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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth – Miss Match Sophie Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Miss Match Sophie guide. Here we’ll go over how to set up your profile so that it matches Sophie’s 100%, which will net you extra points via an “Excellent” rating! In addition, we’ll go over the correct responses to give Sophie when chatting her up!

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Miss Match

Miss Match Subscription Level


Ichiban’s Profile

You’ll need to update Ichiban’s profile to reflect the choices in the table below to 100% match Sophie’s profile!

JobA doctor
HobbiesListening to Music
Final ThoughtDeep Talk


Segment of DateCorrect Response
IntroductionsThis is Kasuga. I’m also hoping to find someone with whom to appreciate the finer things in life.
OccupationI’m a doctor. Very busy. In surgery right now, actually.
HobbiesWell, music. Soundtrack to my life and all.
A Woman of the PeopleI’d say it makes you unique. I admire your elegance, actually.
The Princess’s DilemmaCount on me to give your world some color whenever you need!
A Thousand Words…I’m in love!

For the last segment “Shoot your shot”, you’ll need to hit the button prompts as fast as possible. Afterwards, you’ll be able to meet your dream match!

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Miss Match

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth – Miss Match Kaoru Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Miss Match Kaoru guide. Here we’ll go over how to set up your profile so that it matches Kaoru’s 100%, which will net you extra points via an “Excellent” rating! In addition, we’ll go over the correct responses to give Kaoru when chatting her up!

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Miss Match

Miss Match Subscription Level


Ichiban’s Profile

You’ll need to update Ichiban’s profile to reflect the choices in the table below to 100% match Kaoru’s profile!

JobA Gunrunner
HobbiesStaying In
Final ThoughtPhysical Affection


Segment of DateCorrect Response
IntroductionsName’s Kasuga. I can assure you, I’m up to the task.
OccupationYou’re not a cop, right? I’m a weapons dealer. Shhh.
HobbiesThe shared bliss of sensuality.
Measuring One’s ManhoodI’m a specimen, baby. You won’t find a man with a manlier manhood.
The S to My MHo ho, you’re insatiable! I’ll teach you some manners.
A Thousand Words…I’m in love!

For the last segment “Shoot your shot”, you’ll need to hit the button prompts as fast as possible. Afterwards, you’ll be able to meet your dream match!

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Miss Match

For more Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth – Miss Match Kano Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Miss Match Kano guide. Here we’ll go over how to set up your profile so that it matches Kano’s 100%, which will net you extra points via an “Excellent” rating! In addition, we’ll go over the correct responses to give Kano when chatting her up!

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Miss Match Kano

Miss Match Subscription Level


Ichiban’s Profile

You’ll need to update Ichiban’s profile to reflect the choices in the table below to 100% match Kano’s profile!

StyleRegular Guy
JobA Hero
HobbiesStaying In
HobbiesListening to Music
Final ThoughtSerious Relationship


Segment of DateCorrect Response
IntroductionsKasuga. Talking sucks most of the time anyway.
OccupationI’m a hero! I’m gonna level up! Be the best that I can be!
HobbiesUm, I like staying inside.
Terrible, horrible thingsI hope every one of those human lice gets theirs.
The outsideI’ll be your reason! Ha, I’ll yank you outside myself if I have to!
A thousand words…I’m in love!

For the last segment “Put it all on the line”, you’ll need to hit the button prompts as fast as possible. Afterwards, you’ll be able to meet your dream match!

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Miss Match Kano

For more Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth – Not a Total Waste Trophy

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our guide on how to obtain the Not a Total Waste trophy in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth. To acquire this trophy, you’ll need to obtain an item from a toilet bowl. We found our glowing toilets in the men’s restroom in West Waikiki at the Worldwide Market Village just east of White Shore Boutique.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Not a Total Waste Trophy
Not a Total Waste Trophy Infinite Wealth Toilet

Once you find the glowing toilet, interact with it to retrieve the item and the Not a Total Waste trophy will pop!

For more Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Wait for Me Substory Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Wait for Me Substory guide in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth. Here we’ll cover how you can start the Wait for Me substory along with what you’ll need to do to perfectly complete it! Ding Ding! Food’s Up!!

How to Start the Wait for Me Substory

The Wait for Me substory becomes available during Chapter 3: The Fool after leaving the Revolve Bar. From Tsubaki St. head north to Sakura St then follow it west. The substory should then trigger as you approach the restaurant called Tropical.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Wait for Me Substory at Tropical Restaurant in Little Japan

Stand in as a Waiter

During the initial cutscene, the chef will mistake Kasuga for an employee that he interviewed online. After clearing up the mix up, the chef will then ask if Ichi can help out at the restaurant for the day. If you agree to help him, the substory will procced with Kasuga being taught how to welcome people in addition to learning about the restaurant’s menu. Once that’s done, it’s time to wait on some customers!

Greet the Customers

To greet the customers, you’ll need to use the L thumb stick to fill the gauge up to the desired greeting. Once you’ve reached the correct greeting, you’ll need to press the X button to confirm your choice!

Cheerful CustomerFriendly (about 1/2)Passion Increase
Elegant CustomerRefined (about 1/4)Style
Family with an Excited ChildFriendly (about 3/4)Passion

Take Those Orders!

Once all of the customers have been seated, it’s time to start taking orders! Speak with the Cheerful Customer who will order an ahi poke along with 3 haupias for dessert. Talk with the nearby Customer in Black who will order an acai bowl and the lau lau. Head to the Elegant Customer next for a chat who will order the mahi mahi. Once you spoke with all of three of them, report back to Obi with the orders. Select the options below to successfully place and deliver all 3 orders.

  • Cheerful Customer
    • One ahi poke and three haupias
  • Elegant Customer
    • Mahi mahi
  • Customer in Black
    • Acai bowl and lau lau

Order Up!

Once you’ve served all 3 customers, Obi will ask Kasuga to run an order of lau lau to the table with the family. You’ll then presented three dishes and have to pick the right one. For this choice choose the “The left dish” option. When you return, Obi will ask Ichi to take the kalua pig to the family’s table next. Choose the “The center dish” option. After this last dish has been delivered, the family will call Ichi over and ask to speak with the owner then ask for his name. Choose the “Obispo” option. This will lead to the conclusion of the substory.

Wait for Me Substory Rewards

For completing the substory, you’ll receive an Employee Meal that restores 300 HP, The Epicurean’s Epithet which increases your job rank as a Chef by 1 level and $300 (a bonus for being perfect). Ichiban’s Passion will also increase for completing this substory.

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth – A Love as Sweet as Lemons

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our walkthrough for the A Love as Sweet as Lemons substory in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth! You can begin this substory by approaching Tony’s Lemonade Stand then purchasing a lemonade.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth A Love as Sweet as Lemons Tonys Lemonade Stand

A Love as Sweet as Lemons Part 1

After you hear Tony’s tale, agree to help him out. This of course is a timed challenge! Distribute the lemonade to 4 people while moving carefully around people or objects to prevent spillage. Look for people who mention that they’re thirsty! The first woman is in a blue shirt sitting on a stone wall straight ahead and to your right.

A Love as Sweet as Lemons Lemonade Sample

The second lady who is wearing a dress can be found by continuing along the sidewalk. She will be past the food area on the right by a tree against the building.

A Love as Sweet as Lemons Lemonade Sample 2

The third lady can be found sitting against a wall to the right of the picnic tables by the Ahi Poke Garden food truck.

A Love as Sweet as Lemons Lemonade Sample 3

The fourth is a guy can be found across the street from the above lady hidden behind all the people in the corner.

A Love as Sweet as Lemons Lemonade Sample 4

Once you’ve found all the thirsty people, you’ll automatically report back to Tony. As a reward, you’ll receive Hawaiian Pizza, which restores 260 HP!

A Love as Sweet as Lemons Part 2

Wait for some time to pass then check back on Tony to see if you can lend another hand! You’ll know it’s time when the conversation bubble turns blue on the map! When you’re ready to help out tell him “I can hand out free samples!”. This time you’ll need to hand out 6 samples to thirsty potential customers. Once you’ve accomplished this task, you’ll be rewarded with a Hand-Mixed Fruit Cup, which restores 400 HP for everyone in your party.

A Love as Sweet as Lemons Part 3

Again, you’ll need to wait for more time to pass. Once the conversation bubble turns blue, return to Tony and agree to hand out free samples! This time you’ll need to hand out a whopping 8 cups within the 2 minute window! For this one, you’re going to do a big circle. Start out by crossing the street to the left. You’ll find 3 people along the sidewalk.

Like a Dragon Infinite A Love as Sweet as Lemons
Like a Dragon Infinite A Love as Sweet as Lemons
Like a Dragon Infinite A Love as Sweet as Lemons

Next, cut back across the street and head for the lady sitting down by the food truck.

Like a Dragon Infinite A Love as Sweet as Lemons

Afterwards, cross the small road to reach the guy in orange along the back wall.

Like a Dragon Infinite A Love as Sweet as Lemons

Turn around and take a right along the road then another right into the parking area. There will be 2 people in this parking lot.

Like a Dragon Infinite A Love as Sweet as Lemons
Like a Dragon Infinite A Love as Sweet as Lemons

Exit the parking lot and head towards the lemonade stand. There will be a guy sitting on the stone wall to your right.

Like a Dragon Infinite A Love as Sweet as Lemons

Once you’ve successfully handed out all the drinks, a cutscene will trigger. After it completes, you’ll need to wait for some more time to pass.

A Love as Sweet as Lemons Part 4

When you see the blue conversation bubble, head back to the lemonade stand and take a look at what’s happening! Once the cutscene concludes, head north to Fuji St. to check on Tony. You’ll witness a scene which will immediately be followed up with a fight. Take out the human to knock some sense into him then wait awhile until you see the blue bubble.

A Love as Sweet as Lemons Part 5

For A Love as Sweet as Lemons Part 5, you’ll find the blue conversation bubbles between Purple Dolphins and Morning Joe’s on Aloha St. in East Waikiki. Make your way there to find Tony standing in front of Good Jewelry. Interact with him for a touching scene. Afterwards, the A Love as Sweet as Lemons substory will complete!

For more Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth guides and walkthrough, click here!

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Welcome to Hawaii MFer! – Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our walkthrough for the Welcome to Hawaii MFer! substory in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth. The Welcome to Hawaii, MFer! substory will automatically trigger after you leave Revolve Bar during Chapter 3. You’ll be given a tutorial on Timed Selections, which essentially means that you must choose an answer or not within a given amount of time. She’ll then ask “Oh, are you a customer? Aloha!” and you’ll have 3 responses:

Aloha!Increase in Charisma
Um, lovely day today, huh?Nothing

After you’ve made your selection, she’ll install the Aloha Links app on your smartphone. Aloha Links users are marked with a special icon over their heads. By using emotes to engage with these characters, you can become friends with them. The friend gauge serves as an indicator of your bond. Once it’s maxed, you and your friend become best buddies. As you gain more of these, your personality will improve, so try and make lots of friends!

Afterwards, the bartender will come out. Press square to greet the bartender and you’ll gain Confidence. Next, you’ll become friends with Kei and will gain Charisma. Now you can begin your friendship journey by setting out in search of new friends! Keep in mind that sometimes you’ll need to use actions such as giving them gifts or patronizing their business to befriend more people!

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Sujimon Sujidex

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Sujimon Sujidex guide! Here you’ll find out how to obtain all Sujimon. Please note that you will not receive an entry for a Sujimon until you defeat it in battle! Also, you might be able to find the below Sujimon at other locations. We just listed where we found ours! Happy hunting! Gotta Catch ‘Em All, Sujimon!

Infinite Wealth Sujimon

  1. Burnout Bully – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Red Light District & Commercial District
  2. Capitalist Punisher – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Bar District
  3. Hammered Man – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / East Jinnai Station
  4. Knight of the Cask – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Commercial District / Central St.
  5. Urbane Legend – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Commercial District / E Tsurukame Alley (Keeper of the City)
  6. Battle Bum – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho
  7. Hungry Hungry Homeless – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Commercial District / Central St.
  8. ?
  9. Transcendent Transient – Chapter 10 / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Yokohama Underground B1F
  10. Biting Barker – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Bar District
  11. Hostile Host – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Red Light District
  12. Heavenly Host – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Red Light District
  13. Street Punk – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Koreatown
  14. Steamed Punk – Japan / Kamurocho / Tenkaichi St.
  15. ?
  16. Color Gangsman – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / North Jinnai Station
  17. Boss Gangsman – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / North Jinnai Station
  18. Tribesman – Hawaii / Honolulu / Aloha Bridge
  19. Tribesbrute – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Aloha Bridge / River St.
  20. ?
  21. Assassin – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Bar District
  22. Fundoshin – Japan / Isezaki Ijinicho / Bar District (Keeper of the City in parking lot north of Ichiban Confections)
  23. Ornery Yakuza – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho
  24. Scarred Yakuza – Japan / Isezaki Ijinicho / Red Light District (Keeper of the City)
  25. Demolitioneer – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Bar District
  26. Sledgeharmer – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Bar District
  27. Batterer Out of Hell – Japan / Isezaki Ijinicho / Bar District (Keeper of the City in parking lot north of Ichiban Confections)
  28. Pro Pickpocket – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Commercial District
  29. Break-and-Entryman – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Commercial District
  30. ?
  31. Chinese Mafioso – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Restaurant Row
  32. Chinese Mafia Boss – Part-Time Rescue / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho/ Chinatown
  33. Pressured Cooker – Hawaii / Honolulu / Chinatown / Lotus St.
  34. Mystery Meatsmith – Part-Time Rescue / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Chinatown / Gull Alley
  35. Ironclad Chef – After Chapter 10 / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Chinatown (Keeper of the City)
  36. Shruggler – Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda / Anaconda Blvd.
  37. Druggler – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda / Harbor St.
  38. ?
  39. Sneak-a-tack – Part-Time Rescue / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Chinatown / Gull Alley
  40. Weltraiser – After Chapter 10 / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Chinatown (Keeper of the City)
  41. Dine-and-Dasher – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Isezaki Rd.
  42. Chomp-and-Charger – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Isezaki Road
  43. ?
  44. Hitjourneyman – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Restaurant Row
  45. Ghillie Man – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Restaurant Row
  46. Military Buffed – Japan / Kamurocho / Hotel District
  47. Arminator – Japan / Kamurocho / Hotel District
  48. Ruffian – Japan / Isezaki Ijinicho / Hamakita Park
  49. Biker Boss – After Chapter 10 / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Hamakita Park Ave. (behind western bathrooms)
  50. Big Dog – Hawaii / Honolulu / South Waikiki / Crystal Aloha Resort
  51. Bouncer – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / South Waikiki / Crystal Aloha Resort
  52. Big Payback – Hawaii / Honolulu / South Waikiki / Crystal Aloha Resort (Keeper of the City)
  53. Technomancer – Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan
  54. Black Hat Wizard – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan / Fuji St.
  55. ?
  56. Smugglebug – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Red Light District
  57. Scarredface – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / East Jinnai Station / (Keeper of City on northern side of Daikokuten St.)
  58. Poser – Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda / Anaconda Blvd.
  59. Diss Tracker – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda / Harbor St.
  60. King Joe – Hawaii / Honolulu / East Waikiki / Hula Ave. (shows up in a gold car)
  61. Roguish Recruiter – Japan / Kamurocho / Pink Street
  62. Maneating Loan Shark – Japan / Kamurocho / Keeper of the City in alley east of Senryo Ave.
  63. Bomb Bug – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Koreatown
  64. Iceonist – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Koreatown
  65. Bombardier – After Chapter 10 / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Restaurant Row / Ijin St.
  66. Escapist – Hawaii / Honolulu / District Five
  67. Feral Felon – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / District Five
  68. ?
  69. Unboxer – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Koreatown
  70. Prizedfighter – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Koreatown
  71. ?
  72. Hollow Follower – Japan / Isezaki Ijinicho / Hamakita Park
  73. Munanugget Messiah – Japan / Isezaki Ijinicho / Hamakita Park
  74. Spirited Medium – Japan / Kamurocho / Nakamichi Alley
  75. ?
  76. Pocketing Watchman – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / East Jinnai Station
  77. False Security – Japan / Kamurocho / Hotel District (Keeper of the City south of Yoshida Batting Center)
  78. Subjugation-kun – Japan / Kamurocho / Hotel District (Keeper of the City south of Yoshida Batting Center)
  79. Baseball Diehard – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Jinnai Station Square
  80. Massacre Mascot – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Seiryo High School (Keeper of the City)
  81. Shade Thrower – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / North Jinnai Station
  82. Assaulting Batter – After Chapter 10 / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / North Jinnai Station (Keeper of the City just east of MIRAI Batting Center)
  83. Purger of Filth – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / East Jinnai Station
  84. The Dark Sweeper – After Chapter 10 / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / East Jinnai Station / Bayside St. (Keeper of the City)
  85. Twitchy Streamer – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Red Light District
  86. Creeper Peeper – After Chapter 10 / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Red Light District / Ohama St.
  87. Skaterboi – After Chapter 10 / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Hamakita Park (behind western bathrooms)
  88. The Wheelman – Japan / Kamurocho / Hills Garden
  89. New Aged Hippie – Hawaii / Honolulu / Cultural District
  90. Peacemaker – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Cultural District / Harbor St.
  91. ?
  92. Shillboard – Japan / Isezaki Ijinicho / Red Light District
  93. Invulnera-Billboard – Japan / Isezaki Ijinicho / Red Light District
  94. Pompadork – Japan / Kamurocho / Tenkaichi St.
  95. The Twister – Chapter 10 / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Yokohama Underground B2F
  96. City Slicker – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Red Light District
  97. Grease Monk – After Chapter 10 / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Red Light District / Ohama St.
  98. Pornogra-Pharoah – After Chapter 10 / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Red Light District / Ohama St.
  99. Imp Patient – Part-Time Rescue / East Jinnai Station / Daikokuten St.
  100. The Outlier – Part-Time Rescue / East Jinnai Station / Daikokuten St.
  101. Turncoat Titillator – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Restaurant Row
  102. Flash Mobber – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Koreatown
  103. ?
  104. Automoburglar – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki
  105. Safe Crackpot – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / East Waikiki / Makani Ave.
  106. ?
  107. ?
  108. Pier Reviewer – Chapter 10 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Shipper’s Wharf / Docks
  109. Captain Cruncher – Hawaii / Honolulu / Shipper’s Wharf / Docks
  110. Slugger – Chapter 10 / Hawaii / Honolulu / East Waikiki / In parking lot northeast of No Surf No Life (Keeper of the City)
  111. Battering Batter – Chapter 10 / Hawaii / Honolulu / East Waikiki / In parking lot northeast of No Surf No Life
  112. ?
  113. Eccentrickster – Japan / Isezaki Ijinicho / Hamakita Park
  114. ?
  115. Dancin’ Fool – Japan / Kamurocho / NW Theater Square
  116. ?
  117. Restless Otaku – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Isezaki Road
  118. Bag Toter – Japan / Kamurocho / W Shichifuku St.
  119. ?
  120. Bobcutter – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Jinnai Station/ Hamakaze St.
  121. Bonsaientist – Japan / Isezaki Ijinicho / East Jinnai Station (Keeper of the City in parking lot on west side of Daikokuten St.)
  122. Death Merchant – Japan / Isezaki Ijinicho / Hamakita Park
  123. Forsaken Samurai – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Hamakita Park (Keeper of the City on western side of Hamakita Park Ave.)
  124. Poacher Egghead – Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan
  125. Spearheader – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan / Sakura St.
  126. Shadow Diver – Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan (Keeper of the City in far northeastern corner of Sakura St.)
  127. Pseudotrash – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Commercial District / Misaki St.
  128. Gifted Gatherer – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Commercial District / Misaki St.
  129. Ramblin’ Man – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Isezaki Road
  130. Metal Headsman – Japan / Isezaki Ijinicho / Isezaki Road / Hyakkei Alley (Keeper of the City)
  131. Shaman – Japan / Kamurocho / Nakamichi Alley
  132. High Necromancer – Japan / Kamurocho / E Taihei Blvd. (Keeper of the City)
  133. Dance Dictator – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki
  134. Slammed Dancer – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki / Waikiki St.
  135. Dancing Madman – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki (Keeper of the City in the parking lot northeast of Hip Hop Shrimp (Aloha St.))
  136. Bogus Barney – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki
  137. Wipeout Warrior – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki / Waikiki St.
  138. Jaws of Death – Hawaii / Honolulu / East Aloha Beach (Keeper of the City)
  139. Lotionaut – Hawaii / Honolulu / East Aloha Beach
  140. Half-Baked Blowhard – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Aloha Beach
  141. Oiled Baron – Hawaii / Honolulu / East Waikiki (Keeper of the City in the parking garage just west of Oahu Burger on Aloha St.)
  142. Bummer Strummer – Hawaii / Honolulu / Aloha Beach
  143. Freakalele – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / South Waikiki / Crystal Aloha Resort
  144. Strummageddon – Hawaii / Honolulu / South Waikiki / Crystal Aloha Resort (Keeper of the City)
  145. Baggage Claimer – Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda / Anaconda Shopping Center
  146. Hobby Robber – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda Shopping Center
  147. Krass Kringle – Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda Shopping Center
  148. Blah Humbug – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Isezaki Road
  149. Clenchcoat – Hawaii / Honolulu / Aloha Bridge
  150. Traumatizer – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Aloha Bridge
  151. Barin’ Von Lewd – Hawaii / Honolulu / East Waikiki / Makani Ave.
  152. Wild Hog – Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda
  153. Feast ‘n Flyer – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda / Harbor St.
  154. Gorgin’ Gourmand – Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda – Anaconda Shopping Center (Keeper of the City next to Boogie Woogie Steak House)
  155. Sham Man Shaman – Hawaii / Honolulu / South Waikiki / Crystal Aloha Resort
  156. False Prophet – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / South Waikiki / Crystal Aloha Resort
  157. Monster Monastic – Hawaii / Honolulu / Downtown / Sunset Park
  158. Chucklehead – Hawaii / Honolulu / Chinatown / Lotus St.
  159. Warhead – Japan / Isezaki Ijinicho / Chinatown (Keeper of the City)
  160. Death’s-head – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Chinatown (Keeper of the City)
  161. Dead Meat – Hawaii / Honolulu / Cultural District / Harbor St.
  162. Gutsripper – Part-Time Rescue / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Restaurant Row
  163. Bonecleaver – Hawaii / Honolulu / Cultural District (Keeper of the City just northeast of “Art Walls” on the map)
  164. Tag Scrag – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki (Driving in a gold car along Aloha St.)
  165. Gas Giant – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Cultural District / Twilight Dr.
  166. ?
  167. Beach Baller – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Aloha Beach
  168. Basket Case – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / West Aloha Beach
  169. Stress Tester – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Aloha Beach (Keeper of the City)
  170. Party Fouler – Hawaii / Honolulu / East Aloha Beach
  171. Hotstepper – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Aloha Beach
  172. Tropical Star – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Aloha Beach (Keeper of the City)
  173. Newfaux Riche – Hawaii / Honolulu / South Waikiki / Crystal Aloha Resort
  174. Plutocrat Rat – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / South Waikiki / Crystal Aloha Resort
  175. King of Bling – Hawaii / Honolulu / South Waikiki (Keeper of the City just northwest of Fancy Cookies along River St.)
  176. Jabber Jobber – Hawaii / Honolulu / Aloha Bridge
  177. Penalty Boxer – Hawaii / Honolulu / Hawaii Haunt B10F
  178. Pandora’s Boxer – Hawaii / Honolulu / Hawaii Haunt B6F
  179. Misdemeanor Wiener – Hawaii / Honolulu / Aloha Bridge
  180. Bad Cop – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Aloha Bridge
  181. Extermination-kun – Hawaii / Honolulu / Aloha Bridge (Keeper of the City slightly northwest of Crepes for Me)
  182. Self-Proclaimed Witch – Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan (grassy lot)
  183. Pretty Cur – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Isezaki Road
  184. ?
  185. Mad Mechanic – Hawaii / Honolulu / Shipper’s Wharf / Docks
  186. Crafter Burner – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Commercial District
  187. ?
  188. Gardener Gnome – Hawaii / Honolulu / Harbor Park / Anaconda Harbor Park
  189. Groundsreaper – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda Harbor Park
  190. Executioner – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda Harbor Park
  191. Squirmworm – Hawaii / Honolulu / East Waikiki / Hula Ave.
  192. Thermworm – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Commercial District
  193. Sturmworm – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Commercial District / (Keeper of the City East of Homeless Camp)
  194. Metalworm – Hawaii / Honolulu / Hawaiian Haunt B2F
  195. Street Scrapper – Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda / Riverside Walk
  196. Challenger Approaching – Part-Time Rescue / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Koreatown / N Sakura River St.
  197. Top Dog – Hawaii / Honolulu / District Five (Keeper of the City near Diamond Head)
  198. Shivver – Hawaii / Honolulu / East Waikiki
  199. Knife Twister – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / East Waikiki / Makani Ave.
  200. Blood Shadow – Chapter 10 / Hawaii / Honolulu / East Waikiki / In parking lot northeast of No Surf No Life (Keeper of the City)
  201. Grass Snake – Hawaii / Honolulu / Cultural District / Harbor St.
  202. Toxicreep – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Hamakita Park
  203. ?
  204. Clawpprentice – Hawaii / Honolulu / Chinatown / Lotus St.
  205. Clawfficer – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Chinatown
  206. Clawmmander – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Chinatown
  207. Dojo Dumbass – Hawaii / Honolulu / Chinatown / Lotus St.
  208. Dojo Disgrace – Part-Time Rescue / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho/ Chinatown
  209. Dojo Master – Hawaii / Honolulu / Chinatown
  210. Batty Ballerino – Hawaii / Honolulu / Cultural District / Night St.
  211. Delusional Danseur – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Cultural District / Pearl Ave.
  212. Abstracted Defiance – Hawaii / Honolulu / Cultural District (Keeper of the City in alley east of Black Hibiscus)
  213. Inked Blot – Hawaii / Honolulu / Cultural District
  214. Inked Stain – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Cultural District / Twilight Dr.
  215. Modgoblin – Hawaii / Honolulu / Cultural District (Keeper of the City in alley west of Night St.)
  216. Quackpot – Hawaii / Honolulu / Cultural District / Harbor St.
  217. Postmortemiser – Part-Time Rescue / East Jinnai Station / Daikokuten St.
  218. Dr. Crimson – Hawaii / Honolulu / Cultural District (Keeper of the City in alley west of Night St.)
  219. Masked Bandit – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki (in a golden car)
  220. Armed Assailant – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Cultural District / Harbor St.
  221. Boomstick Banneret – Hawaii / Honolulu / Hawaii Haunt B5F
  222. Gangpunk – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki
  223. Gangboss – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki / Worldwide Market Village
  224. Ganglord – Chapter 10 / Hawaii / Honolulu / East Waikiki / In parking lot northeast of No Surf No Life
  225. Contract Killer – Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan
  226. Death Dealer – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan / Tsubaki St.
  227. Death Sentencer – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki (Keeper of the City near ABC Store (Little Japan))
  228. Drunkabout – Hawaii / Honolulu / Downtown / Sunset Park
  229. Boozer Bruiser – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Bar District
  230. Bacchanalpha – Hawaii / Honolulu / Downtown / Downtown St. (Keeper of the City southeast of Polaris)
  231. Bronze Agent – Hawaii / Honolulu / East Aloha Beach (next to Aloha Seaside)
  232. Silver Sentinel – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Aloha Beach
  233. Golden Statesman – Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda / Riverside Walk (Keeper of the City)
  234. Coco Nutjob – Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan (knock him out of a palm tree)
  235. Sand Bagger – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Aloha Beach
  236. Sewer Rat – Hawaii / Honolulu / Aloha Bridge / In the green between the two sets of roads on River St.
  237. Rogue Rikishi – Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan / Fuji St.
  238. Hateful Hakkeyoi – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan / Fuji St.
  239. Dosukoi Gigantes – Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan (Keeper of the City on Fuji St. guarding green grassy area)
  240. Classless Clown – Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda / Anaconda Shopping Center
  241. Out-of-Court Jester – Hawaii / Honolulu / Hawaiian Haunt (fought as part of the story during Chapter 4)
  242. Quarterwise – Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda / Riverside Walk (Keeper of the City)
  243. Wheeler Dealer – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki / Worldwide Market Village
  244. Hard Sellmate – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Isezaki Road
  245. Demon-strator – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki / Worldwide Market Village
  246. Stray Hangdog – Hawaii / Honolulu / District Five
  247. Lone Wolf – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / District Five
  248. ?
  249. Gainz Chaser – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki / Worldwide Market Village
  250. Dope Dope – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki / Worldwide Market Village
  251. Swolympiad – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki / Seaside Ave. (Keeper of the City)
  252. Smokestacker – Hawaii / Honolulu / Downtown / Sunset Park
  253. Cigarevenant – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Jinnai Station Square
  254. Nicotine Lich – Chapter 10 / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Yokohama Underground B10F
  255. Crazy Heel – Hawaii / Honolulu / Aloha Bridge
  256. Monster Heel – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Koreatown
  257. Championship Wrecker – Hawaii / Honolulu / South Waikiki – In alley south of Fancy Cookies on River St.
  258. Extreme Sportsman – Hawaii / Honolulu / Harbor Park
  259. Poach Roach – Japan / Isezaki Ijinicho / Hamakita Park
  260. Big Endgame Hunter – After Chapter 10 / Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Hamakita Park (Keeper of the City in building on eastern side of Hamakita Park Ave.)
  261. Blackmailer Daemon – Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki
  262. Cruel Cutpurse – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / West Waikiki / Waikiki St.
  263. ?
  264. Rebel Yeller – Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan
  265. Dissentry – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan / Fuji St.
  266. Unquiet Rioter – Hawaii / Honolulu / Little Japan (Keeper of the City in a building on the east side of Tsubaki St.)
  267. Dump Chump – Hawaii / Honolulu / Hawaii Haunt B1F
  268. Drumbanger – Japan / Isezaki Ijincho / Commercial District / Sunrise St.
  269. Tank Commander – Hawaii / Honolulu / Shipper’s Wharf / Docks
  270. Pest Uncontrol – Hawaii / Honolulu / Harbor Park / Anaconda Harbor Park
  271. Verminferno – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda Harbor Park
  272. Judgment Spray – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda Harbor Park
  273. Powered Tool – Hawaii / Honolulu / Harbor Park
  274. Lumber Jackass – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda Harbor Park
  275. Pleatherface – Hawaii / Honolulu / Chinatown
  276. Squawk Jock – Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda / Anaconda Blvd.
  277. Vox Crapuli – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Anaconda / Harbor St.
  278. Angel of Megadeath – Japan / Kamurocho / Keeper of City west of Theater Alley taxi
  279. Masked Demonling – Hawaii / Honolulu / Chinatown / Lotus St.
  280. Profaner Demon – After Chapter 9 / Hawaii / Honolulu / Chinatown
  281. Weeping Archdemon – Hawaii / Honolulu / Chinatown
  282. Shinya Sasaki – Chapter 1 Story
  283. Crooked Cabbie – Chapter 2 Story
  284. Roman Reynolds – Chapter 3 Story
  285. Jose Henderson – Chapter 4 Story
  286. Dwight Mendez – Chapter 4 Story
  287. Yutaka Yamai – Chapter 3 Story
  288. Eiji Mitamura – Chapter 11 Story
  289. Wong Tou – Chapter 6 Story
  290. Masafumi Narasaki – Chapter 12 Story
  291. Jo Sawashiro – Chapter 10 Story
  292. Goro Majima – Chapter 12 Story
  293. Taiga Saejima – Chapter 12 Story
  294. Daigo Dojima – Chapter 12 Story
  295. ?
  296. ?
  297. Heavy Machinery – Chapter 11 Story
  298. Tyrant of the Tides – Finale Story
  299. ?
  300. ?
  301. Sojimaru v2.1 – During 29 Litterbugged substory
  302. Sojimaru Flying Beta Max – During Close Encounters of the Bird Kind substory
  303. Asakura – Chapter 1 Story
  304. Sotaro Komaki – Reminisce point in alley north of E Taihei Blvd. taxi
  305. Chau Ka Long – During Kiryu’s Bucket List Memoirs of a Dragon objective during Chapter 8 by the Gambling Hall on N Sakura River St. in Koreatown
  306. Yoshida – During the A Man Facing the Future substory
  307. Takuma – During the A Man Facing the Future substory
  308. ?
  309. ?
  310. ?
  311. ?
  312. ?
  313. ?
  314. Jo Amon – Chapter 8 Story
  315. ?
  316. ?
  317. ?

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How to Play Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi guide. Here we’ll cover how to complete all 10 of the shogi puzzles that you can start by speaking to the Outdoor Shogi Player near the Homeless Camp in Isezaki Ijincho then selecting “Play puzzle shogi”.

The default settings for each puzzle will have Take Backs on and the Time Limit off. If you turn off Take Backs each time, you’ll gain an additional 100 Shogi Points per puzzle. This will allow you to quickly farm 250 Shogi Points per puzzle after completing it the initial time. The rewards below will reflect this setting being turned off!

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi Solutions

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 1

For Puzzle Shogi 1, grab the Gold General from the capture area on the right side of the board and place it on the board between your pawn and the opponent’s king. This will result in a checkmate completing the puzzle.

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 1 Solution

Rewards: 350 Shogi Points the first time / 250 Shogi Points each time after that

Puzzle Shogi 2

For Puzzle Shogi 2, grab the Gold General form the capture area on the right side of the board and place it on the square under the opponent’s king. This will result in a checkmate completing the puzzle.

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 2 Solution

Rewards: 550 Shogi Points the first time / 250 points each time after that

Puzzle Shogi 3

For Puzzle Shogi 3, grab the Knight from the capture area on the right side of the board and place it on the square to the right of your Bishop. This will result in a checkmate completing the puzzle.

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 3 Solution

Rewards: 750 Shogi Points the first time / 250 points each time after that

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 4

For Puzzle Shogi 4, grab the Silver General and move it up to the next square choosing “Don’t Promote”. This will result in a checkmate completing the puzzle.

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 4 Solution

Rewards: 950 Shogi Points the first time / 250 points each time after that

Puzzle Shogi 5

For Puzzle Shogi 5, grab the Bishop on the right side and move diagonally northwest 4 squares. This will result in a checkmate completing the puzzle.

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 5 Solution

Rewards: 1150 Shogi Points the first time / 250 points each time after that

Puzzle Shogi 6

For Puzzle Shogi 6, grab the Silver General from the capture area on the right side of the board and place it on the square to the left of the opponent’s Lance putting the King in Check.

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 6 Solution

The opponent will then move their King one square to the left. Counter that by moving your Bishop diagonally to the square on the King’s left and promote it. This will result in a checkmate completing the puzzle.

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 6 Solution Part 2

Rewards: 1750 Shogi Points the first time / 250 points each time after that

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 7

For Puzzle Shogi 7, start by grabbing the Rook from the capture area on the right side of the board and placing it in the top right corner of the board between the opponent’s Silver General and King to place the King in check.

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 7 Solution

Your opponent will then take the Rook using the King. Counter this by moving you’re Knight on the square in front of the opponent’s Gold General and choose “Don’t Promote”. This will result in a checkmate completing the puzzle.

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 7 Solution Part 2

Rewards: 2250 Shogi Points the first time / 250 points each time after that

Puzzle Shogi 8

For Puzzle Shogi 8, grab your Bishop and move it to the square left of your Lance choosing to promote the piece putting the opponent’s King in Check.

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 8 Solution

This will cause your opponent to move the King one square to the left. Counter this by grabbing your Lance and moving it to the next square choosing to promote. This will result in a checkmate completing the puzzle.

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 8 Solution Part 2

Rewards: 2750 Shogi Points the first time / 250 points each time after that

Puzzle Shogi 9

For Puzzle Shogi 9, grab your Silver General and move it to the square between the opponent’s Knight, Silver General and King choosing to promote it putting the opponent’s King in check.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 9

They will then use their King to take your Silver General. Counter that by grabbing the Silver General in the capture area on the right side of the board and place it on the square between the opponent’s Pawn and Knight. This will result in a checkmate completing the puzzle.

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 9 Solution Part 2

Rewards: 3250 Shogi Points the first time / 250 points each time after that

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi 10

For Puzzle Shogi 10, grab your Rook and move it to the square on the right above your opponent’s King choosing to promote putting the King in check.

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi Solution 10

You’ll opponent will respond by taking your Rook with their King. Counter by moving your Bishop to the square on the left of the King. This will result in a checkmate completing the puzzle.

Infinite Wealth Puzzle Shogi Solution 10 Part 2

Rewards: 4250 Shogi Points the first time / 250 points each time after that

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories guide! Here you’ll find how to start and complete the Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth substories! Please click on the link in the table below for a walkthrough on the specific substory.

Infinite Wealth Substories

1 Radio ActiveChapter 1
2 Sujimon, Generation IIChapter 2
3 Crazy MoneyChapter 3
4 Busted!Chapter 3
5 Welcome to Hawaii, MFer!Chapter 3
6 Surfin’ the Streets!Chapter 3
7 Miss MatchChapter 3
8 Snap Those Sickos!Chapter 3
9 A Love as Sweet as LemonsChapter 3
10 Coming Out of Her ShellChapter 3
11 Wait for MeChapter 3
12 Saved by KindnessChapter 3
13 Rock and RoilChapter 3
14 Neck-Deep in LoveChapter 3
15 Samurai, May We Walk Together?Chapter 3
16 Beach Guardian: Water, Water EverywhereChapter 3
17 Beach Guardian: No Kidding AroundChapter 3
18 Beach Guardian: Heroes of the SandChapter 3
19 Home to RoostChapter 3
20 A Better BatChapter 4
21 Playing with FireChapter 4
22 Rise and GrindChapter 4
23 The More, the PlumeriaChapter 4
24 Let It SnowChapter 4
25 Embrace Your Wild SideChapter 4
26 Anaconda EscapeChapter 4
27 The Pursuit of RealismChapter 4
28 An Authentic BlockbusterChapter 4
29 LitterbuggedChapter 4
30 Close Encounters of a Bird KindChapter 7
31 Let’s Get Alo-Happy!Chapter 5
32 Tropical Photo RallyChapter 5
33 The Island at Rock BottomChapter 6
34 Legend of the LabyrinthChapter 5
35 Love and PunishmentChapter 6
36 Relics from the PastChapter 13
37 Choosing Your StarterChapter 4
38 The CEO of SujiChapter 4
39 The Queen’s SubileeChapter 4
40 A True Gym BattleChapter 4
41 Sodachi’s RevengeChapter 4
42 Atop the PlateauChapter 4
43 A Man Named AsakuraChapter 4
44 A Changed ManChapter 4
45 The Final Showdown for RealAfter completing A Changed Man
46 A Man Facing the FutureAfter completing The Final Showdown for Real
47 Certifiable LoverAfter completing all the Ounabara Vocational School Exams
48 ??????
49 ??????
50 ??????
51 ??????
52 ??????

1 Radio Active

The Radio Active substory will automatically trigger as part of the main story when you approach the homeless camp to give chief a bottle of sake during Chapter 1. During this substory, a group of Pick-Up Artists will assault a TV Announcer. Defeat the 3 goons in battle to end this substory. Afterwards, the playlist app will be installed on your smartphone and you’ll receive a tutorial on how to use it. Make sure to tune in each chapter as the show changes topics.

2 Sujimon, Generation II

The Sujimon, Generation II substory will automatically begin after you exit your apartment and head towards the taxi near the station during Chapter 2. After encountering the Degenerate, you’ll need to battle him. Once you defeat the Creep, a familiar professor will show up and install the Sujidex on your smartphone. The Sujidex is an app that records data about the Sujimon once you’ve defeated it in battle. Afterwards, the substory will end.

3 Crazy Money

The Crazy Money substory will be started automatically during the main story in Chapter 3 while trying to raise money to pay for Jeff’s services at Jeff’s Tacos. Travel to East Aloha Beach to trigger a cutscene where you’ll be introduced to Charlie. When it concludes, you’ll be thrown into a Crazy Eats tutorial going over the controls then be turned lose to earn some money! Afterwards another cutscene will trigger completing the subquest.

Reward: $30 and Charlie will be available as a Poundmate.

4 Busted!

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 4 Busted! Chitose

The Busted! substory will automatically begin during Chapter 3 after visiting Jeff’s Tacos. During this substory, you’ll be given a tutorial on Poundmates and will then need to fight a group of enemies using Chitose Buster Holmes to try it out. After defeating the group, the substory will end.

6 Surfin’ the Streets

To start the Surfin’ the Streets substory, approach the corner of Aloha St. and Seaside Ave in West Waikiki to trigger a cutscene with Oka who will introduce Kasuga to the Street Shark. When you’re ready to try out the death trap on wheels, speak Oka telling him you’re ready to take it for a spin. This will start a tutorial on how to control the machine after which you’ll then be able to drive it. Head straight down the road. When you reach Oka another cutscene will trigger leading to a fight with a pair of level 10 local thugs. Defeat them to trigger one last cutscene where Kasuga will sign up to join the club gaining him access to the Street Surfer. He’ll also receive the Street Surfer Battery Pack a.

7 Miss Match

To being the Miss Match substory, approach the park between Waikiki St. and Seaside Ave in West Wakiki to trigger a cutscene where Kasuga will meet Miss Match. After being emasculated by her, he’ll agree to try the app and follow her to her office in the nearby Cream & Berry café. Speak with Machiko-san there to create a dating profile for Ichi. Edit the profile setting it up how you like then select “Find a Match!”. This will pair him up with a handful of matches that you’ll be able to select one of. Check out our guides below to find out exactly how to setup Kasuga to match perfectly with the profiles! We’ve also included the correct responses to net you the most points!

Once you make your choice, you’ll begin a chat session with that person. You’ll then have to fill up the match meter by using both your and their profiles to successfully answer questions. To respond to their questions, select the appropriate response then press the buttons presented before the time runs out. After a few rounds, you’ll then be prompted to send them an emoji. There will be a handful of them on a spinning roulette. The quicker you pick, the better the result, however picking a bad emoji could hurt you, too. As they are signing off, you’ll have one last chance to spam as many messages as possible by inputting the correct buttons as prompted before the time runs out. If you’ve managed to get the match meter past the heart, then you’ll meet your match face to face. Once that’s done, a cutscene will trigger leading the substory to complete.

8 Snap Those Sickos!

Location: Honolulu – East Aloha Beach at the Aloha Beach Trolley Stop

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 8 Snap Those Sickos!

Once at the Aloha Beach Trolley Stop, interact with the stop to wait for the trolley then board when it arrives. This will trigger a cutscene where Kasuga will meet Kuroki who likes to ride the trolley taking pictures. Ichi will ask him if he can look at his pictures to which Kuroki agrees. This of course leads to the Sicko Snap side game where you’ll need to capture images of Sickos committing sick acts throughout the city while riding the trolley. You’ll need to get a score of 4000 to complete the side game. Once the ride is over, another cutscene will trigger completing the substory.

Rewards: You’ll receive a Rejuvenation Bolus that revives a fallen ally with full HP and MP. You’ll also receive a camera unlocking the side game at all of the trolley stops.

13 Rock and Roil

Location: Honolulu / East Aloha Beach at the Aloha Beach Juicery

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 13 Rock and Roil Map Location

Head over to Aloha Beach Juicery on the eastern side of East Aloha Beach and you’ll spot a group of guys fanning another guy in the middle. Interact with the Flashy Guy in the middle and choose “See what’s up” when prompted to start the substory. This substory becomes available during the main story objective to earn money to pay for Jeff’s services.

The Flashy Man introduces himself as Kazami Evolution, GOD OF ROCK!!! and he’s trying to shoot his new music video. After explaining the issue, he asks Kasuga to help out by keeping an eye out for something that can conjure up a storm. To assist them, head up to Aloha St and follow it west to reach Mahelona Mall. Walk under the walkway to trigger a cutscene where Ichi helps a man with an injured back named Thomas. Further speaking with him reveals that Thomas is a shaman specializing in wind. Ichi then asks him for a favor. When prompted, select “Ask the spirits for a storm!” Thomas agrees to help but only if Ichi does the ritual in his place.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 13 Rock and Roil Shaman Location

Return to Kazami at the beach and interact with him choosing “Tell him” when prompted. Kasuga will then tell him about and introduce him Thomas, the Lord of the Winds! Once everyone is acquainted, Ichi will suit up and the ritual will commence. Follow the shaman’s instructions to perform the ritual summoning a powerful storm. Once completed, a cutscene will trigger leading to the end of the subquest.

Rewards: You’ll receive the Def Boom Box accessory as a reward and Kazami Evolution becomes available as a Poundmate

14 Neck-Deep in Love

Location: Honolulu – West Aloha Beach south and slightly west of Soleil

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 14 Neck-Deep In Love Map Location

While walking along the beach, Kasuga will spot a girl hiding behind some surfboards. Interact with her to start a cutscene then choose “Talk to her” when prompted. After speaking with the girl, Ichi gets roped into delivering her love letter to classmate Tanabe. You’ll then be prompted to verify the boy’s name before setting out on your quest. Make sure to choose “Tanabe-kun?”. This will give Kasuga some points in Intellect. Hitomi will then hand over a picture of the target.

As Ichi wanders over to where Tanabe is, he’ll come to an area filled with people buried in the sand. There will be 5 students you’ll need to speak with to deduce Tanabe’s location. Once you have all the clues, when facing the ocean, head between the last two rows on the right. Tanabe will be the second from the ocean in the left row. Speak with him to deliver the love letter trigger another cutscene leading to the completion of the substory.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 14 Neck-Deep In Love Tanabe

Rewards: You’ll receive the Courage Pendant accessory which nullifies the fear status ailment.

15 Samurai, May We Walk Together?

Location: Honolulu / West Aloha Beach south of Kana’s Coconut Juice Stand

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 15 Samurai, May We Walk Together? Map Location

Follow along Aloha Beach heading west to reach West Aloha Beach. After passing Kana’s Coconut Juice Stand, a cutscene will trigger as you near the lifeguard station. During Ichi will be on his way to enjoy the beach when he notices two guys harassing a lady. Being the hero that he is, Kasuga gets involved leading to a fight with 2 level 9 Pick-Up Artists. Defeat them to scare them away trigger another cutscene. Ichiban will then be swarmed by a group of guys calling him a samurai. Eventually, they will then ask Ichi to let them interview him. Select “All right, I guess” to get it started.

Nathan will give Kasuga a rundown of the show then ask Kasuga if he’s ready to get started. Select “Okay, I’ll do my best” to start the show! Next Ichi will be put in a number of different scenarios where he’ll have to choose something from a group of objects.

Correct ChoiceReward
Rice and Millet?Confidence
…The hatKindness
Shuriken (any one)None

For the last segment, the crew returns to the beach so Kasuga can breathe underwater using a bamboo shoot. When you get there, a cutscene will trigger with Nathan’s rival, James. Naturally this leads to a fight where Kasuga has to lay the smack down on a group of 4 level 9 a-holes! Defeat them for one last cutscene leading to the completion of the subquest.

Rewards: Bright Yellow Sweets that heal 300 HP and 100 MP and Nathan will be available to summon with Poundmates. You’ll receive a second Bright Yellow Sweets set if you choose all the Japanese options during the choices.

19 Home to Roost

Location: Honolulu / West Aloha Beach near the Crystal Aloha Resort

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 19 Home to Roost Map Location

This substory becomes available once you unlock Poundmates. Head over to the western part of West Aloha Beach, near the Crystal Aloha Resort, and look for a group of red umbrellas along the beach. The leftmost group of umbrellas will have one with an open beach chair. Interact with it, then select “Look out, chair!” to start napping. When you wake up, Kasuga will feel a bit heavier kicking off the substory.

After you regain control of Kasuga, take Joesph to the ABC store before time runs out. Head east along the beach, then go north through the Sumos and follow the resort to the road. Cross there to reach the ABC store and start a cutscene. After it ends, you’ll have to fight a pair of level 9 poachers. Once you take them down, another cutscene will trigger completing the substory.

20 A Better Bat

The A Better Bat substory is started automatically during the story in Chapter 4. You’ll be sent to Julie’s Gearworks to get Kasuga’s bat repaired which also introduces the crafting mechanic in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth. You’ll get 5 Electric Fragments to use on crafting the Hero’s Bat. After doing that, a cutscene will trigger leading to a battle to try out your newly upgraded weapon against a Level 11 Troublesome Customer. Defeating him triggers another cutscene that will complete out the substory.

Rewards: Crafting will be unlocked

22 Rise and Grind

Location: Honolulu / Anaconda – along Anaconda Boulevard on the north side across from the Anaconda Shopping Center

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 22 Rise and Grind Map Location

Head over to Cafe Soramame and interact with the three people at the entrance. Choose “Knock it off, guys” when prompted to start a fight with a pair of level 13 local thugs. After defeating them, you’ll meet Mameoka, who will share his story with Kasuga over a cup of coffee. After some time passes, return to Cafe Soramane to trigger a cutscene by interacting with the crowd at the entrance. After the cutscene, head west down Anaconda Blvd, then southwest at the trolley stop to reach Twilight Dr in the Cultural District.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 22 Rise and Grind Twilight Dr Map Location

Go west down the street and turn left into an alley just before the Hyper Ecstasy Adult Shop. Speak with the journalist there which will lead to a fight against a group of 4 level 19 enemies. Choose “Sorata” after the fight to trigger another cutscene and close out the substory.

Rewards: You’ll unlock Mameoka in Poundmates

23 The More, the Plumeria

Location: Honolulu / Downtown at the gazebo in Sunset Park

Head over to the gazebo at Sunset Park, then go to the tree with the blooming flowers on the right. Kasuga will comment on them. After that, make your way to Anaconda Harbor Park, south of Anaconda Shopping Center. You’ll find another one of the trees there near a cow. Approach it again for Kasuga to make a comment about it.

Next head to West Waikiki and make your way to the corner of Waikiki St and Momo St across the road from Seaworthy Treasures. Locate Palm Tree Emporium and interact with the couple standing out front there.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 22 The More, The Plumeria Map Location

After the scene plays out, head east down Waikiki St to find the girl looking at some blue flowers. Interact with her then select “Talk to her” when prompted to finally officially start the substory also kicking off a cutscene. You’ll want to select “Yup, let’s go” to head off in search of the flower when prompted. This will lead into another cutscene that ends with a fight between 2 Level 17 Honolulu Sumos. Defeat them then when the cutscene ends, head to Downtown north of the Anaconda Shopping Center to find another Plumeria tree in Sunset Park. Interact with the tree to receiver a call from Aina to learn that Jesse is leaving this evening. Travel to the Art Walls in the Cultural District near Psychedelic Coffee while keeping an eye out for enemies. If you are doing this early on in Chapter 4, they might be a bit higher level than you. Speak with Aina when you get there to begin constructing the lei. During this event, you’ll have a personality chance. Check out the list below to see which stats are increased with which choice. You can pick any choice you want, but the “Age isn’t everything” goes more with the substory than the others. Either way, then the cutscene ends the substory will be completed.

Travel to West Waikiki and go to the corner of Waikiki St and Momo St, across from Seaworthy Treasures. Look for Palm Tree Emporium and talk to the couple out front. After that, go east down Waikiki St and find the girl checking out some blue flowers. Interact with her and choose “Talk to her” when prompted to officially start the substory and trigger a cutscene. Choose “Yup, let’s go” to start looking for the flower, leading to another cutscene and a fight with 2 Level 17 Honolulu Sumos.

Once you defeat them, head to Downtown north of the Anaconda Shopping Center to find another Plumeria tree in Sunset Park. Interact with the tree to get a call from Aina, learning that Jesse is leaving this evening. Travel to the Art Walls in the Cultural District near Psychedelic Coffee, being mindful of any enemies as they will probably be at a higher level than you are depending how far you are in the game. Speak with Aina to start making the lei. During this event, you’ll have a personality chance. Check below to see which stats are increased with each choice.

Personality Chance

  • Adults are just sexier. – Style
  • No, younger girls are great. – Confidence
  • Age isn’t everything. – Kindness

After the cutscene, the substory will be completed.

Rewards: Pareo of Happiness accessory

24 Let It Snow

Location: Honolulu / West Waikiki in front of Mohala Shave Ice

Approach Mohala Shave Ice along Aloha St to trigger a cutscene where a desperate old man will order a large shaved ice with no flavoring and throw it onto his head. Kasuga, concerned about the man, decided to check up on him. Follow the man to Momo St. in northwestern Little Japan where he is trying to purchase more ice. Speak with him to learn more about his situation. Ichi will then offer to help out.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 24 Let It Snow Map Location

To find out how to make it snow, you’ll need to progress far enough in the story to reach the Anaconda Shopping Center. Once you’re there, head for the escalators near the Hilo Hattie store on the 1st floor of the shopping center. A cutscene will trigger when you get close enough leading to a chase sequence. Once you catch the target, a fight will ensue against a trio of Level 17 enemies due to a misunderstanding. Defeat them to trigger another cutscene.

After it concludes, set out for the hotel across from Kiryu’s to meet up with our old friends. Speak with Gondawara there and select “Ready.” when prompted. This will trigger one last cutscene leading to the completing of the substory.

Rewards: Patriarch Gondawara will become available in Poundmates.

25 Embrace Your Wild Side

Location: Honolulu / Anaconda in the Anaconda Shopping Center

Head up to the 2nd floor of the Anaconda Shopping Center, then go to the center of the area. Once there, find the stage with the giant flamingos and approach it to start an event. Then, go over to the crowd and interact with them to listen in on the concert. This will lead to a cutscene where Kasuga meets the artist.

After a while, go to the western area of Worldwide Market Village in West Waikiki and stroll along the sidewalk. This will trigger another cutscene where Matt gets asked for an autograph.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 25 Embrace Your Wilde Side Matt Location

After that, go back to the Anaconda Shopping Center and head up to the second floor near the stage. You’ll spot Matt near one of the pillars. Approach him and interact with the group to see another cutscene, but this time you’ll have to battle 3 level 12 Threatening Men. Once you defeat them, Matt will invite Kasuga out for drinks (he’s buying) to talk about some things that have been bothering him.

Head to Fancy Cookies on River St in the Aloha Bridge area and walk south along the sidewalk. This will trigger another cutscene where Kasuga runs into Matt. Then, go to the northeastern part of Japantown at the corner of Sakura St and Makani Ave. Visit Barnesby Family Care to find the kid from the last cutscene. Interact with him to learn more before speaking with him on the nearby bench.

After talking with the kid, go to Treasure Select Pawn in Chinatown at the northwestern corner of Honolulu. Head inside and speak with Matt there.

Travel to East Aloha Beach and visit Aloha Beach Juicery. Look for Pete west of the building and talk to him. Choose “Yeah, let’s go” when prompted. This will trigger a final cutscene, completing the substory.

Rewards: Signed Golem T-Shirt

27 The Pursuit of Realism

Location: Honolulu / Harbor Park at the eastern end of Harbor St

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 27 The Pursuit of Realism Map Location

Head to the bridge at the east end of Harbor St and a cutscene will trigger where Kasuga sees two guys threatening an old man. He’ll show off his skills and sprint across the road to battle two Level 12 Menancing Men. After taking care of them, the old man will tell Kasuga that he is what his film needs! When prompted, choose “Let’s roll!” then “How does this work?” to get the party started! For his scene, Kasuga will have to run down the road while avoiding cars and explosions before the time runs out. You’ll have 3 chances to pull this off if you want to earn the Reflex Booster, a bonus reward. After crossing the finish line, a last cutscene will trigger, completing the substory.

Rewards: Kaiser’s Change Holder accessory, a Reflex Booster (increases base Agility), and Bony Kashiwa will become available in Poundmates

28 An Authentic Blockbuster

Location: Honolulu / Downtown along Sunset St near Makani Coffee

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 28 An Authentic Blockbuster

To start this substory, complete substory 15 “Samurai, May We Walk Together?” and substory 27 “The Pursuit of Realism.” Then, go to the location and approach the bench where James is sitting looking mopey. Kasuga will offer to help him. Choose “Bony Kashiwa” when prompted to gain points in Intellect. Kasuga will then assume the role of a stuntman once again. When ready, select “Fine… I’ll help” and then “I’ll go with you” to begin. This will be similar to the Pursuit of Realism, but this time you’ll be dodging semi-trucks. You’ll need to reach the goal in 40 seconds without getting hit, and you’ll have 3 chances to do it. Once you succeed, another cutscene will trigger, completing the substory.

Rewards: Modified Rocket Launcher (does 600 fire damage)

30 Close Encounters of the Bird Kind

Location: Honolulu / West Waikiki at the corner of Kaku Ave and Waikiki St

Approach the Pacific Mansions building to trigger a cutscene with a lady talking to a cop about her chicken getting abducted by a UFO. When the conversation ends, head to Worldwide Market Village via the northern entrance and speak with the girl who’ll be sitting on a bench and choose “Get involved” to join Karen on a stakeout for UFOs.

Wait until the next night then Karen should be back at Worldwide Market Village. Head there and speak with her choosing “Let’s go” when prompted. This will trigger a cutscene leading to a choice. Make sure to choose “Go big or go home, I guess.” to get a boost in Confidence. You’ll then want to move the slider so the bar is halfway full and says “Right there”. This will reward you some Passion points too.

Bringing it down leads to a battle against the Level 29 UFO. The UFO itself is weak to gun and fire attacks while its charger is weak to electric attacks. You’ll want to destroy the charger first then focus on the UFO. Once you defeat the UFO a cutscene will end leading to the completion of the substory.

Rewards: Antique Coin Accessory for the Desperados job, Hibiscus Hair Band accessory for the Geodancer job and the UFO becomes available in Poundmates

31 Let’s Get Alo-Happy!

Location: Honolulu / West Waikiki – At Alo-Happy Tours in Worldwide Market Village

This substory starts automatically during the main story in Chapter 5 after you reach the travel agency. It’s a tutorial that teaches you how to change jobs and includes some extra activities the party can do. In this substory, we’ll be doing the Diving Tour with Kasuga during which he’ll unlock the Aquanaunt job. After completing the tutorial, the substory will be completed.

Rewards: Job changing is unlocked and you’ll be able to participate in activities to gain new jobs

32 Tropical Photo Rally

Location: Honolulu / West Waikiki – At Alo-Happy Tours in Worldwide Market Village

This substory starts automatically in chapter 5 as part of the main story after you finish substory 31Let’s Get Alo-Happy! You’ll receive clues about items you need to find and take pictures of. Once the talking palm tree disappears, take a photo of the palm tree man cutout in front of Alo-Happy Tours. Show it to Alo-Happy to finish the side quest.

Rewards: You can participate in the Tropical Photo Rally for additional rewards

33 The Island at Rock Bottom

This substory starts automatically during the main story in chapter 6. You’ll be taken to Dondoko Island, where you’ll meet its mascots, Gachapin and Mukku. The owner, Matayoshi, will then appear and explain the island’s situation to you. Feeling sorry for them, Kasuga decides to help out. First, you’ll have to destroy 10 piles of trash with your bat. Once that’s done, some pirates will show up to interfere with your progress. Defeat them by hitting them with your bat to trigger a cutscene leading to the end of the substory.

Rewards: Dondoko Island is unlocked

34 Legend of the Labyrinth

This substory automatically starts during the main story in chapter 5 as a tutorial for dungeons. While helping patrol the Riverside Walk, the group stumbles upon a labyrinth. A Labyrinth Bum then appears and explains the labyrinth, asking for a tip afterwards. Giving him money boosts Kasuga’s confidence, and the more you pay, the more confidence you’ll gain. After talking to him, the party will enter the dungeon. Inside, you’ll need to fight your way through the enemies, moving floor by floor until you reach the boss room. There, you’ll have to battle 3 clowns on stilts (1 level 19 and 2 level 18). You can deal massive damage using electric attacks as that’s their weakness. Once they go down, the group will rescue the captive and bring him back topside, completing the substory.

Rewards: Jet Surfboard and the Labyrinth Dungeon is unlocked

36 Relics from the Past

To begin the Relics from the Past substory, interact with the excavators on West Aloha Beach during Chapter 13. Afterwards, head east along the beach and approach the mother and girl next to a man wearing a top hat. During the cutscene, you’ll meet a blast from the past who is now setting up an aquarium. You’ll need to leave the area then return to the spot you spoke with Yasuda. This time he’ll run up to you carrying electrified buckets. Before catching up to Yasuda, make sure to save as you’re about to fight the 2 excavators! Both are Level 31 and are weak to water! Defeat the machines to complete the substory!

Rewards: Gorgeous Rubber Gloves

37 Choosing Your Starter

You’ll start this substory automatically in chapter 4 while visiting the Anaconda Shopping Center during the main story. Kasuga will get a message from the Sujimon Sensei saying that he’s in Hawaii and has something to show us. Make your way to the PC shop on the 2nd floor of the mall to find him. Approach the sensei to trigger a cutscene that leads to Ichi participating in a Sujimon battle where the game will walk you through how it works.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Choosing Your Starter

After the battle, the Sujimon Sensei will then show Kasuga how to capture Sujimon by using Suji Gifts. Ichi will then be able to pick one of 3 Sujimon to raid against and capture!

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 37 Choosing Your Starter Nature Type
Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Choosing Your Starter Fire Starter
Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 37 Choosing Your Starter Frost Type

Once you’ve done that, another cutscene will trigger leading to the end of the substory.

Rewards: The Sujimon League is unlocked

43 A Man Named Asakura

Location: Honolulu / West Waikiki at the corner of Aloha St and River St

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth A Man Named Asakura Map Location

As soon as you approach the location for this substory, a cutscene will trigger with Asakura. Unlike other substories, you won’t get the option to start it later. Instead, you’ll be thrown into a fight with a level 12 Asakura using only Kasuga. Once you defeat him another cutscene will trigger and the substory will complete.

Rewards: Kasuga learns the skill Merciless Melee

44 A Changed Man

Location: Honolulu / Shipper’s Wharf at the Docks

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Substories 44 A Changed Man Map Location

To unlock this substory, complete substory 43 “A Man Named Asakura” first. Then, wait for some time to pass. Asakura will message Kasuga about a rematch. Head to Shipper’s Wharf, located in the southwestern part of the map, south of the Cultural District. Go to the docks to find Asakura and speak with him. Choose “Ready when you are” to start the fight against a level 26 Asakura, using only Kasuga. Beat him to trigger another cutscene that concludes the substory.

Rewards: Kasuga will learn the Heart of a Champion skill

45 The Final Showdown for Real

Location: Honolulu / Shipper’s Wharf on the docks

In order to unlock this substory, you’ll first need to complete Substory 44 A Changed Man. Once that’s been done, wait for some time to pass then Asakura will message Kasuga that he’s ready for one last showdown. Head to the docks in Shipper’s Wharf (same place as before) to find Asakura, but he’s not alone. Interact with him to observe his conversation with the group. This will lead to Asakura and Kasuga’s fight. Select “Bring it on” when prompted to begin. This time around, you’ll be facing a Level 33 Asakura. He’ll occasionally use a skill to boost his Crit Chance, but besides that, it’s mainly the same as the last fight. Once he goes down, a cutscene will trigger leading to the completion of the substory.

Rewards: Knockout Combo Skill for Kasuga

46 A Man Facing the Future

Location: Honolulu / Shipper’s Wharf on the docks

In order to unlock this substory, you’ll first need to complete Substory 45 The Final Showdown for Real. After doing that, wait for some time to pass and you’ll get a message from Asakura asking Kasuga to meet him at the docks. Head there and speak with him to trigger a cutscene during which you’ll learn it was a setup to get you both here. You’ll then be thrown into battle against 3 waves of Level 43 enemies. After defeating the last three, another cutscene will trigger finally ending this substory chain for good.

Rewards: Brawler God’s Mouthguard and Asakura becomes available in Poundmates.

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