interact with the bookshelf to the right of the bed to acquire the essence of Celestial Flower Seed. Once you’ve gotten the essence, return to the old man and give him the seed. In return you’ll get Komo Mai Cookies! Return to Mayfee to trigger a cutscene involving the waterwheel. Once the cutscene ends, make sure to grab the newly revealed Magnus: Flash Explosion.

Afterwards, enter the house next to the blue flower and speak with the woman to trigger a cutscene during which Savyna will join your party.

Opu Baten Kaitos Savyna

Follow her out of town to The Celestial Tree!

Opu Shop

Chestnut TruffleCures poison (Only usable in camp)100G
Dark Yell Lv. 1ATK 21 (Dark 18) 2+ Combo / DEF 21 (Dark 18) 2+ Combo1600G
Feathered BarretteUsable by Savyna5000G
Flame SphereATK 50 (Fire 30) Inflicts Status ailment 15%2400G
Fruity GelatinCures one party member of flames (Only usable in camp)200G
Light Yell Lv. 1ATK 21 (Light 18) 2+ Combo / DEF 21 (Light 18) 2+ Combo1600G
Shish Kebab (Large)HP +60% (Only usable in camp)250G
Wave BladeATK 53 (Water 32) Inflicts status ailment 7% / DEF 34 (Water 32) 2+ Combo3000G
Wheat CrackersRevives incapacitated party members (Only usable in camp)300G

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Complete Guide for Baten Kaitos Holoholo Jungle

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our complete guide for Baten Kaitos Holoholo Jungle. Here we’ll cover the Baten Kaitos story section that takes place in the Holoholo Jungle, any items you can find in this area and the enemies that call it home along with their weaknesses and resistances.

Holoholo Jungle Items

  • 1st Area
    • Magnus: Ice Crystal Buckle
  • 2nd Area
    • Magnus: Silver Earrings
  • 3rd Area
    • Magnus: Brave Knight Helm
    • Magnus: Wind Yell Lv. 1
    • Magnus: Heat Paddle
    • Magnus: Fire Burst Lv. 3
    • Magnus: Smash Tackle
    • Magnus: Equuleus (Star Map Fragment)

Baten Kaitos Holoholo Jungle Story

Once you arrive in the Holoholo Jungle, you’ll find out that you can’t proceed until you get a landmark stone. Travel back to Komo Mai!

When you return to the jungle after getting the Landmark Stone, you’ll be able to freely explore the area. In the second area on the northeastern side, you’ll find a ladder that you can climb down where a Magnus: Silver Earrings awaits at the bottom.

Holoholo Jungle Silver Earrings

From the previous magnus, follow the path left to return to the first area where you can find a Magnus: Ice Crystal Buckle at the end of the path.

Holoholo Jungle Ice Crystal Buckle

Return to the ladder in the second area, then head east to the third area. Immediately at the start of this area, head down the nearby ladder and follow the path to reach the following: Magnus: Brave Knight Helm, Magnus: Wind Yell Lv. 1, Magnus: Heat Paddle, Magnus: Fire Burst Lv. 3, Magnus: Smash Tackle, and Magnus: Equuleus (Star Map Fragment).

Holoholo Jungle Items on right side of area

Backtrack to the ladder then follow the path east to reach the exit and arrive at the World Map. Travel south to Opu, the Waterfall Village!


EnemyWeakness / Resistance
Acheron (turtle)Resists: Water
Weakness: Fire
Mirabilis (plantlike mantas)Resists: Water & Chronos
Weakness: Fire & Wind
Spell Shellfish (clam)Resists: Dark, Wind, Water, Light, Fire & Chronos
Undead Swordsman (skeleton)Weak: Light & Chronos

For more Baten Kaitos guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Complete Guide to Baten Kaitos Ancient Library of Magic

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our complete guide for Baten Kaitos Ancient Library of Magic. Here we’ll cover the Baten Kaitos story section that takes place in the Ancient Library of Magic, any items you can find in this area and the enemies that call it home along with their weaknesses and resistances.

Ancient Library of Magic Items

  • 1st Floor
    • Magnus: Zeit Robe
  • Geography Section
    • Magnus: Sforzando
    • Magnus: Will-o’-Wisp Hat
  • History Section
    • Magnus: Taurus (Star Fragment Section)
    • Magnus: Fruity Gelatin
    • Magnus: Deluxe Bonbon
  • 2nd Floor (with red flower)
    • Magnus: Deluxe Shortcake
    • Magnus: Falcon Statue
    • Magnus: Kite Shield
    • Magnus: Wave Blade
    • Magnus: Water Mirror Anklet
  • Philosophy Section
    • Magnus: Scarlet Shell
    • Magnus: Deluxe Cookies
    • Magnus: Magnum Cornet
  • Literature Section
    • Magnus: Silver Sword
    • Magnus: Ruby Earrings

Baten Kaitos Ancient Library of Magic Story

Once in the Ancient Library of Magic, look to the north to find a Magnus: Zeit Robe. Afterwards, interact with the seal next to the item and the group will determine that they cannot go further and you decide to continue exploring the library!

Ancient Library of Magic Magnus Item

Next, head behind the counter to the right of the above seal and interact with the boxes to find a Geography Section Key. You can bring this to the first seal to unlock it!

Ancient Library of Magic Geography Section

Head inside then push the red bookshelf all the way to the left. Follow the path north then work your way to the next red bookshelf. Push it south (not all the way) then sneak in front of it to grab the Magnus: Sforzando.

Ancient Library of Magic Philosophy Section Key

In the southwestern corner of the room you’ll find the Philosophy Section Key. In the northwestern corner of this room, you’ll find a Magnus: Will-o’-Wisp Hat behind the bookshelves.

Ancient Library of Magic Will o wisp hat

Head to the middle of the room directly south of the red bookshelf you pushed to find Geography Book.

Ancient Library of Magic Geography Book

If this book is not there, you might first need to interact with the door near the red flower in the second area for this to become available.

Exit this room and head east side of the room. Go up the floor to reach the second level. Enter the first door to reach a foggy room. Head directly east and interact with a bookshelf to find the Magnus: Deluxe Shortcake.

Ancient Library of Magic Deluxe Shortcake

Head north and follow the path to the right of the red flower to find a Magnus: Falcon Statue.

Ancient Library of Magic Magnus Falcon Statue

While you’re there, interact with the nearby door to learn that you’ll need to gather the 4 books he wrote. Head to the west and push up the red bookshelf to find the Philosophy Section Seal and use the key to open it!

Ancient Library of Magic Philosophy Section

In the Philosophy Section, you’ll need to climb up the ladder on the southeastern bookshelf to reach the Magnus: Scarlet Shell. Head west and jump the gap to reach another ladder. Take it down to reach the Magnus: Deluxe Cookies and the Literature Section Key.

Ancient Library of Magic Literature Section Key

Follow the path on the ground level to reach the red bookshelf and push it all the way down. Make your way to the southeastern ladder and climb up. Head all the way west to reach the southwestern ladder. Head on down to grab the Magnus: Magnum Cornet.

Ancient Library of Magic Philosophy Book

Interact with the bookshelf to the left of the ladder to receive the Philosophy Book.

Ancient Library of Magic Philosophy Book

Now that you’ve gotten everything in here, exit the room to return to the foggy room with the red flower! Next, head to the southwestern seal to find the Literature Section.

Ancient Library of Magic Literature Section

In the middle of this room, you’ll find the Magnus: Silver Sword. Next, go to the north side of the room. Take a left and push the red bookshelf south (not all the way). Climb up the ladder and jump south. Climb on down and grab a Magnus: Ruby Earrings.

Ancient Library of Magic Magnus Ruby Earrings

Push the red bookcase up then climb up the ladder and jump north along the gap. Walk over your newly pushed bookshelf to find the Literature Book.

Ancient Library of Magic Literature Book

Exit the room and interact with the red bookshelf in the southwestern corner with a key on top to cause it to fall over.

Ancient Library of Magic Key on top of bookshelf

Head through the next path to find a Magnus: Kite Shield. Continue east and push the red bookshelf out of the way. Head south to reach a hallway. In this area head to the east to find a Magnus: Wave Blade. Continue west down the hallway and enter the room to the north to find the History Section Key that you previously knocked off the bookshelf. Next, backtrack to the first area and enter the History Section.

Ancient Library of Magic History Section

In the northwestern corner, you’ll find a Magnus: Taurus (Star Map Fragment) and Magnus: Fruity Gelatin. In the southwestern corner of this room, interact with the bookshelf to find the History Book.

Ancient Library of Magic History Book

In the northeastern corner of the room, interact with the bookshelf to find a Magnus: Deluxe Bonbon. Next, exit this room and return upstairs to the foggy red flower room and place the 4 books on the bookshelves.

Ancient Library of Magic Philosophy Book Placement
Ancient Library of Magic History Book Placement
Ancient Library of Magic Literature Book Placement
Ancient Library of Magic Geography Book Placement

Once all books have been placed, the northern door will unlock. Head inside to trigger a cutscene followed by a fight against Folon who is weak to light and water and resists fire and dark. During the fight, he can boost his attack at the start of a 4 combo attack that ends with his signature fireball move to deal massive damage. After you defeat him, a cutscene will trigger. When you reach the world map, return to the room you fought Folon to find a Magnus: Water Mirror Anklet.

When you’re ready to move on, return to the world map and head east to Holoholo Jungle.


enemyWeakness / Resistance
Cursed Spell BookResists: Light, Water & Wind
Weakness: Chronos, Dark & Fire
Skeleton WarriorResists: Water & Dark
Weakness: Light & Fire

For more Baten Kaitos guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Complete Guide for Baten Kaitos Anuenue Port

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our complete guide for Anuenue Port in Baten Kaitos. Here we’ll cover the story section of Baten Kaitos that takes place in Anuenue Port, the items you can purchase from the shops and the favors from townsfolk you can pick up.

Anuenue Port Items

  • Docking Area
    • Magnus: Bamboo Grass Creel
    • Magnus: Auriga (Star Map Fragment)
    • Magnus: Explosive Paddle

Baten Kaitos Anuenue Port Story

After docking, head up the ladder and enter the building to find a Magnus: Bamboo Grass Creel by the bed. Also inspect the northern bookshelf in this room to find a Magnus: Auriga (Star Map Fragment). Exit the building then head down the ladder then continue south down the climbable cliff to find a Magnus: Explosive Paddle.

Baten Kaitos Anuenue Port

Once you’ve collected the items, head east to the next area of Komo Mai.

For more Baten Kaitos guides and walkthroughs, click here!